Title: Unit 2- The Development of Western Canada
1Unit 2- The Development of Western Canada
- After Confederation the country expanded west at
an astonishing rate. - The changes disrupted the lives of Metis and
Aboriginal peoples in the West. - Two uprisings occurred, one in 1869-70 and one in
1885. - The North-West Mounted Police (later the RCMP)
were created to help keep order. - By 1885 the Canadian Pacific Railway ran from the
Atlantic ocean to the Pacific. - And 2 new provinces were created, Alberta and
Sir John A. Macdonald
2Trouble at Red River
- In 1869 the Hudsons Bay Company sells Ruperts
Land to Canada. - The largest group of people in the Red River
colony were Metis. - The Metis were people of mixed heritage,
Aboriginal and European. Their ways were not
entirely Aboriginal, nor were they European. - Many earned their livings as farmers, while
others earned their living hauling goods in carts
for the trading companies or as agents of the fur
- When Ruperts Land was sold, the Canadian
government wasnt allowed to establish rule until
December. - For almost a year, the colony had no legal
government to protect their rights. - But before taking control the Canadian government
sent out surveyors to the Red River settlement. - The Metis were worried because they had no
documents that proved the land was theirs. - They were worried of other settlers coming in and
taking their land, plus they had heard a rumour
the government was planning to create a railway
through their land. - The Metis of Red River turned for leadership to
Louis Riel
3Resistance at Red River 1869-70
- National Committee of the Metis created to decide
how to protect Metis Land. - William McDougall is appointed Lieutenant-Govenor
for the North-West Territories. He heads to the
colony to establish a Canadian government for the
territory. - When McDougall arrives at the settlement he is
not allowed to enter and is told their will be no
governor without Metis consultation. - Louis Riel takes over Fort Garry. From this
position the Metis can control the colony.
William McDougall
4Resistance at Red River 1869-70
- The Metis set up a Provisional government to
replace the Hudsons Bay Company rule. - Sir John A. Macdonald sends a messenger to find
out what the people of Red River want. The
colony does not belong to Canada until December
1st, 1869. - The Metis draw up a Bill of Rights with their
requests and send it to Ottawa. - Settlers from Ontario protest and are jailed by
Riel and the Provisional Government 1870
5Resistance at Red River 1869-70
- Thomas Scott threatens to escape and kill Riel.
Riel orders Scott brought to trial. - Scott is found guilty of disobedience to the
lawful government and within 24 hours if brought
before a firing squad. - Riels Provisional government works out an
agreement with Ottawa called the Manitoba Act. - On July 15th, 1870 Manitoba becomes the fifth
province. - Fearing for his life, Riel flees to the United
- The Metis Bill of Rights
- Major requests
- 1) the right to enter Canadas confederation as a
province. - 2) the right to elect and send four Members of
Parliament to Ottawa. - 3) control over their own local affairs.
- 4) the right to use both French and English
languages especially in schools and law courts. - 5) the right to keep their customs, tradition,
and Metis way of life.
6Depictions of the Execution of Thomas Scott
Painting of Fort Garry
Fort Garry
7Chapter 9 The North-West Mounted Police
- For years people in the North-West were without a
real police force to enforce any of the laws. - There were numerous outlaws and whiskey traders
in the area. Without a police force to stop
them, they could do pretty much whatever they
wanted. - Parliament decided to form the North-West Mounted
Police. - The duties of the force were to keep peace,
prevent crime and catch criminals. It would be a
mounted force. - A chain of posts would be build from Manitoba to
the Rocky Mountains. The troops would wear
bright red scarlet jackets. - Red was chosen to it was to represent the British
empire and also to distinguish the Mounties from
the US Calvary which wore the more traditional
police blue.
8Treaties with Aboriginal Peoples
- A treaty is an agreement between peoples or
nations, often for friendship, peace, or the
purchase of lands and property. - After Confederation the Canadian government
wanted to open the western lands form settlement.
- To make this happen the government had to
approach the Aboriginal peoples to give up their
lands. - The government wanted them to move onto reserves.
Reserves were pieces of land set aside for
Aboriginal peoples. Other people could not
settle, hunt or fish in these areas.
North-West Mounted Police Uniform
9Treaties with Aboriginal Peoples
- The Governments View
- The government thought the people of the plains
should farm the land. - In the governments view, farming was a good
alternative way of life for the plains people. - By teaching the plains people how to farm and by
giving them land, the government thought it was
doing what was best for the Aboriginal peoples
- Aboriginal Nations View
- The Aboriginal peoples did not want to be treated
like children. - They had little experience of farming and did not
want to be farmers. - For centuries they had established their own
governments and lived by their own laws. - They felt they had the right to choose their way
of life and to preserve their culture and
10Why did Aboriginal Peoples Sign Treaties?
- 1) The Disappearance of the Buffalo
- by the 1870s Buffalo hunting had become a sport.
- Farmers and ranchers complained they destroyed
pastures and trampled crops. - Because of the railway, many Buffalo refused to
cross the tracks. - By 1879 the Buffalo was almost extinct.
11The Buffalo Hunt
12The Buffalo Hunt
13Why did Aboriginal Peoples Sign Treaties?
- 2) Increasing Settlement
- Now that the North-West police were around it was
much safer to settle west. - The railway also made the west much easier to
reach for more settlers. - The Aboriginal peoples were worried about losing
more land. Maybe the treaties offered a better
solution to their problems.
14Historical Aboriginal Treaties
15Why did Aboriginal Peoples Sign Treaties?
- 3) Sickness and Disease
- Europeans brought with them measles, tuberculosis
and smallpox. - Aboriginal people had not developed immunity to
them. - The diseases severely lowered the numbers and
spirits of the Aboriginal people.
16More Pictures
Gabriel Dumont -famous Metis buffalo hunter. He
was an important player in the 1885
rebellion. -he worked for Buffalo Bills
travelling wild west show as a sharpshooter.
North-West Police meet with Aboriginals
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