Title: 101 6,8-Mar
1101 6,8-Mar
Discussion of algorithms for exact
matches Hashing, Binary trees a,c,g,t 00, 01,
10, 11 log2(N) 34 Ntarget sequence length e.g.
3E9 mtotal of query lengths, E9 people
30E9bp(5X) O(mN) vs O(mlogN) E29 vs E21
2101 6-Mar To do list draft
1. Mike Bioweather HapMap 2. Chris Code
HapMap-OMIM PG processing 3. Resmi Prob of
disease lifetime NHS access 4. Kay Regulatory
elements conserved 5. Hettman Modeling C
sequestration Cyanob. SALP.model geographical
pump nutrients up. 6. Cynthia Disease host
coevol 7. Tiffany Flu 1918 smRNA 1800 sequences
TIGR. map 8. Deniz Zn(mod4) Clustering
Metagene. Universal sequence library. 9. Xiaodi
image patterns UI find order 10. Katie talk
Broad. Anticip. GenePattern. Algorithms for
string matching 11. Zach environ allerg corr
SNPs 500K Entrez compare with random admixture