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MMSPEED Multipath Multi-SPEED Protocol for QoS Guarantee of Reliability and Timeliness in Wireless Sensor Networks A paper by Felemban, Lee, and Ekici – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Multipath Multi-SPEED Protocol for QoS Guarantee
of Reliability and Timeliness in Wireless Sensor
Networks A paper by Felemban, Lee, and
Ekici IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Vol.
5, No. 6, June 06 Presented by Derek Pennington
1 Introduction
  • Wireless sensor networks can be used for many
    mission-critical applications
  • Military, emergency response, etc.
  • Can have diverse real-time requirements
  • eg different notification deadlines when
    tracking slow targets vs. fast targets
  • Can have diverse reliability requirements
  • eg forest fire notification delivery must be
    guaranteed, whereas normal, safe temps not as
  • Mix of periodic aperiodic data
  • Event-driven response vs. proactive environment

1 Introduction
  • Existing QoS path discovery / recovery techniques
    too costly for mission-critical apps
  • Protocols offer only partial solutions
  • Timeliness, but not reliability
  • Reliability, but not timeliness
  • Handle periodic, but not aperiodic data
  • Solution Authors propose MMSPEED routing
  • Spans both network MAC layers
  • Provides QoS guarantees for timeliness AND
  • Differentiates QoS priorities based on
    urgency/value of data.
  • Localized decision-making. No need for end-to-end
    path discovery.

Order of Presentation Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Related Protocols / Services
  • MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • MMSPEED MAC Layer Details
  • Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Experimental Results / Power Consumption
  • Wrap-Up, Q A

2 Related Work
Related Protocols / Services
  • AFS ReInforM
  • Provide reliability guarantees via path
  • Require knowledge of the network topology
  • Limited speed prioritization capability
  • ReInforM is also discussed in P10s
    Introduction section
  • Implicit EDF (Earliest Deadline First)
  • End-to-end deadline guarantee, but only for
    periodic data
  • Periods must be known in advance

2 Related Work
  • RAP
  • Speed prioritization
  • No end-to-end deadline guarantee
  • Mobicast
  • Wakes-up sleeping sensors in time for data
  • Assumes reliable time-bounded transmissions
    between every sensor pair
  • Uses all nodes in large forwarding zones for
    packet forwarding
  • Localized geographic forwarding (w/o knowledge of
    network topology)
  • End-to-end deadline guarantee (one speed only)
  • No reliability guarantee

2 Related Work
  • No existing protocol can achieve ALL of the
  • Service differentiation guarantee for both
    timeliness reliability
  • Localized packet delivery w/o knowledge of
    network topology
  • Overcoming less-reliable and unbounded
    transmissions over wireless links

except for MMSPEED !!
Order of Presentation Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Related Protocols / Services
  • MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • MMSPEED MAC Layer Details
  • Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Experimental Results / Power Consumption
  • Wrap-Up, Q A

MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • Two main goals of the protocol
  • Localized packet routing decisions w/o knowledge
    of global network topology or pre-arranged path
  • Provide differentiated QoS options in terms of
  • Timeliness
  • and
  • Reliability

Goal 1 localized packet routing w/o knowledge
of global network topology or pre-arranged path
  • Each node knows its physical, geographic location
  • Absolute via GPS or relative to other nodes via
    distributed location services
  • Packet destinations are specified by these
    physical locations rather than node IDs
  • Node location information exchanged via periodic
    location update packets
  • Therefore, each node knows where it is and where
  • neighbors are (within radio range).

Goal 1 localized packet routing w/o knowledge
of global network topology or pre-arranged path
  • Knowing the final geographic destination of a
    packet, a node can determine the best neighbor
    node to send to
  • Not taking into account congestion
    characteristics, etc, this would normally be the
    neighbor closest to the final node
  • In this manner, a packet will eventually reach
    its final destination

But what if theres a lake (or some other void)
in the middle of the network?
  • The authors propose back-pressure packets as a
    means of addressing this.
  • Will be explained in a few slides

MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • Two main goals of the protocol
  • Localized packet routing decisions w/o knowledge
    of global network topology or pre-arranged path
  • Provide differentiated QoS options in terms of
  • Timeliness
  • and
  • Reliability

NEXT (this will take longer to explain!)
Goal 2A Provide differentiated QoS options in
terms of timeliness.
  • First, lets discuss how we might guarantee a
    single level of QoS.
  • This is what the SPEED protocol does.
  • SPEED can guarantee a minimum network-wide
    packet speed from any source to any sink.
  • The papers authors refer to this guaranteed
    speed as SetSpeed.

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic How SPEED guarantees a single level
    of QoS in terms of timeliness.

An example of how SPEED works
  • Node i wants to send a packet to node k, but
    cant because k is 100 meters away and outside of
    radio range.
  • i chooses to send to an intermediate node j, who
    is 20 meters closer to k.
  • By the time the packet from i reaches j, 0.1
    seconds have elapsed.
  • due to time spent queuing, processing, and
    resolving MAC collisions

Notice that the packets distance to final
destination (node k) shrank by 20 meters in 0.1
  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic How SPEED guarantees a single level
    of QoS in terms of timeliness.

Therefore, the packets speed from i to k (by way
of j) is 200 meters per second
  • Remember each node can calculate distances to
    neighbors thanks to location update packets.
  • The SPEED protocol also calls for each node to
    maintain estimates of delayi,j values to each
  • Thus, each node has the capability to estimate
    to each neighbor node.

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic How SPEED guarantees a single level
    of QoS in terms of timeliness.

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic How SPEED guarantees a single level
    of QoS in terms of timeliness.

Back-Pressure Packets
  • In addition, in these cases of congestion, nodes
    may issue back-pressure packets to neighbors to
    reduce incoming traffic.
  • This back-pressure mechanism also happens to
    solve the network void problem mentioned
  • By alerting other nodes to divert traffic,
    alternate routes around holes will eventually be

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic How SPEED guarantees a single level
    of QoS in terms of timeliness.
  • Thus, weve discussed how the SPEED protocol can
    guarantee a single level of QoS in terms of
  • Using that knowledge, well now learn how MMSPEED
    builds upon SPEED to offer multiple QoS
    timeliness guarantees.

Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of timeliness.
L 2 (in this case)
Conceptually, you could think of MMSPEED as being
L number of SPEED layers over top of one physical
network. Each individual speed layer l
(lowercase L) guarantees a corresponding
Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of timeliness.
  • To accomplish this virtual layering, MMSPEED
  • employs two notions
  • Virtual isolation among the layers
  • Dynamic compensation of local decisions
  • Another way to put it downstream compensation
    for decisions made upstream

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Virtual isolation among the speed

The goal of virtual isolation is to minimize
the impact that one layer has on another.
  • When a packet arrives at a node, the node must
    first classify the message based on the urgency
    of its contents
  • Did this packets source node sense a forest
    fire, or just same typical data?
  • The packet is placed into one of L priority
    queues based on urgency.
  • More on urgency in a moment
  • Packets in higher layers cannot be delayed by
    packets in lower layers.

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Virtual isolation among the speed
  • However, the randomness of the MAC layers
    CSMA/CA behavior can disturb the transmission
    order originally determined by the priority
  • CSMA/CA Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with
    Collision Avoidance
  • Thus, MMSPEEDs authors also propose changes to
    the MAC protocol.
  • Will be discussed later in the slideshow

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Dynamic compensation for local
  • About urgency classification
  • We can imagine that the system designers /
    customers will come to an agreement on the speeds
    at which certain kinds of events will need to be
  • For example, a requirements agreement might say
  • Report a forest fire within 10 seconds of
  • Report a frost warning within 30 seconds of
  • Report a change of or 5 degrees within 45
    seconds of detection.
  • Thus, we have a notion of deadlines for certain
    kinds of sensed events.

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Dynamic compensation for local
  • MMSPEED ensures that these deadlines are met by
    recomputing the remaining time to deadline at
    each hop.
  • The required speed of a packet (ReqSpeed), then,
    can be computed as follows

Distance packet x is from final destination node
Minimum speed packet x must travel toward final
destination node d.
Maximum time packet x is allowed to take to reach
final destination node d.
  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Dynamic compensation for local
  • Once the packets ReqSpeed is known, the nodes
    urgency classifier can pick the proper speed
    layer (SetSpeedl) for the packet

The speed layer chosen by the nodes urgency
From speed layer 1 to L, find the slowest speed
layer j such that
speed layer j can guarantee that packet x will
travel toward its final destination node at a
speed greater than or equal to the ReqSpeed of x.
  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Dynamic compensation for local
  • Computing a packets remaining time to deadline
    (ie deadline(x)) is not as easy as one might
    think, primarily because MMSPEED assumes that all
    nodes in the network have accurate, but not
    globally synchronized clocks.
  • Therefore, MMSPEED has each node keep track of
    its contribution to the packets overall delay
    as it progresses toward the final destination
  • This is accomplished by storing a telapsed field
    in the packets header, which is the running
    total of the combined delay from upstream nodes.

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Dynamic compensation for local
  • How telapsed is computed
  • When a node receives the last bit of a packet x,
    the MAC layer tags a tarrival field in the
    packets header.
  • MMSPEED spends some time figuring out which speed
    layer to use, which neighbor node to send to,
  • Once processing is done and the packet is ready
    to be sent, the MAC layer notes the current clock
    time (tdeparture), as well as the packets length
    and the transmission output rate of the node
  • So our new telapsed time, then, is the original
    value for telapsed plus the departure time
    (tdeparture) minus the arrival time (tarrival)
    plus the little bit of extra time it takes to get
    the full packet out the door (ttransDelay)

  • Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
    options in terms of timeliness.
  • Sub-topic Dynamic compensation for local
  • The MAC layer updates telapsed in the packets
    header and makes its first attempt to send the
    packet on the physical layer.
  • However, the first attempt is not always
    successful, and the MAC layer may need to resend
    multiple times before receiving an ACK from the
    neighbor node.
  • Each successive resend attempt delays the packet
    a little bit more, so the MAC layer will update
    telapsed each time to ensure an accurate value.
  • When the neighbor node finally receives this
    packet x, he is able to compute remaining time to
    deadline (deadline(x)) as follows
  • deadline(x) deadline(x) telapsed tpropDelay
  • where tpropDelay represents the propagation
    delay between any
  • two nodes (negligibly small).

Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of timeliness.
  • Recap How MMSPEED processes packet x at a given
  • MAC layer tags tarrival to incoming packet x.
  • MMSPEED computes packet xs remaining time to
  • deadline(x) deadline(x) telapsed tpropDelay
  • MMSPEED computes required send speed for packet
  • MMSPEED puts packet x into appropriate speed
    layer priority queue as follows
  • Speed layer module uses SPEED logic to select
    best candidate node j as the send target for
    packet x.
  • When its time to send packet x, MAC layer
    updates telapsed with each send attempt

Goal 2A (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of timeliness.
Differentiated Timeliness QoS Summary Discussion
  • Because were recomputing remaining time to
    deadline and required speed at each hop, a
    particular packet will naturally be bumped up or
    down in priority as it gets ahead of or behind
    schedule on its way to the final destination
  • Via these means, we have some level of assurance
    that if a packet reaches its final destination
    node, it satisfies the end-to-end deadline
    requirement for the sensed event.
  • However, in a congested system, nodes may just
    drop packets. How do we ensure that our packet
    wont be dropped by the system?

MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • Two main goals of the protocol
  • Localized packet routing decisions w/o knowledge
    of global network topology or pre-arranged path
  • Provide differentiated QoS options in terms of
  • Timeliness
  • and
  • Reliability

Goal 2B Provide differentiated QoS options in
terms of reliability.
  • Just like the timeliness requirements agreement,
    we can imagine a
  • system designer and customer negotiating
    reliability requirements for
  • certain events.
  • For example
  • A forest fire notification must be reported to
    the main station with 95 reliability.
  • A frost warning must be reported to the main
    station with 85 reliability.
  • A change in temperature of or 5 degrees must
    be reported with 75 reliability.
  • The specific system parameter for each of these
    end-to-end reliability
  • requirements is denoted as Preq. For example, in
    the forest fire
  • bullet, Preq 0.95.

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • Some things to consider
  • In dense sensor networks, there are likely MANY
    potential paths from a source node to a sink
  • As long as timeliness requirements are met, we
    dont necessarily need to take the shortest
  • Sometimes, its better to take a slightly longer
    route, because the shortest routes may be heavily
  • A means of load-balancing the network.
  • MMSPEED keeps all of these points in mind when
  • addressing reliability requirements.

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • Knowing that packets can be dropped due to
    congestion, node failure, or path failure
    (excessive noise, etc), MMSPEED adds redundant
    paths as necessary to ensure that reliability
    requirements are met for each sensed event.
  • With each successive node hop, MMSPEED
    reconsiders how many neighbor nodes (ie
    redundant output paths) to send to.
  • These locally-made path adjustments effectively
    maintain an end-to-end level of reliability.

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • How are these local forwarding path decisions
  • Each node calculates reaching probability based
    on two factors
  • Average transmission error (packet loss)
    percentage ei,j
  • This includes
  • intentional packet drops due to congestion
  • packets lost due to errors (noise, etc) on the
    wireless channel
  • MAC layer loss estimation (will be described
  • Geographic hop distances to each neighbor node
    (as already discussed).

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
Using those two factors a node i can estimate
reachability of a packet from node i to sink node
d via a neighbor node j as follows
Reaching Probability from node i to node d via
node j
The probability that a packet sent from node i
will reach node j successfully.
The estimated hop-count from intermediate node j
to sink node d. This assumes that, for each hop
from j toward d, the per-hop progress toward d
will average-out to be roughly equal to our
progress toward d when we hopped from source node
i to j. Without knowledge of the global topology,
its essentially a best guess.
We assume, for the moment, that each hop from j
toward d will have the same probability of
success as that of our hop from source node i to
Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • So the previous equation allows us to compute
    reaching probability (RP) from our current node
    to the sink node via one path only.
  • But what if the RP value we get does not satisfy
    Preq? Well have to add another path and see
    what our total reaching probability (TRP) becomes.

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
What happens is that, as we add each new path, we
multiply the new paths reaching probability (RP)
by the already-computed product of the
reaching probabilities of the other paths (what
Im calling TRPold). The formula is as follows
TRPnew 1-(1-0.7)(1-0.6) 0.88 ltlt this
satisfies Preq!
Formula breakdown
  • the probability that none of the already-computed
    paths will successfully deliver the packet to
    sink node d.
  • the probability that this new path from i to d
    via j will fail to deliver the packet
  • the probability that ALL of the paths, old and
    new combined will fail to deliver the packet to
    sink node d
  • the probability that at least one path will
    successfully deliver the packet to sink node d

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • One additional complication Preq needs to be
    modified as we proceed downstream.
  • Consider our little example
  • When we were at node i, Preq was 80. However,
    by transmitting to both nodes j and w, we
    calculated a TRP of 88. We essentially have an
    8 surplus. Looks like were too reliable ?
  • Since were ahead of the game, we can afford to
    back-off slightly, so that our reachability will
    aim for 80 again, rather than 88.
  • We do this by changing Preq at nodes j and w.

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • In this case, we find that we can achieve a TRP
    of 80 again if we set Preq at node j to 60 and
    Preq at node w to 50...
  • TRP 1 - (1-0.6)(1-0.5) 0.8
  • Now, nodes j and w now have less strict
    reliability requirements.
  • In this way, MMSPEED dynamically compensates
    local reachability estimations based on upstream

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • A very thorough example from the paper
  • Notice that as we proceed downstream from source
    node s, Preq changes

Goal 2B (continued) Provide differentiated QoS
options in terms of reliability.
  • Reliability Back-Pressure Packets
  • If a node j cannot satisfy Preq even using all
    possible forwarding nodes, it issues a
    reliability back-pressure packet.
  • The packet contains the best possible TRP that
    node j can expect.
  • Upstream nodes will then reduce their reliability
    expectations of node j.
  • In future packets, these upstream nodes will
    limit Preq for node j to, at most, the TRP value
    they got in node js back-pressure packet.
  • In some situations, back-pressure messaging may
    cascade multiple hops upstream.
  • In the extreme case, this back-pressure cascade
    can propagate all the way to the source node.
  • In that situation, Preq values will be reassigned
    to the source nodes immediate neighbors, and
    theyll attempt messaging again.

3.3 Discussion of Concurrent Timeliness and
  • End product Timeliness Reliability components
    work together
  • deadline(x) Preq(x) represent a packets
    end-to-end requirements
  • Processing of packet x at node i
  • Classify x into speed layer l based on
  • Speed layer module picks neighbor nodes who
    satisfy SetSpeedl TRP gt Preq.
  • Packet x is sent to chosen neighbors accordingly.

3.3 Discussion of Concurrent Timeliness and
  • Some things to keep in mind
  • We need to ensure parallel progress of packets.
  • Sending one-at-a-time throws off timeline
  • Thus, MAC layer multicast capability needed
  • Will be discussed shortly

3.3 Discussion of Concurrent Timeliness and
  • We can say
  • The probability that a copy xc reaches the sink
    by deadline(x) time is approximately 1.0.
  • In other words
  • P(e2eDelay(xc) deadline(x) xc reaches the
    destination) 1
  • Put another way
  • P(at least one copy reaches destination before

MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • Two main goals of the protocol
  • Localized packet routing decisions w/o knowledge
    of global network topology or pre-arranged path
  • Provide differentiated QoS options in terms of
  • Timeliness
  • and
  • Reliability

Order of Presentation Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Related Protocols / Services
  • MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • MMSPEED MAC Layer Details
  • Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Experimental Results / Power Consumption
  • Wrap-Up, Q A

4 MAC Layer Features to Support MMSPEED Routing
  • MMSPEED requires the following MAC layer
  • Prioritized access to shared medium depending on
    the speed layer
  • Support of individual neighbor average delay
    measurement capability.
  • Partially reliable multicast delivery of
    packets to multiple neighbor nodes
  • Support of individual neighbor loss rate
    measurement capability.

  • 4 MAC Layer Features to Support MMSPEED Routing
  • Sub-topic Prioritized access to the shared
  • Set interframe spacing and backoff intervals
    based on speed layer priority
  • High priority layer gets shortest IFS backoff
  • Low priority layer gets longest IFS backoff
  • etc
  • Map each speed layer to a MAC priority class
  • Higher layers/classes cannot be interrupted by
    lower layers/classes

  • 4 MAC Layer Features to Support MMSPEED Routing
  • Sub-topic Support for measurement of average
    delay at each neighbor

Source Node
Destination Node
  • We compute ?t as such
  • ?t t2 t1 SIFS ACK
  • SIFS is a known MAC layer value
  • ACK is the propagation delay of the ACK message

  • ?t captures the MAC layers contribution to
    delayi,j used by MMSPEED to compute

  • 4 MAC Layer Features to Support MMSPEED Routing
  • Sub-topic Reliable multicast support
  • Some options for MAC multicast support
  • Use RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK w/ all forwarding neighbors
  • Problem serializes transmissions, imposes big
    delays downstream
  • ie hurts timeliness
  • Ignore RTS/CTS/ACK, just send DATA to neighbors
  • Problem probability of successful packet
    delivery is low
  • ie hurts reliability
  • Solution designate one primary neighbor for
    RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK handshake
  • Assume other forwarding neighbors are close by
  • They can eavesdrop transmissions to primary node
  • Transmissions to primary node are guaranteed, and
    highly likely for
  • nearby neighbors.

  • 4 MAC Layer Features to Support MMSPEED Routing
  • Sub-topic Support for loss rate measurement
  • Non-primary nodes will still increment incoming
    frame counts.
  • A node will report frame count to sender in ACK
    whenever selected as primary.
  • Meanwhile, sender nodes increment frames sent to
    each neighbor.
  • Thus, sender can calculate loss rate to current
  • After calculation, both sender and primary reset
    frame counts to zero.
  • These loss rate measurements are used by MMSPEED
    to determine ei,j (which helps find RP)

Order of Presentation Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Related Protocols / Services
  • MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • MMSPEED MAC Layer Details
  • Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Experimental Results / Power Consumption
  • Wrap-Up, Q A

5 Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Remember that the number of speed layers (L) and
    the speeds of each layer (SetSpeedl) are set at
    design time.
  • Authors propose ways to figure out optimal
    settings for these
  • Regarding L
  • The more speed layers, the finer service
    differentiation offered
  • However, means more protocol overhead in
  • Processing power
  • Memory requirements
  • Thus, to determine L, consider the practical
    limits of your hardware.
  • (is it that easy?)

  • 5 Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Sub-topic Determining SetSpeedl
  • Next step Determine SetSpeed for each speed
  • Not as simple ?
  • In fact, fairly complicated ??
  • First, an intuitive concept
  • As SetSpeed increases, packet drop probability
    also increases
  • This means reliability decreases
  • Hence
  • So we must be careful in choosing SetSpeedl for
    each layer

  • 5 Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Sub-topic Determining SetSpeedl
  • During design, consider event locations and
    workload characteristics.
  • For example

Wildlife tracking in a forest
Intrusion detection at a border
  • 5 Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Sub-topic Determining SetSpeedl
  • Authors propose two pseudo-code functions for
    finding SetSpeedl
  • FindSetSpeed(f)
  • for a given workload scale factor f, find
    SetSpeedl (1 l L)
  • Think of workload as processing load or
  • ie the more the system can handle successfully,
    the better
  • this function returns SetSpeedl solutions for all
    L speed layers
  • MaximizeF
  • find the maximum f and the corresponding
    SetSpeedl values for all L speed layers
  • In a loop, do increase f, then call
  • When FindSetSpeed(f) fails, reduce f by one
  • The next call to FindSetSpeed(f) will be the

Order of Presentation Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Related Protocols / Services
  • MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • MMSPEED MAC Layer Details
  • Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Experimental Results / Power Consumption
  • Wrap-Up, Q A

5 Experimental Results / Power Consumption
Experimental Results
  • Performed network simulations using J-SIM
  • MMSPEED compared only vs. SPEED
  • SPEED is the only other available WSN protocol
    providing real-time QoS in a localized manner

EDCF MAC Parameters
Simulation Environment Settings
Experiment 1
Reachability constant 0.5 Delay 0.3 1.0
  • Avg. Delay vs. Flows
  • MMSPEED provides adequate timeliness QoS
    differentiation for even 20 flows little delay
  • SPEED has only 1 level of service and can only
    accommodate 14 flows max
  • Reachability vs. Flows
  • No significant difference between the two
  • Mainly because reliability requirement is
    constant for all

Experiment 2
Reachability 0.7 0.2 Delay constant 1.0
  • Avg. Delay vs. Flows
  • No significant difference between the two
  • Mainly because deadline requirement is constant
    for all
  • Reachability vs. Flows
  • MMSPEED provides adequate reachability QoS
    differentiation for even 20 flows and 70 RP
  • SPEED cannot differentiate service and misses
    requirement for 18 flows

Experiment 3
Reachability 0.7 0.2 Delay 0.3 1.0
  • MMSPEEDs On-Time Reachability
  • Accommodates as many as 18 flows across all 4
    flow groups
  • Can accommodate all 20 flows for some groups
  • SPEEDs On-Time Reachability
  • Accommodates only 12 flows across the 4 flow
  • Due to mixing up all flow groups without any

Experiment 4
Reachability 0.7 0.2 Delay 0.3 1.0
  • Control Packet Overhead
  • MMSPEED surprisingly has less
  • Likely due to
  • loc. update pkts. same for both
  • timeliness back-pressure pkts. higher in SPEED
    since all pkt. classes mixed together
  • MMSPEED has higher back-pressure pkts, but this
    number is still low vs. timeliness back-pressure
  • Data Packet Overhead
  • MMSPEED close to SPEED
  • Likely due to
  • MMSPEED typically duplicates just enough pkts.
    early on upstream (not exponential growth)
  • Many pkts. dropped early on in MMSPEED due to
    lower reliability reqs. vs. original Preq

Experiment 5
Reachability 0.7 0.2 Delay 0.3 1.0
  • Control Packets vs. Nodes
  • Slight linear slope for both MMSPEED SPEED
  • Each new node adds a little overhead due to added
    location update packets
  • However, this is great vs. the exponential
    scaling behavior seen in pro/re active routing
  • Data Packets vs. Nodes
  • Constant throughout for both protocols
  • Location-based forwarding node selection (in
    both) scales well.

Experiment 6
  • Nodes In Motion
  • 150 nodes
  • Randomly placed
  • 4 flow groups, 3 flows per group
  • First 200s All nodes static
  • 400s 600s 20 nodes moving
  • 600s All nodes static
  • Very slight decrease in performance due to nodes
    moving out of radio range of one another
  • Nevertheless, on-time reachability requirement
    met successfully throughout the experiment

6.4 Discussions on Power Overhead
  • Two main sources of power consumption in WSNs
  • Node processor
  • MMSPEED requires more use of the CPU than other
  • However, CPU power consumption still relatively
    low vs. radio
  • Node radio module
  • Much bigger source of power consumption
  • MMSPEED has a slightly higher transmission rate
    than SPEED
  • Generally, a little more power consumption is a
    small price to pay for the timeliness
    reliability QoS gains offered by MMSPEED
  • However, the authors DO mention a desire to
    revise MMSPEED for power-constrained applications.

Order of Presentation Coverage
  • Introduction
  • Related Protocols / Services
  • MMSPEED Network Layer Details
  • MMSPEED MAC Layer Details
  • Framework for Optimal Protocol Configuration
  • Experimental Results / Power Consumption
  • Wrap-Up, Q A

Areas for Improvement
  • Number of speed layers (L) and the speeds for
    each layer (SetSpeedl) must be determined and set
    before deployment.
  • For this to be effective, it means the person /
    SW doing this setting must also have some
    knowledge of the system domain.
  • Could this be determined after deployment?
  • Maybe even create some automated way of resetting
    speeds and number of layers during runtime?
    (perhaps a periodic optional reset session
    across the network?)
  • Each node must have an idea of its physical
    location (via GPS or some other means)
  • Is this costly in terms of performance, money,
    energy consumed, etc?
  • Little discussion for how L is determined. Only
    says that you need to consider the practical
    limits of processing power and memory size of
    sensor nodes
  • Otherwise, MMSPEED sounds like a good idea! ?

  • Thanks!
  • Any questions?
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