Title: Lattice and basis (Solid state physics)
1Lattice and basis (Solid state physics)
- ??(vector)???? ?? ??
- ??(lattice)? basis
- ???(reciprocal lattice)
- Bloch vector, Bloch function
????? ??? ???? Halliday Resnick Walker?
Aschroft Mermin, ??? Kittel??? scan??? ????.
2Vector length(magnitude) and direction
- (?) ?? ??? ??(??)? ???? ???? 10m ? ? ???? 10m???
? ??? ??? ? ??? ? - ???? ?? 20 m ??? ???? ?? (X).
- ???? ?? ? 14.12m ??? ???, ?? ??? ?? (O).
20m 10m 10m (??? ??? ??, ????)
3??? ??? ? ??
4??? ??(inner product), ????(scalar product)
5?? ?? (?) ??? 1?? ?? ??? ??? ??
?? ??
6(?) 3??? ??? ????
7???(vector product), ??(outer product)
? ???
??? ? ? ??? ??? ?? ?????
???? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????.
? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????.
???? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????.
? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????.
10?? (Lattice) An infinite repeation
?? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? Lattice ? ?? ? ??.
11?? (Lattice) ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????
?? ? ? ?
12primitive lattice vector? Lattice Translation
Lattice point? ?? 1?? ??? ?? lattice
13?? Lattice point (?? lattice vector)? ? ?? ???
?????? ??? ? ?, ? ? ?? ??? primitive vector? ??.
Primitive unit cell ?? lattice translation? ???
???? ????, ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ??.
Figure 4.10 scan.
Unit cell? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??.
14Lattice ? ??(basis)
Lattice point? ?? 1?? ??? ?? lattice ?? 1?? ???
15Lattice ? ??(basis)
16????(primitive lattice vector)? Lattice
Translation vector
17????(basis) Lattice point? ???? ?
- Basis ? ?? 1? ? ??
- Basis ? ?? 1?? ?? 1?? ? ??
- Basis ? ?? 2?,??1??, ??? 1? ? ??
- Basis ? ?? 1?? ??
- Basis ? ?? ? ?? ??
18?? Lattice? ??? ??? ?? ?? 1?? ???? !!!
- ??(basis)? spherical symmetric object ? ? ?
Bravais Lattice - 7?? point group ?? ??(??, unit cell ??)
- 14?? space group ?? ???Crystallography
- (Ashcroft Mermin, Ch.7, Kittel, Ch.2)
19Cubic Lattice
(a) (b)
(a)? unit cell ? ? Simple
Cubic Bravais lattice ??.
20Unit cell ?? ??? ? ? ?
(a) (b)
(c)? unit cell?
? Simple Cubic Lattice ? ??, unit cell??
??? 4? ??? ???. (Bravais lattice ? ??) ? FCC?
simple cubic lattice ? ???.basis ( ?) ?? ??????
21Face-Centered Cubic
Unit cell ?? ?? 1? ??. ? FCC Bravais lattice
22Face-Centered Cubic
Unit cell ?? ( )? ( )? ??. ? SC with ( ?
) basis
- ???(x,y,z?) ? ??? ??
- ??? ??? ??
- Lattice vector? basis ? ?? ????? ?? ? ?? ? (??)
- ??? ??? ??. ??? ??? ??? ????.
- ??? ???? ?? ???.
24Body-Centered Cubic
25Triangular Lattice
26Honey Comb ??
Aschcroft Figure 4.17
Honeycomb ??
27Honey Comb ??
Graphene, Graphite,Carbon Nanotube
Lattice Vector ? ?
Basis ???
28(No Transcript)
29IV? ????? III-V? ??? ???
???? ??
30Diamond ??
31FCC Two basis
???? ??? ?? ?? ?, Basis atom? ??? ? ? ???
???????? ???? FCC ?? ???.
Diamond ??? ??? ?? simple cubic conventional
cell ? ?? ? ?, ? conventional cell??? ? ?? ?????
basis ? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? basis atom?
????? ???
33 ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? basis atom? ????? ???
34Tetrahedral bond ??? ??
35Simple Hexagonal Lattice
Figure 4.19, Figure 4.21, Figure 4.20
36???? ?? ??
37Hexagonal Closed Pack(HCP)
?4?? ??
???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????.
??(???)? ??? a ? ? ? ?? h ? ??? ????. HCP ????
?? ?? ???? ?? c ? a? bond
length ? ??????
39Hexagonal Closed Pack(HCP)
40FCC??? Hexagonal lattice ? ??(111)?? Z ?? ???