Logic, Shift, and Rotate Instructions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Logic, Shift, and Rotate Instructions


They clear (ie: put to zero) CF and OF ... Ex: to clear the sign bit of AL ... (C) Clear to 0 the most significant bit and the least significant bit of BH ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Logic, Shift, and Rotate Instructions

Logic, Shift, and Rotate Instructions
  • Chapter 4

Logic Instructions
  • Syntax for AND, OR, XOR, and TEST instructions
  • op-code destination, source
  • They perform the Boolean bitwise operation and
    store the result into destination.
  • TEST is just an AND but the result is not stored.
    TEST affects the flags just like AND does.
  • Both operands must be of the same type
  • either byte, word or dword
  • Both operands cannot be mem
  • again mem to mem operations are forbidden
  • They clear (ie put to zero) CF and OF
  • They affect SF and ZF according to the result of
    the operation (as usual)

Logic Instructions (cont.)
  • The source is often an imm operand called a bit
    mask used to fix certain bits to 0 or 1
  • To clear a bit we use an AND since
  • 0 AND b 0 (b is cleared)
  • 1 AND b b (b is conserved)
  • Ex to clear the sign bit of AL without affecting
    the others, we do
  • AND al,7Fh msb of AL is cleared
  • since 7Fh 0111 1111b

Logic Instructions (cont.)
  • To set (i.e fix to 1) certain bits, we use OR
  • 1 OR b 1 (b is set)
  • 0 OR b b (b is conserved)
  • To set the sign bit of AH, we do
  • OR ah,80h
  • To test if ECX0 we can do
  • OR ecx,ecx
  • since this does not change the number in ECX and
    set ZF1 if and only if ECX0

Logic Instructions (cont.)
  • XOR can be used to inverse certain bits
  • b XOR 1 NOT(b) (b is complemented)
  • b XOR 0 b (b is conserved)
  • Ex to initialize a register to 0 we can use
  • XOR ax,ax
  • Since b XOR b 0 (b is cleared)
  • This instruction uses only 2 bytes of space.
  • The next instruction uses 3 bytes of space
  • MOV ax,0
  • Compilers prefer the XOR method

Logic Instructions (cont.)
  • To convert from upper case letter to lower case
    we can use the usual method
  • ADD dl,20h
  • But 20h 0010 0000b and bit 5 is always 0 for
    chars from A (41h) to Z (5Ah).
  • Uppercase (41h-5Ah) A-Z Lowercase (61h-Ah) a-z
  • 4X 0 1 0 0 X 6X 0 1 1 0 X
  • 5X 0 1 0 1 X 7X 0 1 1 1 X
  • Hence, adding 20h gives the same result as
    setting this bit 5 to 1. Thus
  • OR dl,20h converts from upper to lower case
  • AND dl,0DFhconverts from lower to upper case
  • since DFh 1101 1111b

Logic Instructions (cont.)
  • To invert all the bits (ones complement), we use
  • NOT destination
  • does not affect any flag and destination cannot
    be an imm operand
  • Recall that to perform twos complement, we use
  • NEG destination
  • affect SF and ZF according to result
  • CF is set to 1 unless the result is 0
  • OF1 iff there is a signed overflow

Exercise 1
  • Use only one instruction among AND, OR, XOR, and
    TEST to do the following task
  • (A) Convert the ASCII code of a decimal digit
    ('0 to '9) contained in AL to its numerical
  • (B) Fix to 1 the odd numbered bits in EAX (ie
    the bits numbered 1, 3, 5) without changing the
    even numbered bits.
  • (C) Clear to 0 the most significant bit and the
    least significant bit of BH without changing the
    other bits.
  • (D) Inverse the least significant bit of EBX
    without changing the other bits.

Shifting Bits to the Left
  • To shift 1 bit to the left we use
  • SHL dest,1
  • each bit is shifted one position to the left
  • the lsb (least significant bit) is filled with 0
  • the msb (most significant bit) is moved into CF
    (so the previous content of CF is lost)
  • dest can be either byte, word or dword
  • Example
  • mov bx,80h BX 0080h
  • shl bl,1 BX 0000h, CF1 (only BL is affected)

Shifting Multiple Times to the Left
  • Two forms are permitted
  • SHL dest,CL CL number of shifts
  • SHL dest, imm8
  • SHL affects SF and ZF according to the result
  • CF contains the last bit shifted out
  • mov bh,82h BH 1000 0010b
  • shl bh,2 BH 0000 1000b, CF0
  • Effect on OF for all shift and rotate
    instructions (left and right)
  • For any single-bit shift/rotate OF1 iff the
    shift or rotate changes the sign bit
  • For multiple-bit shift/rotate the effect on OF
    is undefined
  • Hence, sign overflows are signaled only for
    single-bit shifts and rotates

Fast Multiplication
  • Each left shift multiplies by 2 the operand for
    both signed and unsigned interpretations. Ex
  • mov ax,4 AX 0004h
  • mov bx,-1 BX FFFFh
  • shl ax,2 AX 0010h 16
  • shl bx,3 BX FFF8h -8
  • Multiplication by shifting is very fast. Try to
    factor your multiplier into powers of 2
  • BX 36 BX (32 4) BX32 BX4
  • So add (BX shifted by 5) to (BX shifted by 2)

Shifting bits to the right
  • To shift to the right use either
  • SHR dest,CL value of CL number of shifts
  • SHR dest,imm8
  • the msb of dest is filled with 0
  • the lsb of dest is moved into CF
  • Each single-bit right shift divides the unsigned
    value by 2. Ex
  • mov bh,13 BH 0000 1101b 13
  • shr bh,2 BH 0000 0011b 3 (div by 4),CF0
  • (the remainder of the division is lost)

Arithmetic Shift SAR
  • Is needed to divide the signed value by 2
  • SAR dest,CL value of CL number of shifts
  • SAR dest,imm8
  • the msb of dest is filled with its previous value
    (so the sign is preserved)
  • the lsb of dest is moved into CF
  • mov ah,-15 AH 1111 0001b
  • sar ah,1 AH 1111 1000b -8
  • the result is rounded to the smallest integer
  • (-8 instead of -7)
  • in contrast
  • shr ah,1 gives ah 0111 1000b 78h

Rotate (without the CF)
  • ROL rotates the bits to the left (same syntax)
  • CF gets a copy of the msb
  • ROR rotates the bits to the right (same syntax)
  • CF gets a copy of the lsb
  • CF reflect the action of the last rotate

Examples of ROL
  • mov ah,40h ah 0100 0000b
  • rol ah,1 ah 1000 0000b, CF 0
  • rol ah,1 ah 0000 0001b, CF 1
  • rol ah,1 ah 0000 0010b, CF 0
  • mov ax,1234h ax 0001 0010 0011 0100b
  • rol ax,4 ax 2341h
  • rol ax,4 ax 3412h
  • rol ax,4 ax 4123h

Rotate with CF
  • RCL rotates to the left with participation of CF
  • RCR rotates to the right with participation of CF

Ex inverting the content of AL
  • Ex whenever AL 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1b we want to
  • AL 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1b
  • mov ecx,8 number of bits to rotate
  • start
  • shl al,1 CF msb of AL
  • rcr bl,1 push CF into msb of BL
  • loop start repeat for 8 bits
  • mov al,bl store result into AL

Exercise 2
  • Give the binary content of AX immediately after
    the execution of the each instruction below
    (Consider that AX 1011 0011 1100 1010b before
    each of these instructions)
  • (A) SHL AL,2 AX
  • (B) SAR AH,2 AX
  • (C) ROR AX,4 AX
  • (D) ROL AX,3 AX
  • (E) SHL AL,8 AX

Application Binary Output
  • To display the binary number in EAX
  • MOV ECX,32 count 32 binary chars
  • ROL EAX,1 CF gets msb
  • JC ONE if CF 1
  • MOV EBX,0

Application Binary Input
  • To load EAX with the numerical value of a binary
    string (ex 101100101...) entered at the
  • xor ebx,ebx clear ebx to hold entry
  • next
  • getch
  • cmp eax,10 end of input line reached?
  • je exit yes then exit
  • and al,0Fh no, convert to binary value
  • shl ebx,1 make room for new value
  • or bl,al put value in ls bit
  • jmp next
  • exit
  • mov eax,ebx eax holds binary value
  • In AL we have either 30h or 31h (ASCII code of
    0 and 1)
  • Hence, AND AL,0Fh converts AL to either 0h or 1h
  • Hence, OR BL,AL possibly changes only the lsb of

Algorithm for Hex Output
  • To display in hexadecimal the content of EAX
  • Repeat 8 times
  • ROL EAX,4 the ms 4bits goes into ls 4bits
  • AND DL,0Fh DL contains num value of 4bits
  • If DL lt 10 then convert to 0..9
  • else convert to A..F
  • end Repeat
  • The complete ASM coding is left to the reader ?

Algorithm for Hex Input
  • To load EAX with the numerical value of the
    hexadecimal string entered at the keyboard
  • XOR EBX,EBX EBX will hold result
  • While (input char ! ltCRgt) DO
  • convert char into numerical value
  • left shift EBX by 4 bits
  • insert value into lower 4 bits of EBX
  • end while
  • The complete ASM coding is left to the reader ?
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