Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)


But with thanks to Martin Hansson at IconMedia Lab, and ... java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial ... action on:http://java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial/1_3-fcs/doc/Ebank.html ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: bean | beans | ejbs | enterprise | j2ee | java


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)

Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
  • Dave Elliman
  • But with thanks to Martin Hansson at IconMedia
    Lab, and Phillip Bride of GemStone Systems for
    some of this lecture.

The Concept
  • Entity bean
  • corresponds to a record in a database
  • Session bean
  • handles business flow (one per client unless
    stateless, when may be shared)

Enterprise JavaBeans, Defined
  • From Sun
  • The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture is a
    component architecture for the development and
    deployment of component-based distributed
    business applications. Applications written using
    the Enterprise JavaBeans architecture are
    scalable, transactional, and multi-user secure.
    These applications may be written once, and then
    deployed on any server platform that supports the
    Enterprise JavaBeans specification

Enterprise JavaBeans(Shorter Definition)
  • From OReillys Enterprise JavaBeans book
  • An Enterprise Java Bean is a standard server-side
    component model
  • Aha! Its a standard for building MIDDLEWARE In
    multi-tiered solutions

The Context in Which EJBs Are Used
It All Works by RMI
A Taxonomy of EJBs
Differences Between Beans
  • Entity Beans
  • Represent persistent data
  • Long-lived
  • Session Beans
  • Interact with clients
  • Model business Logic
  • Short-lived

Session Bean (Stateful)
  • Assigned to 1 client only
  • Keeps info about a client
  • ie has attributes for clients state
  • Assigned to a client for lifetime
  • Non-persistent
  • Short-lived (client, timeout, server crash)

Session Bean (Stateless)
  • Many clients can access it
  • Implements business logic
  • One bean can service multiple clients (fast and
  • Lifetime controlled by container
  • No state across methods
  • Each instance identical upon creation
  • Short-lived

Insight Into Session Beans
Entity EJBs
  • Bean managed persistence (BMP)
  • developer writes JDBC code and SQL statements
  • Container managed persistence (CMP)
  • Container generates methods to read and write to
    the database
  • Takes necessary information from the Deployment

Entity EJBs
  • are used as the object model
  • contains all JDBC code
  • should guarantee the integrity of the database
  • live as long as the database (for ever)
  • survives server crashes
  • should be reused

Resource Handling
  • Passivation
  • the process that stores the beans state to a
    secondary memory, and swaps it out of primary
  • Activation
  • the opposite process of recreating the bean into
    primary memory
  • This holds for every type of bean except the
  • stateless session bean

Automatic Database Handling
  • Create an entity bean with CMP
  • Tell server what database you use
  • Specify what attributes should go into what
    database fields
  • This can all be done in the Deployment
  • This completely cuts the code from the database
    model and vendor, and frees the developer from
    JDBC coding!

EJB Architecture Diagram
Additional Info
  • Clients never interact directly with a bean
    class, they use stubs (which connect to
    skeletons, which connect to containers which
    call the bean classwhew!)
  • Why? This allows the application server to
    replicate bean instances (for performance
    reasons), manage transactions, etc
  • A bean also interacts with its server via a
    container interface the container calls the
    beans life cycle methods, manages the beans
    persistence, etc

To Implement an Enterprise Bean
  • Any enterprise bean must define two interfaces
    and one or two classes
  • Remote interface
  • defines a beans external interface
  • must extend javax.ejb.EJBObject (which in turn
    extends java.rmi.Remote)
  • Home interface
  • The home interface defines a beans life cycle
    methods, eg. create bean, remove bean, find bean,
  • must extend javax.ejb.EJBHome which also extends

To Implement, Continued
  • Bean Class
  • The java class that actually implements the
    beans external interface, e.g. the bean class
    provides implementations for the beans business
  • An entity bean must implement the
    javax.ejb.EntityBean interface, while a session
    bean must implement the (you guessed it)
    javax.ejb.SessionBean. Both of these interfaces
    extend javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean

To Implement, Continued
  • Primary Key
  • The primary key is a very simple class that
    provides a pointer into a database Only entity
    beans need a primary key. This class must
    implement java.io.Serializable (so the entity
    bean can automatically be sent to persistent

Creating an EJB1
  • Write your Home interfacecreate(...) and
  • Write your Remote interfaceimplement your
    business methods
  • Develop your entity or session bean
  • If it is a entity bean define a PrimaryKey class
  • Write your Deployment Descriptor

Creating an EJB 2
  • Compile your files and generate container code
    with the server tools
  • Set up a data source to your database
  • Install the bean in the server
  • Develop the client application
  • Start your server and run the client!

Home Interface - EmployeeHome.Java
import javax.ejb. import java.rmi.RemoteExceptio
n import java.util. public interface
EmployeeHome extends EJBHome public Employee
create(Hashtable personInfo) throws
CreateException, RemoteException public
Employee findByPrimaryKey(EmployeePK primaryKey)
throws FinderException, RemoteException
public Enumeration findEmployeesByLastName(String
lastName) throws FinderException,
Remote Interface - Employee.Java
import java.rmi.RemoteException import
javax.ejb. import java.util.Hashtable public
interface Employee extends EJBObject public
int update(java.util.Hashtable personInfo)
throws RemoteException public String name()
throws RemoteException
Entity Bean - EmployeeBean.Java
public class EmployeeBean implements EntityBean
public int
EmployeeId // also the primary Key public
String firstName public
String lastName public
String title public String
SSN public void ejbCreate(Hashtable
personInfo) long now System.currentTimeMil
lis() this.EmployeeId (int) now //unique
id this.fornamn (String) personuppgifter.get
(firstName") this.efternamn (String)
personuppgifter.get(lastName") this.title
(String) personuppgifter.get("title")
public String name() return firstName " "
lastName ...
We Have to Implement the EntityBean Interface
public void ejbCreate() public void
setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) public
void ejbRemove() public void ejbActivate()
public void ejbPassivate() public
void ejbLoad() public void ejbStore()
Primary Key Interface-EmployeePK.Java
  • Used to uniquely identify an entity bean

public class EmployeePK implements
java.io.Serializable public int EmployeeId
Ill Try to Explain This Again!
From http//www.ncworldmag.com/ncw-03-1998/ncw-03
This All Seems Very Complicated!
  • Yes there is a lot to remember
  • It is always nearly the same though
  • Make a template? Cut and paste
  • Use a naming convention
  • If you have an EJB called XXXBean
  • Home interface XXXHome
  • Remote interface XXX
  • For an Entity bean Primary key XXXPK

Deploying Your Entity Java Beans
  • You need to know how to deploy the EJB to a
  • You need to know how to find and use it from a

To Deploy an EJB You Need
  • A Deployment descriptor - An XML file that
    specifies information about the bean such as its
    persistence type and transaction attributes.
  • deploytool creates the deployment descriptor when
    you step through the New Enterprise Bean Wizard.

Client Code to Access an EJB
import javax.naming.Context import
javax.naming.InitialContext import
javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject import Employee
import EmployeeHome public class
EmployeeClient public static void
main(String args) try
Context initial new InitialContext()
Object objref initial.lookup ("javacomp/env/ejb
/Employee") EmployeeHome home
EmployeeHome.class) Employee
currencyEmployee home.create()
catch (Exception ex)
System.err.println("Caught an unexpected
exception!") ex.printStackTrace()

Compile, Build Ear, Deploy, Run
  • Compile files
  • Create a new client application in the
    application ear
  • Deploy the entire application using the
  • Run the application client using
  • runclient -client EmployeeApp.ear -name

Finding Out More..
Goto http//java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial Instant
Enterprise Java Beans by Paul Tremblett, McGraw
Hill See it all in action onhttp//java.sun.com/j
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