Kajian literatur dan format rujukan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kajian literatur dan format rujukan


Searching local resource centers - Public and special libraries ... in critiquing others' research, and the breadth and depth of one's reading' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kajian literatur dan format rujukan

Kajian literatur dan format rujukan
  • Jabatan Sistem Maklumat

Kandungan dalam Bab 2
  • 2.1 Pengenalan
  • 2.2 Topik-topik yg berkaitan dgn kajian yg
    dilakukan / dikaitkan dgn projek anda
  • 2.2.1 mmmmm
  • 2.3 nnnnn
  • 2.3.1 ooooo
  • 2.4 Ringkasan

Kajian literatur
  • Melaporkan kajian yang telah diterbitkan oleh
    cendekiawan/sarjana dan penyelidik terhadap
    sesuatu topik
  • Laporan penilaian terhadap maklumat yang
    bersesuaian dengan ruang kajian
  • Kajian perlu menceritakan, meringkaskan, menilai
    dan menjelaskan topik yang dikaji

Tujuan Kajian Literatur
  • Untuk memberi gambaran kepada pembaca mengenai
    pengetahuan dan idea yang telah dikemukakan
    sebelum ini terhadap topik kajian dan menyatakan
    kelemahan serta kekuatannya
  • Menyediakan konteks terhadap kajian
  • Membolehkan pengkaji mempelajari teori/kaedah
    terdahulu mengenai sesuatu subjek kajian
  • Menekankan ada silapnya dalam kajian terdahulu
  • Menggariskan ada ruang kosong dalam kajian
  • untuk projek penyelidikan

Kemahiran di dalam Kajian Literatur
  • Information seeking the ability to scan the
    literature efficiently, using manual or
    computerized methods, to identify a set of useful
    articles and books
  • critical appraisal the ability to apply
    principles of analysis to identify unbiased and
    valid studies.

Langkah-langkah di dlm melakukan Kajian Literatur
  • Selecting the topic
  • Setting the topic in context
  • Looking at information sources
  • Using information sources
  • Getting the information
  • Organising information (information management)
  • Positioning the literature review
  • Writing the literature review

1. Selecting the topic
  • can information be gathered locally?
  • are you in a position to travel to use various
  • what are your interests and will this interest be
    maintained for the duration of the research?
  • who will be interested in this research ?
  • is the scope wide enough to be able to ascertain
    a particular niche?
  • is the scope so broad that it will lose
  • does it involve technology that is readily
  • is training in technology and / or software
    readily available?

2. Setting the topic in context
  • For the topic to grow there must also be a
    context and this is influenced by existing
  • The role of the literature review is to analyse
    the existing literature and give justification as
    to how your research will fit into the existing
    body of knowledge
  • allows the author to demonstrate how his research
    is linked to prior efforts and how it extends our
    understanding of this general line of scholarly

3. Looking at information sources
  • need to consult a wide range of information
  • Informal sources peers, colleagues, other
    researchers, your Faculty Liaison Librarian, and
    your supervisor
  • formal sources books, journals - scholarly,
    popular, research papers, world wide web,
    bibliographies, encyclopedias

4. Using information sources
  • Defining the information need and stating it as a
  • Breaking the need into its component parts
  • Identifying synonyms and prioritising keywords
  • Searching specific sources
  • Evaluating the information
  • Evaluating the search process (adapted from 
    Constructing a Search Strategy, Duffel, 1995).

Evaluating the information
  • assess the standing of the author - is he/she an
    academic? a journalist? another student? a
  • look at the date of publication - is the topic
    representative of thinking at that time?
  • ascertain the intended audience - was the
    material written for a general audience? other
    researchers? particular groups with particular
  • notice the writing style - is it conversational?
    academic? provocative? sensational? descriptive?
  • look at the presentation - does the author use
    tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations
    appropriately?  are the descriptive details
  • refer to the bibliography and references - has
    the author referred to the the work of others? 
    have all ideas been acknowledged and cited? are
    there any citations listed which would further
    your work?
  • look at the type of publication and its' purpose
    - is it a scholarly journal? a popular journal? a
    refereed publication? a book? conference

5. Getting the information
  • Full text available in library
  • Electronic databases
  • Be aware of options for obtaining more than
  • Ordering via the library
  • Searching local resource centers - Public and
    special libraries
  • Access to the catalogues of other university
  • Commercial document vendors

6. Organising information (information management)
  • systematic with your approach to searching,
    Record your searches and the date they were done
    ? easier to update and reminds you which
    databases and sources retrieved useful
    information and which ones didn't.

7. Positioning the literature review
  • Understand and clarify the relationships between
    your research and the discipline/s.
  • Place and justify your research within the
  • Understand the existing literature and how it
    relates /supports/contradicts your topic.

8. Writing the literature review
  • All works included in the review must be read,
    evaluated and analysed
  • a sign of professional maturity it indicates
    ones grasp of the field, ones methodological
    sophistication in critiquing others research,
    and the breadth and depth of ones reading

Bahan-bahan Kajian literatur
  • Buku
  • Artikel dalam Jurnal
  • Artikel dalam Proceeding atau kertas kerja
  • Tesis
  • Majalah
  • Internet maklumat yg diakui (perlu nyatakan
    website tarikh dirujuk) tidak digalakkan

Panduan Kajian literatur
  • Jangan sekali kali meniru atau cut and paste
  • Ringkaskan dengan menggunakan ayat sendiri perlu
    dilakukan terhadap bahan yang diperolehi
  • Kandungan dan susunan perlulah bersesuaian dengan
    projek/kajian yang telah atau akan dilakukan
  • Pengumpulan bahan perlu di lakukan untuk

Tips (Dr Tony Ward,Senior Lecturer in Marketing
and Strategic Management, School of Marketing and
  • keep complete and accurate records of everything
    read (especially references)
  • identify referencing requirements and learn the
    style as soon as you can
  • summarise every paper you read
  • do not be afraid to think 'outside the square' -
    it is your review so try to find your own
    insights rather than just copy previous work
  • break the review into thematic sections, treat
    each thematic area as a 'mini' review

  • Citing is the process of giving credit to the
    sources you used to write your paper. Citations
    can be located in the text or at the end of the
    work in a bibliography. It can be difficult to
    figure out what needs to be credited.
  • Use this rule of thumb
  • If you knew a piece of information before you
    started doing research, generally you do not need
    to credit it.
  • You also do not need to cite well-known facts,
    such as dates, which can be found in many
  • All other information such as quotations,
    statistics, and ideas should always be cited in
    your papers.

  • Some reasons
  • To acknowledge and give credit to sources of
    words, ideas, diagrams, illustrations, quotations
    borrowed, or any materials summarized or
  • To show that you are respectfully borrowing other
    peoples ideas, not stealing them, i.e. to prove
    that you are not plagiarizing.
  • To offer additional information to your readers
    who may wish to further pursue your topic.
  • To give readers an opportunity to check out your
    sources for accuracy. An honest bibliography
    inspires reader confidence in your writing.
  • Your teacher insists that you do a bibliography
    or marks will be deducted.

Rujukan vs Bibliografi
  • Rujukan
  • Setiap senarai rujukan perlu dipastikan dikod
    dalam teks laporan.
  • Sebagai rujukan khusus
  • Bibliografi
  • Setiap senarai bibliografi tidak perlu dikod
    dalam teks laporan.
  • Sebagai rujukan umum

Format rujukan
  • Sistem Harvard
  • Pengarang dan tahun
  • Lebih popular digunakan dalam tesis dan buku
  • Mudah diimbas dan tersusun
  • Susunan mengikut abjad nama
  • Sistem nombor
  • Lebih banyak digunakan dalam artikel jurnal dan
    kertas kerja
  • Terdapat kemudahan software
  • Susunan mengikut nombor dan bab

Sistem Harvard Contoh penulisan dalam teks
  • Meletakan tahun penerbitan dalam kurungan selepas
    nama pengarang
  • Menurut Paredis (1993) sebilangan besar masalah
  • Meletakan nama pengarang dan tahun penerbitan
    dalam kurungan
  • menjadi suatu bidang kajian yang popular dewasa
    ini (Paredis, 1993).

Sistem Harvard Contoh penulisan dalam teks
  • Bahan rujukan dihasilkan oleh dua pengarang
  • Keputusan ini telah diperolehi oleh Written dan
    Franck (1999).
  • Bahan rujukan dihasilkan oleh lebih daripada dua
  • Safaai Deris et al. (1997) telah menggunakan
  • Guna huruf kecil (a,b,c..) selepas tahun jika
    pengarang yang sama menghasilkan lebih dari satu
    kertas kerja dalam tahun yang sama
  • Safaai Deris et al. (1997a) telah menggunakan

Nama pengarang dalam senarai rujukan
  • Nama barat John Neville Pavlovic -gt Pavlovic,
  • Nama melayu Mohd Noor Md Sap -gt sama
  • Nama arab atau berunsur arab
  • Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas -gt Al-Attas, Syed
    Muhammad Naquib
  • Nama cina Tan Beng Keat -gt Tan, Beng Keat
  • Nama india
  • Srinivasan Venkataraman -gt sama tetapi kalau S.N.
    Gupta -gt Gupta, S.N.
  • Nama punjabi Pretam Singh -gt sama

Format penulisan bahan rujukan
  • Buku
  • Nama penulis (tahun). Judul buku. edisi. tempat
    terbit penerbit.halaman
  • Artikel dalam buku
  • Nama pengarang artikel (tahun). Judul artikel.
    Nama pengarang buku. Judul buku. tempat terbit
  • Artikel dalam jurnal
  • Nama penulis(tahun). Judul artikel. Judul jurnal.
    Jilid(nombor) halaman
  • Artikel daripada persidangan
  • Nama penulis(tahun). Judul artikel. Tajuk
    persidangan. Tarikh persidangan. Tempat diterbit.
    Nama penerbit.halaman
  • Tesis
  • Nama penulis(tahun). Judul. Nama institusi tesis

  • Tidak kekal dan reliable untuk jangka masa
  • Dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan sumber
  • Walau bagaimanapun jika perlu, contoh penulisan
  • Epsicokhan, Jamahl. The franchise's future. Trek
    Nation, August 10, 1999 (accessed August 16,
    1999). http//www.treknation.com/articles/future_
  • Smitha, Frank E. The rise of China. Antiquity
    Online, 1998 (accessedJuly 29, 1999). EurekaNet
    Internet Services, http//www.eurekanet.com/fesm

Exercise BUKU
  • Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving
    karangan Ralph Morelli keluaran Prentice Hall,
    tahun terbitan 2000, halaman yang dirujuk ms 271
    sehingga 275. Cetakan dilakukan di New Jeersey,

Exercise BUKU
  • Nama penulis(tahun). Judul buku. edisi. tempat
    terbit penerbit.halaman
  • Morelli, R.(2000). Java, Java, Java
    Object-Oriented Problem Solving. New Jersey, USA
    Prentice Hall. 271- 275

Exercise Buku
  • Buku Electronic Commerce A Managerial
    Perspective 2004. Penulis adalah Efraim Turban,
    David King, Jae Lee Dennis Viehland. Terbitan
    Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Tahun 2004.

Exercise TESIS
  • Tesis FSKSM tahun 2003, UTM bertajuk Sistem
    pengurusan pusat sumber tesis di FSKSM secara
    atas talian oleh AZMI BIN MAT YASIN

Exercise TESIS
  • Nama penulis (tahun). Judul. Nama institusi
  • Azmi Mat Aris (2003). Sistem pengurusan pusat
    sumber tesis di FSKSM. Universiti Teknologi
    Malaysia Tesis Sarjana Muda

  • Artikel jurnal bertajuk Collision Free Multi
    Agents Motion Planning in Complex Virtual System
    yang ditulis oleh Dr. Muhammad Shafie Abd Latif
    dan Setyawan Widyarto dalam persidangan the 7th
    International Conference on Work With Computing
    Systems, WWCS 2004 di Kuala Lumpur pada June
    29-July 2, 2004.

  • Nama penulis(tahun). Judul artikel. Tajuk
    persidangan. Tarikh persidangan. Tempat diterbit.
    Nama penerbit.halaman
  • Abd Latif M.S. dan Widyarto S.(2004). Collision
    Free Multi Agents Motion Planning in Complex
    Virtual System. The 7th International Conference
    on Work With Computing Systems, WWCS 2004. June
    29- July 2. Kuala Lumpur.

Exercise JURNAL
  • Artikel jurnal bertajuk Applying Model-Integrated
    Computing to Component Middleware and Enterprise
    Applications dikeluarkan dalam tahun 2002 dan
    ditulis oleh  Aniruddha Gokhale, Douglas C.
    Schmidt, Balachandran Natarajan, Nanbor Wang .
    ACM Transaction on Database System. Vol 20 no 3

Exercise JURNAL
  • Nama penulis(tahun). Judul artikel. Judul jurnal.
    Jilid(nombor) halaman
  • Gokhale A., Schmidt D.C., Natarajan B., Wang N.,
    (2002). Applying Model-Integrated Computing to
    Component Middleware and Enterprise Applications.
    ACM Transaction on Database System. Vol 20 no 3
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