Functional Anatomy of Kidney and Nephrons - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Functional Anatomy of Kidney and Nephrons


Renal Blood Flow and its Regulation ... (phosphates) and ammonium ions References Miller s Anaesthesia, 6th ed. Functional anatomy and renal physiology. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Functional Anatomy of Kidney and Nephrons

Functional Anatomy of KidneyStructure and
Function of NephronsRenal Blood Flow and its
  • Kidneys are a pair of excretory organs situated
    on the posterior abdominal wall, extending from
    upper border of T12 to L3 vertebra
  • Right kidney is slightly lower than the left
  • Each kidney is 11 cm long, 6 cm broad and 3 cm
    thick, weight 150 g in males and 135 g in females
  • Capsules or coverings of kidneys - Fibrous
    capsule, Peri-renal fat, Renal fascia and
    Para-renal fat
  • Coronal segment cortex medulla renal sinus

  • Renal cortex
  • Cortical lobules - which form caps over the bases
    of the pyramids
  • Renal columns - which dip in between the pyramids
  • Renal medulla
  • has 10 conical masses called renal pyramids,
    their apices form renal papillae
  • Renal sinus
  • Space that extends into kidney from hilus
  • Contains branches of renal artery and renal vein
  • Renal pelvis divides into 2-3 major calices and
    these in turn divide into 7-13 minor calices,
    each minor calyx (cup of flower) ends in an
    expansion which is indented by 1-3 renal papillae

  • Histologically, each kidney is composed 1-3
    million uriniferous tubules. Each consists of
  • Secretory part - which forms urine is called
    nephron, functional unit of kidney
  • Nephrons open in to collecting tubules. Many such
    tubules unite to form the ducts of Bellini which
    open into minor calices
  • Arterial Supply
  • One renal artery on each side arising from
    abdominal aorta
  • At or near hilus, renal artery divides into
    anterior and posterior branches giving rise to
    segmental arteries
  • Lymphatics
  • Lateral aortic nodes
  • Nerve Supply
  • Renal plexus (an off shoot of coeliac plexus,

  • Circulation of renal blood flow

Renal artery divides serially into interlobar
artery ? arcuate ? interlobular arteries ?
afferent arterioles ? capillary tufts of renal
glomeruli into outer cortex ? efferent arterioles
? in juxtamedullary zone ? arterioles become vasa
recta (closely applied to loop of henle) Venous
drainage Stelate veins ? interlobular veins ?
arcuate veins ? interlobar veins
  • Two types of nephrons are present
  • Cortical nephrons with short loop of Henle
  • Juxtamedullary nephrons with long loops of Henle

  • Glomerulus - Five components
  • Capillary endothelium 70-100 nm fenestrations
    restricts passage of cells
  • Glomerular basement membrane filters plasma
  • Visceral epithelium podocytes with s foot
    processes with 25-60 nm gaps, permeability
    altered by contraction of foot processes
  • Parietal epithelium (Bowmans capsule)
  • Mesangium (interstitial cells) pericytes,
    structural support, phagocytosis, restricts bld
    flow in response to angiotensin-II

Filtration barrier
  • Filtration barrier - Size and charge selective
  • Charge all 3 layers contain negatively charged
    glycoproteins ? restricts passage of other
    negatively charge proteins
  • Size Molecules with radius lt1.8 nm ? water,
    sodium, urea, glucose, inulin ? freely filtered
  • gt3.6 nm ? hemoglobin and albumin ? not filtered
  • Between 1.8-3.6 ? cations filtered, anions not
  • Glomerulonephritis ? negatively charged
    glycoproteins destroyed? polyanionic proteins
    filtered ? proteinuria

  • Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  • Normal GFR in men 125 ml/min, 10 lower in
  • Depends on permeability of filtration barrier
  • Difference between hydrostatic process pushing
    fluid into Bowmans space and osmotic forces
    keeping fluid in plasma
  • GFR Kuf (Pgc Pbs) (?gc ?bs)
  • Pgc Pbs Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular
    capillary and basement membrane
  • ?gc ?bs plasma oncotic pressure in
    glomerular capillary and basement membrane
  • Kuf Ultrafiltration coefficient reflects
    capillary permeability and glomerular surface area

  • Juxtaglomerular apparatus
  • Macula densa modified portion of thick
    ascending limb which is applied to glomerulus at
    the vascular pole between the afferent and
    efferent arterioles containing chemoreceptor
    cells which sense tubular concentration of NaCl
  • Granular cells Produce renin, which catalyses
    the formation of angiotensin ? modulates efferent
    and afferent arterial tone and GFR

  • Functions
  • Nephron regulates
  • Intravascular volume, osmolality, acid base
    balance, excrete the end product of metabolism
    and drugs
  • Urine is formed by combination of glomerular
    ultrafiltration tubular reabsorption and
  • Nephron produces hormones
  • Fluid homeostasis (renin, prostaglandins, kinins)
  • Bone metabolism (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol)
  • Hematopoiesis (erythropoietin) produced by
    interstitial cells in peritubular capillary bed
    (85 ? stimulus hypoxia

  • Renal autoregulation
  • Enables the kidney to maintain solute and water
    regulation independently of fluctuations in
    arterial blood pressure
  • Kidney maintains a constant renal blood flow and
    GFR through renal arterial range of 80-180 mmHg

Afferent and efferent control mechanism
(myogenic) Renal vascular resistance ? Mediated
by variable resistance of afferent arterioles ? ?
mean arterial pressure ? ? renal vascular
resistance(? tone, dilatation of afferent
arterioles) ? Myogenic response ? Renal blood
flow and GFR maintained ? Vice versa, afferent
arterioles constrict in response to ? MAP
Afferent and efferent control mechanism (myogenic)
GFP 60 mmHg (N), i.e. 60 of MAP
Tubuloglomerular feedback ? GFR ? ? delivery of
NaCl to distal tubule ? ? Cl- sensed by macular
Densa cells ? Release of renin (from afferent
arterioles) ? Angiotensin ? Arteriolar
constriction ? GFR and RBF
Distribution of renal bld flow between the cortex
Cortex Medulla
Percent renal blood flow 94 6
Blood flow (mL/min/g) 5.0 0.03
PO2 (mm Hg) 50 8
O2 extraction ratio (VO2 /DO2 ) 0.18 0.79
DO2 Oxygen delivery, VO2 Oxygen consumption
  • The renal medulla receives only a small fraction
    of the total renal blood flow, and flow rates are
    extremely slow
  • As a result, tissue oxygen tension is extremely
    low, and the medulla extracts almost 80 of the
    oxygen delivered to it
  • A very mild reduction in total and cortical renal
    blood flow may therefore induce ischemia and
    hypoxia in the renal medulla

Hormonal Regulation
  • Normally, a balance is present between systems
    promoting renal vasoconstriction and sodium
    retention versus systems promoting renal
    vasodilation and sodium excretion.
  • Surgical stress, ischemia, and sepsis tip the
    balance in favor of vasoconstriction and sodium
  • On the other hand, hypervolemia (or induction of
    atrial stretch) tips the balance in favor of
    vasodilation and sodium excretion.

Epinephrine norepinephrine ? ? Afferent
arterial tone (directly preferentially) ? Marked
? in GFR prevented indirectly by release of
renin and angiotensin-II
  • Renin angiotensin and Atrial natriuretic peptide
  • Hypotension or hypovolemia ? renin ? afferent
    arteriole ? angiotensin II ? release of
    aldosterone from the adrenal cortex
  • Volume reexpansion causes atrial distention ?
    release of ANP
  • ANP inhibits the release of renin, renin's action
    on angiotensinogen to form angiotensin II,
    angiotensin-induced vasoconstriction, stimulation
    of aldosterone secretion by angiotensin II, and
    action of aldosterone on collecting duct

Prostaglandins Systemic hypotension and renal
ischemia ? Angiotensin induced prostaglandin
synthesis (PGD2, PGE2 PGI2) ? Vasodilation
(protective mechanism)
Neuronal Regulation
  • Sympathetic outflow from spinal cord
  • ?
  • Celiac renal plexus
  • ?
  • ?1 receptors ? sodium reabsorption in PCT
  • ?
  • ?2 receptors ? Na reabsorption and ? water

Dopamine dilates afferent and efferent arterioles
(via D1 receptor activation) ? Low dose
dopamine partially reverses norepinephrine
induced renal vasoconstriction ? Dopamine ? PCT
Na reabsorption
  • Autoregulation impaired in
  • Severe sepsis
  • ARF
  • During cardiopulmonary bypass
  • Autoregulation is not abolished by most
    anaesthetic agents

  • Proximal Tubule (PCT)
  • 60-75 ultrafiltrate ? reabsorb isotonically in
  • To be reabsorbed most substances have to pass
    through apical side of cell membrane ?
    basolateral cell membrane ? renal interstitium ?
    peritubular capillaries
  • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide)
    interfere with Na reabsorption and H secretion
    in PCT

Pump mechanisms of tubule
  • Functions
  • Reabsorption
  • NaCl
  • Water
  • Bicarbonate
  • Glucose
  • Proteins
  • Aminoacids
  • K, Mg, PO4, uric acid, urea
  • Secretion
  • Organic anions
  • Organic cations
  • Ammonia products

Reabsorption of solutes in PCT
  • Sodium reabsorption in PCT (65-75 of filtered
    Na load reabsorbed)
  • Na is actively transported out of PCT cells at
    their capillary sides by membrane bound Na K
  • ?
  • Resulting low intracellular concentration of Na
  • ?
  • Passive movement of K down its gradient from
    tubular fluid into epithelial cells
  • ?
  • Na reabsorption is coupled with reabsorption of
    other solutes ? and secretion of H ?
    reabsorption of 90 of filtered HCO3 ions
  • Chloride absorption ? passive ? follows
    concentration gradient ? transverse tight
    junctions between adjacent tubular epithelium

  • Water ? specialised channels composed of membrane
    protein aquaporin-1 (apical membrane) ?
    facilitate water movement passively along osmotic
  • Secretion
  • Cations ( Creatinine, cimetidine, quinidine,)
    share same pump mechanism and interfere in
    excretion of one another
  • Anions include Urate, ketoacids, penicillins,
    cephalosposins, diuretics, salicyclates and most
    x-ray dyes

  • Loop of Henle
  • 25-30 ultrafiltrate reaches loop of Henle
  • ?
  • 15-20 filtered Na load reabsorbed
  • Solute and water reabsorption is passive and
    follows concentration and osmotic gradients
    (except thick ascending loop)
  • Ascending thick segment
  • Sodium reabsorption is coupled to both K and Cl-
  • Cl- in tubular fluid is rate limiting factor
  • Important site for calcium and magnesium
  • Parathyroid hormone ? calcium reabsorption at
    this site
  • Loop diuretics inhibit Na and Cl reabsorption in
    TAL compete with Cl- for its binding site on
    carrier protein

Sodium and chloride reabsorption in thick
ascending loop
  • Counter current multiplier (loop of Henle)
  • Counter current multiplier exchangers (cortical
    and medullary collecting tubules and their
    respective capillaries - vasa recta)

  • Tubular fluid enters the distal PCT iso-osmotic
    with plasma (300 mOsm/kg) (1).
  • Descending limb of Henle (2) ? water rapidly
    diffuses out into the increasingly hypertonic
    medulla and is removed by the vasa recta
  • Tubular fluid becomes hypertonic, largely because
    of conc. of NaCl.
  • Urea diffuses in from the hypertonic
    interstitium, further increasing tubular fluid
    osmolality (1200 mOsm/kg).
  • Thin ascending loop of Henle (3), NaCl passively
    diffuses into the interstitium along its
    concentration gradient
  • But water is trapped in the water-impermeable
    tubule, which progressively decreases tubular
    fluid osmolality.
  • Urea passively diffuses into the tubular fluid
    (urea recycling).
  • Tubular dilution is accelerated by active
    reabsorption of NaCl in the thick ascending loop
    and proximal distal tubule (4).

  • Fluid entering distal tubule is quite
    hypo-osmotic (100 mOsm/kg)
  • In the collecting segment (5), the osmolality of
    the tubular fluid returns to that of plasma (300
  • But contents of the proximal tubule, the solute
    component consists largely of urea, creatinine,
    and other excreted compounds.
  • Increased plasma antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
    renders the cortical and medullary collecting
    ducts (6) permeable to water, which passively
    diffuses into the hypertonic medullary
  • Some urea diffuses out into the medulla, the
    maximal osmolality of concentrated urine (7)
    approaches that of the hypertonic medullary
    interstitium, about 1200 mOsm/kg
  • In the absence of ADH, the collecting ducts
    remain impermeable to water, and the urine is

Counter current multiplier
Counter current exchange by vasa recta
  • Distal tubule
  • Very tight junctions between tubular cells
    relatively impermeable to water and Na
  • 5 of filtered Na load ? reabsorbed
  • Major site of parathyroid hormone and vit D
    mediated calcium reabsorption
  • The late distal segment (collecting segment)
  • Hormone mediated Ca reabsorption
  • Aldosterone mediated Na reabsorption

  • Collecting tubule
  • 5-7 of filtered Na load is reabsorbed
  • Cortical collecting tubule two types of cells
  • Principal cells ? secrete K aldosterone mediated
    Na reabsorption
  • Intercalated cells ? acid base regulation

Secretion of hydrogen and reabsorption of
bicarbonate and potassium in cortical collecting
  • Aldosterone
  • Enhances Na K ATPase activity by ? number of
    open Na K channels in luminal membrane
  • Enhances H secreting ATPase on the luminal
    border od intercalated cells
  • Because principal cells reabsorb Na via an
    electrogenic pump
  • Either Cl- must be reabsorbed
  • K must be secreted to maintain electroneutrality
  • ? intracellular K favours K secretion

  • K sparing diuretics
  • Competitive
  • Spironolactone aldosterone receptor antagonist
  • Inhibits aldosterone mediated sodium reabsorption
    and potassium secretion in collecting tubule
  • Non-competitive
  • Triamterene and amiloride inhibits sodium
    reabsorption and potassium secretion by
    decreasing number of open channels in luminal
    membrane of collecting tubule

  • Medullary collecting tubule
  • Site of actiion of ADH or AVP (arginine
    vasopressin) ? activates adenylate cyclase
  • Dehydration ? ? ADH secretion ? luminal membrane
    becomes permeable to water ? water is osmotically
    drawn out of tubular fluid passing through the
    medulla ? concentrated urine (upto 1400 mos)
  • Adequate hydration suppressed ADH secretion ?
    fluid in collecting tubule passes through medulla
    unchanged and remains hypotonic (100-200 msom/l)
  • Hydrogen ion secreted are excreted in the form of
    titrable acids (phosphates) and ammonium ions

  • Millers Anaesthesia, 6th ed. Functional anatomy
    and renal physiology.
  • Wylie and Churchill Davidsons. Functional
    anatomy and renal physiology, 7th ed.
  • Barash Clinical Anaesthesia, Functional anatomy
    and renal physiology, 5th ed.
  • Morgan. Clinical Anaesthesiology, 4th ed.
  • Ganong WF. Review of Medical Physiology, 20th ed.

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