Migrating Existing ASP Applications to ASP.NET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Migrating Existing ASP Applications to ASP.NET


Migrating Existing ASP Applications to ASP.NET An in-depth look at the paradigm shifts and upgrade strategies when moving from ASP to ASP.NET architectures. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: CarlPr


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Migrating Existing ASP Applications to ASP.NET

Migrating Existing ASP Applications to ASP.NET
  • An in-depth look at the paradigm shiftsand
    upgrade strategies when moving from ASP to
    ASP.NET architectures.
  • By
  • Carl Prothman
  • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)
  • Certified Computer Professional (CCP)

  • Carl Prothman
  • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)
  • Visual Basic MVP 1998/2002
  • ASP.NET MVP 2002/2003
  • Certified Computer Professional (CCP)
  • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
  • Over 22 years of experience in Software Industry
  • Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics and
    Astronautics (BSAA) from University of
  • Email carlpr_at_spamcop.net
  • Able Consulting, Inc.
  • Owner http//www.able-consulting.com

  • .NET Overview 1 min
  • What is it?
  • Paradigm Shifts 35 mins
  • Top 10 (make that 11)
  • Migration Strategies 15 mins
  • Side-by-Side Conversion
  • Tier-by-Tier
  • Summary 9 mins
  • QA

  • Total 60 mins

  • What is Microsofts .NET?
  • Set of Microsoft software technologies connecting
    your world of information, people, systems, and
  • Enables an unprecedented level of software
    integration through the use of XML Web services
  • Small, discrete, building-block applications
  • Connected to each other via the Internet
  • What is ASP.NET?
  • The development platform for building
    server-based Web applications
  • Web Forms and XML Web Services
  • HTTP Runtime Architecture with IIS

ASP.NET Overall View
  • .NET Overview
  • Paradigm Shifts 25 mins
  • Migration Strategies
  • Summary

ASP.NET Paradigm Shifts
  • What is a Paradigm Shift?
  • A set of concepts, values, practices and
    assumptions that constitutes a way of viewing
    reality for the community that shares them.
  • When one paradigm looses influence and another
    paradigm takes over, then there is a paradigm
  • Knowing in advance how a Paradigm Shift might
    occur gives you an advantage over others!

ASP.NET - Paradigm Shift0) Remote Application
  • In ASP, you used the RDS DataSpace to communicate
    to a remote COM Component over DCOM or HTTP(S)
  • RDS is a major security hole!
  • RDS DataFactory MS99-025
  • RDS Data Stub MS02-065
  • In ASP.NET, you now use an XML Web Services to
    communication to remote applications
  • Standard protocol (SOAP) for distributed
  • Over HTTP with XML SOAP Envelop / Payload

ASP.NET - Paradigm Shift1) Server-Side Web
  • In ASP, you used Response.Write or lt to
    send HTML / script to the Web browser
  • In ASP.NET, you can now program against
    server-side Web Controls which generate the HTML
  • HTML Server Controls
  • HTML Tag with and ID and RunAtServer
  • Web Server Controls
  • ASP.NET control with ID and RunAtServer
  • Form Validation Controls
  • Client-side and Server-side Validation
  • User Control Page (.ASCX)
  • Replaces the HTML Include command
  • Custom Control Assembly (.DLL)

ASP.NET - Paradigm Shift2) Automatic HTML Code
  • In ASP, you created custom pages for each browser
  • Use browscap.ini file with the BrowserType object
  • In ASP.NET, you use server-side Web Controls and
    Web Forms to generate the HTML
  • ASP.NET figure out the browser type
  • Automatically renders the correct,
    browser-compliant HTML for features such as
    Styles, Layout, and so on.
  • In Visual Studio .NET, set TargetSchema Property
    on the Page
  • Internet Explorer 3.02 / Navigator 3.0
  • Internet Explorer 5.0
  • Navigator 4.0

Paradigm Shift3) Automatic Web Control State
  • In ASP, you had to fill the control with user
    entered values on POST back
  • Show the web page again with an error message
  • In ASP.NET, the controls automatically retain the
    user entered values on POST back
  • ViewState is used to store Control State
  • User selection, Control Info
  • Control values are automatically filled in for
    you during post back.
  • Can store values in ViewState between round trips
  • Must only use one FORM on page
  • Must post to the same page for ViewState to work!

Paradigm Shift4) HTML Separate from Code
  • In ASP, you could mix HTML with client-side and
    server-side script
  • Hard to read and maintain
  • Some used .vbs or .js files to separate out
    the script
  • In ASP.NET, you can either
  • Put the code in-line with SCRIPT tags
  • Or put code in a code-behind page
  • Visual Studio .NET creates code-behind pages by
  • ASP.NET Web Matrix creates in-line SCRIPT tags by

Paradigm Shift5) Compiled ASP.NET Code
  • In ASP, you used server-side VBScript (or
    JavaScript) which was interpreted, hence slower!
  • So most folks just pulled the server-side script
    out and put it into a VB 6.0 / C COM
    Components (N-Tier)
  • Presentation Tier Classes
  • Business Tier Classes
  • Data Tier Classes
  • In ASP.NET, everything is compiled, which is
  • In-line SCRIPT tags with RunAtServer
  • Code Behind page (must compile)
  • Debug vs- Release mode

Paradigm Shift6) Registering Client-Side Script
  • In ASP, you could directly add client-side event
    handlers to HTML controls
  • In ASP.NET, you add client-side event handlers to
    Web Controls via Attribute.Add
  • Button1.Attributes.Add(onclick,
  • You can also register a client script block
  • RegisterClientScriptBlock
  • Client-side JavaScript / JScript
  • VBScript

Paradigm Shift7) User Controls Instead of
  • In ASP, you used includes files to include common
    script code
  • In ASP.NET, you now use User Controls (ASCX) for
    common code
  • Headers, Footers, etc..
  • Public Properties and Methods
  • Inheritance from BaseControl
  • Reuse common Properties, Methods, and settings

Paradigm Shift8) XML Configuration Files
  • In ASP, you used System Registry (or IIS Metadata
    db) to store Application settings
  • In ASP.NET, you use XML files to store
    Application settings
  • Machine.config (for all projects on the machine)
  • C\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\CONFIG\
  • Web.config (for each project)
  • Read in configuration settings using
  • System.Resources.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings

Paradigm Shift9) ASP.NET Worker Process
  • In ASP, IIS used the ASP.DLL to handle each web
  • In ASP.NET, IIS calls an ASPNET worker process
  • Identity of ASP.NET Worker process controlled by
  • machine.config, processModel element, userName
  • C\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\CONF
  • "MACHINE" runs as low privilege user account
    named "ASPNET".
  • "SYSTEM" runs as localsystem (high privilege
    admin) account.
  • Running IISRESET stops the Worker process

Paradigm Shift10) Windows Impersonation
  • In ASP, impersonation was enabled by default
  • Using Anon Access, ASP would impersonate
  • Using NTLM / Basic, ASP would impersonate calling
  • In ASP.NET, impersonation is disabled by default
  • You must explicitly enable impersonation in
    web.config or machine .config file
  • ltauthentication mode"Windows" /gt
  • ltidentity impersonate"true" /gt
  • System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurre
  • CARLP7\ASPNET (ASP.NET User account)
  • CARLP7\IUSR_CARLP7 (IIS Anon User account)
  • CARLP7\Administrator (User account that Im
    logged as)

  • .NET Overview
  • Paradigm Shifts
  • Migration Strategies 20 mins
  • Summary

Migration Strategies Side-by-Side
  • ASP and ASP.NET Side-by-Side
  • Both ASP and ASP.NET files can run side-by-side
    in same IIS Web Application
  • However, you cannot share Session variables
    between them directly
  • Steps to convert ASP to ASP.NET
  • Rename the ASP file to use the .ASPX file
  • Browse to the page and update server-side code as
  • Option Explicit is the default. Remove Option
    Explicit line.
  • Method calls with parameters require ( and ).
  • Dont need Set or Let anymore. Remove them.
  • For ADO/COM objects, use aspcompattrue in the
    Page directive
  • must have spaces around it. No more s
  • No more Default Properties. Must state
    explicitly oRs(0).Value
  • No more VBScript Variants gt Objects / .NET
    Framework Class Library
  • ByValue is now the default. Was ByRef in VB 6.0.
  • VB.NET is now 0 based. Was 1 based (in some
    cases) in VB 6.0
  • Integer data type is now 32 bits. Was 16 bit in
    VB 6.0

Migration Strategies- Tier by Tier
  • First Convert the UI Tier
  • Create new WebForms / User Controls
  • Call existing COM Components
  • Next Convert the Business Tier
  • Create Class Modules for each Business class
  • If Internet clients need to reuse these new
    classes, create XML Web Services wrappers
  • Finally Convert Any Desktop Database
  • Upgrade your old Access MDB to MSDE or SQL Server

  • .NET Overview
  • Paradigm Shifts
  • Migration Strategies
  • Summary 5 mins

  • Reviewed ASP.NET Paradigm Shifts
  • Top 10 (make that 11)
  • But there are a lot more
  • Reviewed Migration Strategies
  • Side by Side Conversion
  • Tier by Tier Conversion
  • Better understanding of ASP to ASP.NET Migration

  • Q A
  • More Information
  • ASP.NET Web Site http//www.asp.net
  • GotDotNet Web Site http//www.gotdotnet.com
  • These slides / sample code are at
  • http//www.able-consulting.com/
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