Title: Bergen Community College
1Bergen Community College
Updated 9/20/11
- Curriculum Requirements and Program Structures
2Pursuant to state regulations in the 1980s and
then to the Statewide Articulation Agreement
developed between 1995 and 2008 between NJ 2-year
and 4-year colleges and universities, students in
associate degree programs must take a broad
distribution of courses in
- Communications (English composition speech)
- Humanities (fine arts, foreign languages,
history, literature, philosophy, religion) - Mathematics ( Computer Science) the Natural
Sciences - Social Sciences
- AA degrees (at least 45 credits of GE)
- AS degrees (at least 30 credits of GE)
- AAS degrees (at least 20 credits of GE)
3Until 2008, state regulations permitted
- theoretically based" physical education courses
to be required in a community colleges general
education program (in the discretion of the local
college).However, as of the revised
Comprehensive State-Wide Transfer Agreement of
9/22/08, physical education courses can no longer
be offered or required for general education
credit in NJ community colleges.
4Also as of 2008,
- 30-36 credit (one-year) Certificate programs
must include at least 6 credits of general
education, with at least one composition course.
5The law also allows
- 12-18 credit Certificates.
- BCC has adopted a number of such Certificates,
calling them "Certificates of Achievement." - These special certificate programs include no
general education requirements.
- AA, AS, and AAS degrees must include at least 60
and no more than 66 credits, - EXCEPT where program licensure requirements by
external accrediting agencies cause programs to
exceed the 66-credit limit. - At BCC, AA and AS degrees ? and many, but not
all, AAS degrees ? are limited to 64-66 credits - some AAS degrees require more than 66 credits
(per the exception noted above).
7Here is the relevant law on NJ community college
degree programs from Title 9A of the New Jersey
Administrative Code
- 9A1-2.3 Associate degree programs(a)
Each educational program leading to an associate
degree shall consist of college courses totaling
at least 60 but not more than 66 semester credit
hours or the equivalent in quarter hours,
courses, or other measurement used by the
institution. The 66-credit-hour maximum may be
exceeded when required for licensure or
accreditation by a recognized agency or for
student transfer to full junior status.(b) The
associate in arts (A.A.) degree nomenclature is
appropriate for programs in the liberal arts,
humanities, or fine and performing arts such
programs are transfer-oriented. For A.A.
degrees, general education courses should total
no fewer than 45 semester credit hours or the
equivalent.(c) The associate in science (A.S.)
degree nomenclature is appropriate for programs
in mathematics, the sciences, business, or in
allied health fields if the program is intended
as prebaccalaureate work such programs are
transfer-oriented. General education courses for
the A.S. degree should total no fewer than 30
semester credit hours or the equivalent.(d) The
associate in applied science (A.A.S.) degree
nomenclature is appropriate for programs that
emphasize career preparation in the applied arts
and sciences, typically at the technical or
semiprofessional level. Such programs are
designed to prepare students for job entry at
completion of the program, notwithstanding any
articulation agreements with four-year programs
that may be in effect for a particular A.A.S.
program. General education courses shall total
no fewer than 20 semester credit hours or the
equivalent.(e) Specialized associate degree
programs, such as Associate in Fine Arts (A.F.A.)
and A.S. in Nursing, shall normally require no
fewer than 20 semester credit hours or the
equivalent in general education courses.
8The BCC 64-Credit Minimum
- Bergen Community College offers degree programs
leading to Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in
Science (A.S.), and Associate in Applied Science
(A.A.S.) degrees. A student is required to
complete a minimum of 64 degree credits for
graduation.--From p. 61 in the current online
Policies section of the BCC Catalog. - --Most (perhaps all) NJ community colleges have
the same 64-credit minimum for an Associate
9every BCC degree program
- must contain a minimum of 64 credits
- and a maximum of 66 credits,
- except for the exception allowed by law (as
stated above).
10Pursuant to and consistent with state regulations
and statewide agreements, BCC offers
- a 2-track AA degree program (in Liberal Arts in
Fine Performing Arts) - a 3-track AS degree program (in Natural Sciences
or Mathematics, in Engineering Science, in
"Professional Studies) - Two types of AAS degree programs Basic AAS
programs and AAS programs in Health Professions
and Career Technologies - AFA programs that follow the Basic AAS degree
format - a number of 30-36 credit (one-year) Certificate
programs (currently 31 programs) and - a number of 12-18 credit Certificates of
Achievement (currently 30 programs).
(The current curriculum requirements for these
programs are summarized below.)
11There are also optional areas of concentration
("options," "majors") under
- the AA degree program in Liberal Arts (General,
Cinema Studies, Communication, Economics, Global
Studies, History, Latin American Studies,
Literature, Philosophy, Political Science,
Psychology, Religion, Social Sciences, Sociology,
Womens Studies, World Languages Cultures) - the AA degree program in Fine Performing Arts
(General, Art, Cinema Studies, Music, Theatre
Arts 4 options) - the AS degree program in Natural Sciences or
Mathematics (General Science, Biology,
Biotechnology), Chemistry, Computer Science,
Mathematics, Physics) (Engineering Science is
another AS degree option with a unique
structure.) - the AS degree program in "Professional Studies"
(General, Broadcasting, Business Administration
7 options, Criminal Justice, Education,
Exercise Science, Information Technology,
Journalism, Labor Studies, Social Work)
12AA Degree Programs
Liberal Arts F P Arts Communications
9 9 English Comp.
(WRT101 201) 6 6
Oral Comm. (COM100/102) 3
3 Humanities 15
15 History 6 6
9 Social Sciences 6
6 Mathematics Computer Science
4-6 4-6 Natural Sciences
8 8 Diversity Requirement
3 3 Total GE (Foundation)
45-47 45-47 Program Program Support
15 14-16 Requirements Fr
ee Electives 2-6 2-6 Total
Program Credits 64-66 64-66
No more than 6 credits in any one field
From two fields
13AS DegreePrograms
Sci Math Engineering Prof.
Studies Communications 9
9 9 English Comp (WRT101
201) 6 6 6
Oral Comm. (COM100/102) 3
3 3 Humanities (from
two fields) 6 6
6 Social Sciences 3
3 3 Math, Natural Sci,
Tech 12 12
11-12 (at least 1 MAT 1 Nat Sci)
(1 MAT 2 Nat Sci) Gen Ed Elective
0 0
0-3 Total Gen Ed
(Foundation) 30 30
30-32 Program Requirements
22-24 33 15-18 Program
Support Requirements 9
0 12
(2 GE Humanities
(3 Humanities
1 GE Soc Sci)
1 Soc Sci
need not be GE) Free
Electives 3 3
3-6 Total Program
Credits 64-66 66
14AAS Degree Programs
- AAS Programs in Health Professions Career
Technologies - Communications
- English Comp. 6
- Humanities 6Social Sciences
- Math, Nat. Sci., Tech. 7-8
- Unassigned GE Credits 0-3
- Total GE (Foundation) 20-22
- Program Program 38-45Support Requirements
- Free Electives 0-6
- Total Program Cr. 64-66
- Basic AAS AFA Programs
- Communications
- English Comp. 6
- Humanities 6
- Social Sciences 3
- Math or Nat. Sci. 3-4
- Unassigned GE Credits 3
- Total GE (Foundation) 21-22
- Program Program 38-45Support Requirements
- Free Electives 0-6
- Total Program Cr. 64-66
15Certificate Programs
- 30-36 cr Certificates
- Communications
- Eng. Comp. I (WRT101) 3
- Unassigned GE Credits 3(to be
assigned in accordancewith the needs of the
program) - Total GE (Foundation) 6
- Other Requirements 24-30
- Total Program Credits 30-36
- Certificates of Achievement
- 12-18 Credits
- Any Array of College-Level Courses
- No GE Requirements
16Thats All, Folks!
(for now)