Title: Human Sexuality
1Human Sexuality
- Chapter 5 Gender and
- Gender Roles
2Gender Topic Areas
- Impact of gender on human development
- Gender and sexual development
- Biological and cultural perspectives
- Sexual orientation
- Gender stereotypes and health
- Gender socialization
- Gender variance and gender identity
- Biological differences brain, hormones, anatomy
- Sex biologically male or female, based on
chromosomes and anatomy - Genetics XX or XY
- Anatomical genitals/bodily differences
- Gender a social construct related to notions of
masculinity and femininity - Gender Identity the gender one believes oneself
to be
- Gender roles attitudes, behaviors, rights and
responsibilities assigned to us based on our sex - Varies by culture
- Gender-role stereotypes rigidly held,
oversimplified beliefs about sex appropriate
- Gender-role attitudes our personal
perspectives/beliefs about sex appropriate
behavior - Gender-role behaviors activities/behaviors we
engage in as influenced by our sex/gender
- Gender presentation how our sex/gender is
perceived by others - Based on our physical appearance, movements,
habits, personality, etc. - Baby X study
9GenderCongruence and Incongruence
- Biological, cultural, psychological, and social
contexts of gender - These contexts can be congruent or incongruent
- Examples?
10Gender Variations
- Some do not conform to socially/culturally
constructed gender norms - How are such violations represented in dominant
discourses? - Psychological impact of gender variations?
11Social Construction ofGender Identity
- U.S. gender identity- internalized by age 2
- East African societies boys is a woman-child
until an initiation rite which makes him a man - Mundugumor of New Guinea women are expected to
be violent/aggressive
12Instrumentality and Expressiveness
- Instrumentality being task-oriented
stereotypically applied to males - Expressiveness being emotionally
oriented/focused stereotypically applied to
females - Gender Quotient Test
13Gender Stereotypes and Sexual Orientation
- Ex. Gay men are not masculine Lesbian women are
not feminine - Gay people may have more flexible interpretations
of gender roles and expectations (Lippa, 2000)
14Cognitive Social Learning Theory
- Albert Bandura
- We learn gender as a result of
- Reinforcements and consequences
- Imitation/modeling and observation
- The social world provides many models and
messages about gender - Body image Womens Ideal Bodies
15Cognitive-Developmental Theory
- Developmental level impacts cognitive processing
of gender - Understanding gender in developmental perspective
16Gender Schemas
- Mental frameworks for understanding gender
- Accounts for gender stereotypes
17Social Constructionism
- Cultures invent or construct notions of gender
- Mediated by language and social systems
18Social Constructionism
- Feminist Studies
- Post-Modern Approaches
- Queer Theory
19Social Constructionism and Identity
- (Cohen Savin-Williams, 1996)
- Many sexual minority youth are not identifying as
gay - Rejection of the social construction of sexual
20Contextual Influences on Gender
- Parents socialize gender
- Messages about gender appropriate behavior
- Directing children to gender appropriate toys
21Parents Socialize Gender
- Differential language for the same behavior
active boy vs. a girl who is a tomboy - Directing children toward gender appropriate
activities (I.e. helping mom in the kitchen)
22Gender Socialization
- Peers peer pressure, reinforce gender norms
- Teachers differential treatment based on gender?
Classroom reinforcement - Media gender roles and stereotypes
23Sexual Scripts
- Script acts/rules/expectations associated with a
particular role (male and female scripts) - Men/women are impacted by certain scripts
internalized from social interactions
24Male Sexual Scripts(Zilbergeld, 1992)
- Men should not have/express certain feelings
- Sex is for physicality
- Men are in charge
25Male Sexual Scripts
- Men always want and are ready for sex
- Men should be sexually skilled and successful in
sexual interactions
26Female Sexual Scripts(Barbach, 2001)
- Sex is good and bad (good in the context of a
marriage, stigmatized elsewhere) - Masturbation is stigmatized
- Sex is for men women are sexually passive
27Female Sexual Scripts
- Women should not articulate their needs/desires
- Women shouldnt discuss sex
- Women should look like models
- Both instrumental and expressive traits
- Flexibility in gender roles
29Intersexed People
- Ambiguous genitalia
- 1 in every 2,000 births
- Due to genetic or hormonal factors
30Intersexed People
- Sex chromosomes, external genitalia, or internal
reproductive system - Underdeveloped penis or enlarged clitoris
31Intersexed PeopleChromosomal Abnormalities
- Turner Syndrome
- XO
- 1 in 2,000 births
- Female external genitalia, no ovaries
32Turner Syndrome
- Secondary sexual development cannot occur no
menstruation - Short
- Treated with hormonal therapy
- Infertility
33Klinefelter Syndrome
- 1 in 1,000 births
- Male genitalia (small penis)
- Female characteristics breasts
34Klinefelter Syndrome
- Sparse body hair
- Learning disabilities
- Low sex drive, sexual dysfunction
35Intersexed PeopleHormonal Disorders
- Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome
- (testicular feminization)
- Inherited condition passed on through X
36Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome
- 1 in 13,000 individuals
- Genetically male
- Born with undescended testes (inside the abdomen)
- estrogen is prevalent in the body
37Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome
- Vagina and labia, but no female internal
reproductive structures - Secondary female characteristics develop during
puberty, without pubic hair
38Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Genetic female
- Ovaries
- Malfunctioning adrenal gland
- Develops externally as a male
39Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- 1 in 13,000 births
- Penis and empty scrotum
- External genitalia are ambiguous
- Often assigned female
40DHT Deficiency
- Unable to convert testosterone to DHT
- Internal male organs
- Ambiguous external genitalia (looking more female)
41DHT Deficiency
- Begin to look male during puberty (genitalia and
physical development)
42Gender Identity Disorder
- Cross-gender identification
- Discomfort with ones assigned gender
- Psychological distress
- Gender identity and sexual anatomy are not
compatible - Different from homosexuality
44Transgendered People
- Arguably the most stigmatized sexual minority
45Transgendered People
- An umbrella term inclusive
- Flexibility in terms of gender and social
identity - Move toward transgender rights legal to fire
transgender people in many states
46Positioning Theory
- Rom Harre
- We position ourselves and others in discourse
- Power relationships
47Positioning Theory
- Ex. Positioning oneself as an expert, others as
uninformed - Ex. Positioning oneself as masculine, another
male as powerless/emasculated
- How does culture/society construct masculinity?
- Dominant discourses on masculinity
- Contested discourses on masculinity
- How are constructions of masculinity sustained
and reproduced?
- Exaggerated, stereotypical male behavior
- Aggression
- Strength
- Dominance
- Origins nationalism revering ones own group
- Current usage male/female relationships
- Refers to power
52Anxious Masculinity
- Enactments of masculinity/manliness that are
motivated by a fear of being perceived as
feminine - the most important thing about being a man is
not being a woman Ducat, S.
53Anxious Masculinity
- Rejection of feminine activities/qualities
- Rejection of non-heterosexual discourses
- Challenging/needing to prove ones manliness
54Mixed Cultural Messages
- Masculinity
- Need to be strong, unemotional, rational,
dominant - Constructions of the modern man- emotionally
connected and sensitive
55Mansfield article
- The Manliness of Men
- Holds that feminists fault men for societys ills
- gains and losses in the womens movement
56Mansfield article
- Women have a problem with manliness because they
are excluded - Argues that women overcompensate/seek to be more
like men
57Mansfield article
- Feminists insist that men must work harder to
appreciate women. Yet they never ask women to be
more understanding of men - Mansfield
58Mansfield article
- Because women dont want to be dependent, men may
become more selfish (an unintended consequence)
59Mansfield article
- Equates masculinity with noble sacrifice for a
cause beyond oneself
60Ducat book
- Central Questions
- When are men so terrified of being like women?
- Why must men constantly prove their masculinity?
61Ducat Mens fear of the feminine
- Being a sissy has a very negative connotation
- Cross-gender behaviors are taboo in men
- Men are encouraged to cut the apron strings
- Exude independence reject nurturance from mom
- Studies men were more anxious when engaging in
cross gender activities, answering cross gender
- Men are conflicted
- Men reject all things feminine
- May secretly want to violate these gender barriers
- Men are attracted to qualities in women that they
detest in themselves