Title: Gain Bandwidth Product
1Gain Bandwidth Product
2Gain Bandwidth Product
Think in terms of Energy Conservation
Pout Pin PDC
3Gain Bandwidth Product
Pout Pin PDC
Now consider Power expressed in the Frequency
Domain as the Power Spectral Density Function,
S(?), and the Gain of the Op-Amp expressed as a
function of Frequency, G(?).
? G(?) S(?) d? - ? S(?) d? PDC
Pout Pin PDC
4Gain Bandwidth Product
Next, the expression
? G(?) S(?) d? - ? S(?) d? PDC
simplifies to
? G(?) 1 S(?) d? PDC
and for large G(?)
? G(?) S(?) d? PDC
5Gain Bandwidth Product
? G(?) S(?) d? PDC
- Next assume
- amplifier bandwidth is BW
- amplifier Gain (G) is constant over BW
- signal spectra (S) is constant over BW
G(?) S(?) G x S x BW
G x BW PDC / S
6Gain Bandwidth Product
G x BW PDC / S
constant term
? Gain Bandwidth Product
- Therefore if
- G increases, BW must decrease, or
- BW increases, G must decrease.
7Gain Bandwidth Product
G x BW PDC / S
constant term
? Gain Bandwidth Product
If G 1, then BW Unity-gain Bandwidth
8If G 1, then BW Unity-gain Bandwidth
Unity-gain Bandwidth
Open loop gain
Unity gain
Unity-gain Bandwidth
11(No Transcript)
13The available DC power to the amplifier can
either be put to use as high signal gain over a
limited bandwidth or limited gain over a wide
14 For fixed DC input power, the greatest signal
gains are achieved with weak input signals.
To get high gains in already amplified
signals (as in output stages), increased amounts
of DC power must be used.
15(No Transcript)
16Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis
17Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis
18Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis
19Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis
20Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis
? ZF / ZG
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23Common Mode Rejection Ratio
24Common Mode Rejection RatioCMRR
where A is the differential mode gain and Acm is
the common mode gain
Ideally CMRR?? Typically 60 dB ? CMRR ? 120 dB
25Assumes R2 R4 and R1 R3
26Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis with
Component Imbalance
27Differential Amplifier Circuit Analysis with
Component Imbalance
28Input and Output Impedances of Noninverting
Op-amp Configuration
The unity gain buffer input impedance is much
higher than the op-amp input impedance Rd. The
amplifier output impedance is much smaller than
the op-amp output impedance Ro.
29(No Transcript)
30The available DC power to the amplifier can
either be put to use as high signal gain over a
limited bandwidth or limited gain over a wide
31high signal gain over a limited bandwidth or
limited gain over a wide bandwidth.
32Instrumentation Amplifier
33Instrumentation Amplifier Example
Burr-Brown INA118
34(No Transcript)
35ECG Amplifier System
36ECG Amplifier System
Multiple Subsystems
37ECG Amplifier System
Input Instrumentation Amplifier
38Instrumentation Amplifier
39ECG Amplifier System
Intermediate Filter and Amplifier
40ECG Amplifier System
Intermediate Filter and Amplifier
41ECG Amplifier System
Analog-to-Digital Converter
42(No Transcript)
43ECG Amplifier System
Zero Reference Bias Circuit
44ECG Amplifier System
High-pass Filter for Autozeroing of DC Offset
45ECG Amplifier System
CMRR Boost Circuit (Negative Common Mode Signal
Injection on Subjects Right Leg)
46ECG Amplifier System
CMRR Boost Circuit (Negative Common Mode Signal
Injection on Subjects Right Leg)
47Common Mode Rejection RatioCMRR
where A is the differential mode gain and Acm is
the common mode gain
Ideally CMRR?? Typically 60 dB ? CMRR ? 120 dB
48ECG Amplifier System
49(No Transcript)
50Instrumentation Amp
A feedback network may also be included with the
instrumentation amplifier.
vdiff v2 - v1