Title: Marble Roller Coaster
1Marble Roller Coaster
2First, youll need to make lots of track.
Drinking straws are what you need.
3Just cut off the bendy ends
4Lay them flat on a table, like this - alternately
up and down - until you have enough to support
another straw, horizontally across.
5Pop a dab of glue on each vertical straw and
stick the horizontal straws down
6which will leave you with something that looks
like this.
7Pry the two separate sets of glued straws apart
8and then stick another horizontal straw across
the end of each
9which will leave you with two of these.
10Next, carefully use a pair of scissors to cut
each down into individual pieces of rollercoaster
track, like this.
11You can join the pieces of track by using small
pieces of flexible plastic tubing that you can
buy from DIY or pet shops.
12Thread the small pieces into the strawsjoin them
13Kebab skewers make great upright supports for the
rollercoaster. imply pop the sharp end of a
skewer into one of the horizontal supports of
each piece of track.
14Blobs of modeling clay are perfect for making
15You can strengthen the upright supports by making
them into scaffolds, by glueing smaller pieces of
kebab skewer in a triangle formation, like this.
16Corners are made by bending plastic tubing
17but youll need to test the run of the marble
and tweak the position of the tubing if the
marble falls off.
18You can use extra skewers to prop up the bends to
stop the marbles from falling off.
19A steep vertical drop is great for making the
marble go fast enough to scale a steep upright
immediately afterwards
20You might need to reinforce corners with extra
tubing and skewers
21or barriers, like this one.
22Its great fun to make, and to play with.