Title: Tropical Rainforest Ecology
1Tropical Rainforest Ecology
2Trail Guidelines Etiquette
- Dont go alone
- Watch yourself (i.e. where you step and what you
brush up against) - Stay on trails
- Take a rain poncho for sudden downpours
- Wear shoes with good traction
- Wear dark-colored clothing
- Move slowly and quietly
- Look for movement (binoculars will be handy) and
listen for sounds
3Sights and SoundsAlong the Trail
- Howler Monkeys roar at dawn
4Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Cicadas alternating tones
5Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Parrots and Macaws squeeks
- and squawks
6Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- White-tailed trogon soft call
- Screaming piha whip crack
7Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Leaf- cutting ants well worn trails
8Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Peccary snorts as it roots
9Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Agouti tailless fruit eating rodent
10Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
11Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
12Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
13Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Army ants in column troops
14Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- antbirds
- rufous-capped antthrush
black-spotted bare-eye
15Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- Nunbird
white-plumed antbird -
16Sights and Sounds Along the Trail
- barred woodcreeper
- rufous motmot
17Sights and Sounds Along the Trail at Night
- Tinamou
- Bats LOTS of them!
18Sights and Sounds Along the Trail at Night
19Sights and Sounds Along the Trail at Night
20Sights and Sounds Along the Trail at Gaps
- Cecropia trees
- Three-toed sloth
21Sights and Sounds Along the Trail at Gaps
- Heliconia plants
- Long-tailed hermit hummingbird
22Sights and Sounds Along the Trail at Gaps
- Geoffreys tamarin
- Many brilliantly colored birds
23Sights and Sounds Up in the Canopy
24- Pompadour cotinga
- Spangled cotinga
- Collared trogon
25Sights and Sounds Up in the Canopy
- Long-haired saki monkey
- Amazon dwarf squirrel
26Sights and Sounds Up in the Canopy
27Sights and Sounds Up in the Canopy
- Lots of bromeliads
- Leaf cutting ants will even venture up hundreds
of feet into canopy