Title: FRISK
2Performance Management Cycle
Hire/Beginning of Year
Ongoing Check Progress Monitor Performance
Evaluation Summary of Performance Cycle Goals
Mid-Year Address Performance Concerns Review/Upd
ate Goals
- To effect positive change in employees
performance - To identify elements of legally defensible
documentation - To simplify drafting documents by providing a
clear template
4Step Disciple PlanLevel of Effort
5Sample Memo of Warning
- To Wendy Smith
- From Susan Jones, Principal
- Date Sept. 25, 2010
- Re Professional Performance Concern
- On Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, I passed your
classroom and realized that your sixth graders
were unattended..
What did the employee do?
- Pinpoint the specific conduct and describe the
conduct in complete and explicit terms. - If necessary, supplement general statements with
specific example to provide a proper factual
What should the employee have done?
- Include the rule, authority or expectation
relating to the deficient performance, such as
board policies or administrative regulations, MOU
agreement, administrative directives, State Code
sections, recognized professional standards, AND
include prior same rule violations.
What was the impact of the employees conduct on
the district?
- Include facts which describe the negative or
adverse effect of the employees conduct on the
district, other employees, students and parents.
When and what do you want the employee to do to
improve performance? What will happen if there is
no improvement? How can you help the employee
- Identify what must be done to correct the
employees deficient performance and provide
suggestions and offers of assistance for
improvement. - Include clear and unequivocal directions on the
proper conduct you expect the employee to follow,
the effective timelines and the consequences if
the employee fails to comply, AND include
suggestions for improvement.
Does the employee have knowledge of the
document prior to placement in the personnel file?
- Include language notifying the employee of the
right to file a rebuttal to materials placed in
the personnel file in accordance with applicable
provisions of the MOU.
- The progressive discipline process consists of a
series of disciplinary steps, each step calling
for more serious disciplinary action. The process
generally includes the following sequence - Oral warning/conference
- Written warning
- Letter of Reprimand
- Unsatisfactory Evaluation
- Suspension without pay
- Dismissal