Ketogenesis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Regulation of Ketone body synthesis: ... Acetoacetyl CoA is split to acetyl CoA by thioalse and oxidized via citric acid cycle to C02 and H20. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ketogenesis

  1. Ketogenesis Ketolysis
  2. Ketosis (ketoacidosis)
  3. Metabolism of Cholesterol

  • It is the formation of ketone bodies in the liver
  • Ketone bodies are
  • CH3-CO-CH2-COOH Acetoacetic acid
  • CH3-CHOH-CH2-COOH ß-hydroxybutyric acid
  • CH3-CO-CH3 Acetone (non-metabolized

  • product)

  • Ketone bodies are formed from acetyl CoA
    resulting from ß oxidation of FA in excess of
    optimal function of Kreb's cycle.
  • Under normal fed state
  • the hepatic production of acetoacetate and ß
    hydroxybutyrate is minimal and the concentration
    of these compounds in the blood is very low (does
    not exceed 1 mg or lt0.2 mM).
  • Most acetyl CoA fatty acid or pyruvate oxidation
    enter the citric acid cycle only if fat and
    carbohydrates degrdation are balanced.

Steps synthesis of Ketone bodies
  1. Two molecules of acetyl CoA react with each other
    in the presence of thiolase enzyme to form
    acetoacetyl CoA.

  • Condensation of acetoacetyl CoA with
  • acetyl CoA to form HMG CoA
  • (3 or ß hydroxyl- 3or ß methyl glutaryl CoA)
  • catalyzed by HMG CoA synthetase,

  1. HMG-CoA lyase enzyme catalyzes the cleavage of
    HMG-CoA to acetoacetate and acetyl CoA.

  • Acetoacetate produces ß-hydroxybutyrate in
  • a reaction catalyzed by ß-hydroxybutyrate
  • dehydrogenase in the present NADH.

  • Both acetoacetate and ß-hydroxybutyrate can be
    transported across the mitochondrial membrane and
    the plasma membrane of the liver cells,
  • enter to the blood stream to be used as a
    fuel by other cells of the body.

  1. In the blood stream, small amounts of
    acetoacetate are spontaneously (non-
    enzymatically) decarboxyated to acetone.

  • Acetone is volatile and can not be detected in
    the blood.
  • The odor of acetone may be detected in the breath
    and also in the urine of a person who has high
    level of ketone bodies in the blood.
  • e.g. in severe diabetic ketoacidosis, while
    under normal conditions, acetone formation is

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  • Regulation of Ketone body synthesis
  • HMG COA synthase is the regulatory enzyme
  • Induced by increased fatty acids in the blood.
  • It is inhibited by high level of CoASH, thus when
    fatty acids flows to the liver, CoASH used for
    its activation and for thiolase.
  • Thus, CoASH levels are reduced and HMG CoA
    synthase is active and vice versa.

Importance of Ketogenesis
  • Ketogenesis becomes of great significant during
    starvation when carbohydrate store are depleted
    and oxidation of fats becomes a major source of
    energy to the body.
  • The brain normally uses glucose as the only fuel.
    After the diet has been changed to lower blood
    glucose for 3 days, the brain gets 25 of its
    energy from ketone bodies. After about 40 days,
    this goes up to 70, but can not utilize FA.

  • Ketolysis is the complete oxidation of ketone
    bodies to C02 and water.
  • Site
  • Mitochondria of extrahepatic tissues due to
    high activity of the enzymes acetoacetate
    thiokinase and thiophorase, but not in the liver
    due to deficiency of these enzymes

  • During glucose is in short supply (starvation) or
    in insulin deficiency, the mitochondria of
    Cardiac (70 of its energy) ,skeletal muscles and
    kidney can use free fatty acids as a source of
  • However, during prolonged starvation when supply
    of glucose is limited, the brain may utilize
    ketone bodies as the major fuel.

  • ß-hydroxy butyrate is dehydrogenated forming
    acetoacetate, the reaction is catalyzed by
    ß-hdyroxybutyrate dehydrogenase.

  • Activation of acetoacetate to acetoacetyl CoA
    occurs by one of two pathways 
  • One mechanism involves succinyl CoA and the
    enzyme succinyl CoA acetoacetate CoA transferase
    (CoA transferase).
  • Other mechanism involves the activation of
    acetoacetate with ATP in presence of CoA SH
    catalyzed by thiokinase (Acetoacetyl CoA

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  • Acetoacetyl CoA is split to acetyl CoA by
    thioalse and oxidized via citric acid cycle to
    C02 and H20.

  • Utilization of acetone by tissues is very slow,
    it may be converted to propandiol which becomes
    oxidized to pyruvate, or splits to acetate and
  • Importance of ketolysis
  • Ketolysis completes the oxidation of FA which
    started in the liver. It is a major source of
    energy to extrahepatic tissues during starvation.

Energetics production from degradation of ketone
bodies in peripheral tissue
  • Acetoacetate is oxidized into 2 acety1 CoA ,
  • which enter the citric acid cycle.
  • Activation of acetoacetate consumes 1 ATP , and
    the total amount of ATP from metabolism of 2
    acety1 CoA is
  • 24 1 23 ATP
  • 2. Conversion of ß- hydroxybutyrate back into
    acetoacetate generates 1 NADH , which produces an
    additional 3ATP total ATP produce 26ATP) (24
    3) 1 26 ATP
  • after entering the electron transport
    chain .

  • 3. The liver cannot use ketones for fuel because
    it lacks the enzyme succiny CoA acetoacetate CoA
    transferase (thiophorase),
  • which is necessary to convert acetoacetate
    into 2 acety1 CoA.

Ketosis (ketoacidosis)
  • It is the accumulation of the ketone bodies in
    the blood (Ketonemia) and their appearance in the
    urine (ketonuria)
  • together with acetone odour in the breath and
    acetone can be detected in urine.

  • Ketosis can occur in any condition characterized
    by inhibited carbohydrate utilization and at the
    same time increased fatty acid oxidation.
  • This condition associated with decreased insulin
    relative to the anti insulin hormones, leading to
    increased lipolysis and release of FFA from
    adipose tissue as well as decreased oxidation of
    glucose by the liver.

  • This increases the uptake and oxidation of FA by
    the liver forming excess acetyl COA.
  • The decreased glucose oxidation decreases the
    availability of oxalacetic (because it will be
    directed for gluconeogenesis)
  • and so the excessive amounts of active
    acetate will be directed for ketone bodies

  • Causes of ketosis
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Starvation.
  • Unbalanced diet i.e. high fat, low carbohydrate
  • Renal glucosuria.

  • Effects of ketosis
  • Increased ketone bodies in blood is
    neutralized by the alkali reserve (blood
    buffers), this lead to metabolic acidosis.
  • If ketone bodies are far high than the capacity
    of alkali reserve they will result in acidemia -
    uncompensated acidosis with a decrease in blood
    PH which is a serious that results in death if
    not treated.

Metabolism of Cholesterol
  • Cholesterol is the most important animal sterols
    which is the precursor of all other steroid in
    the body e.g. corticosteroids, sex hormones, bile
    acids and vitamin D.
  • Cholesterol biosynthesis
  • Cholesterol is derived about equally from the
    diet or manufactured de novo in cells of humans
    especially in liver , intestine, and adrenal
    cortex .
  • Acetyl CoA is the source of all carbon atoms in
  • All tissues containing nucleated cells are
    capable of synthesizing cholesterol.

  • The liver is the main source of plasma
    cholesterol but intestine also participates. The
    liver is the principle organ which removes
    cholesterol from blood.
  • The enzymes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis
    are present in cytosol and microcosms of the

Synthesis of cholesterol
  • Cholesterol is synthesized from cytosolic acetyl
    CoA which is transported from mitochondria via
    the citrate transport system.
  • It starts by the
  • condensation of three
  • molecules of acetyl CoA
  • with the formation of
  • HMG CoA.

  • 3. HMG CoA reduced to mevalonic acid (C6) is a
    reaction requiring NADPHH and enzyme HMG CoA
  • Two molecules of NADPH are consumed in the

  • Mevalonic is dehydrated and decarboxyalted to
    isoprenoid units.
  • 5 Molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate are
    converted to squalene (30 C with liberation of
    phosphate then by cyclization and demethylation
    (-3 CH3 ) cholesterol (27 carbon).

Control of cholesterol biosynthesis
  • 1. Control of HMG CoA enzyme
  • HMG CoA reductase is the key enzyme, which exists
    in phosphorylated inactive and dephosphorylated
    active form.
  • HMG CoA reductase is activated by insulin and by
    feeding carbohydrate.
  • HMG CoA reductase is inhibited by glucagon,
    therefore its activity decrease during
    starvation, as starvation directing acetyl CoA to
    the formation of ketone bodies.

  • Cholesterol feeding inhibits liver HMG CoA
  • Bile salts inhibit the intestinal HMG CoA
  • 2- A second point of control is the cyclization
    of squaline to lanosterol.

Blood Cholesterol
  • Plasma cholesterol is in a dynamic state,
    entering the blood complexed with lipoproteins
    and leaving the blood as tissues remove
    cholesterol from lipoproteins or degrade them
  • Cholesterol occurs in plasma lipoproteins in 2
  • free cholesterol (30) and esterified form
    with long chain fatty acids (70).
  • It is the free cholesterols that exchanges
    between different lipoproteins and plasma
    membranes of cells.

  • Total cholesterol in plasma is normally between
    140-300 mg/dl, 2/3 of this is esterified with
    long chain FA (linoleic).
  • Cholesterol esters are continually hydrolysed in
    liver and resynthesized in plasma.
  • Cholesterol is present in all the lipoproteins
    but in fasting more than 60 is carried in p
    lipoproteins (LDL).

Blood lipids
  • Plasma lipids are usually measured after 12 hours
    fasting. The total plasma lipids ranges from
    400-700 mg/dl (mean value 470 mg/dl). The
    different types of plasma lipids are as follows
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