Title: Dispensationalism
- Gods Progressive Self-Revelation
The Dispensationalist (Literalus et Dallus)
- A theological movement within evangelicalism
stressing an apocalyptic understanding of
history. - The Old and New Testaments united
eschatologically in a way that is consistent with
an historical-grammatical interpretation of Old
and New Testaments, and with the fulfillment of
the Old Testament promises to national Israel of
an earthly kingdom ruled personally by Jesus
- It is a philosophy of history, adherence to which
encompasses diverse theologies in the evangelical
tradition including the Calvinistic, Arminian,
Pentecostal and Charismatic.
5Origins and Development
- John Nelson Darby (1800-1882)
- saw Church as apostate
- joined the Plymouth Brethren and developed a
distinctive ecclesiology
6Eccleisology of Dispensationalism
- Church is a spiritual fellowship
- The catalyst for Dispensationalism as a system
- radical discontinuity between the Church and
Israel - "rightly divide the Word of truth"
- Futurist view of biblical prophecy
- Doctrine of the pre-tribulational rapture of the
Church gave coherence to incipient
7Development of DispensationalismClassical Period
- Eschatology spread through North America through
the Niagara Bible Conferences for prophetic study - Scofield Reference Bible
- Rise of Bible Colleges
C. I. Scofield
8Scofields Scheme
Human Govt
Rev. 201-
Ex. 1913- Acts 126
Gen. 121- Ex. 1817
Acts 21- Rev. 1921
Gen. 41- Gen. 8-14
Gen. 128- Gen. 36
Gen. 815- Gen. 11-32
9Major Representatives Classical Period
- John Nelson Darby
- C. I. Scofield (1843-1921)
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
- Comprehensive Bible Correspondence Course
- Scofield Reference Bible
- Lewis Sperry Chafer (1872-1952)
- Founder of Dallas Seminary
- Systematic Theology
L. S. Chafer
10Classical Dispensationalism
- Scofield Reference Bible became the traditional
dispensational framework - Salvation was interpreted individualistically.
- The church as a parenthesis/intercalation in the
history of redemption, essentially unrelated to
Gods larger purpose for the earth. - God was pursuing two different purposes, one
earthly (Israel) and the other heavenly (the
Church). - The Church was a part of Gods heavenly people,
the Church was to adopt an attitude of
disengagement from the political and social
structures of the world.
11Larkins Classic Dispensational Chart
12Major Representatives Revised/Essentialist Period
- Alva J. Mclain (1888-1968)
- The Greatness of the Kingdom
- John F. Walvoord (1910-2001)
- The Millennial Kingdom
- The Church and the Tribulation
- Israel in Prophecy
- Daniel
- Revelation
J. F. Walvoord
13Major Representatives Revised/Essentialist Period
- J. Dwight Pentecost
- (b. 1915)
- Things to Come
14Major RepresentativesRevised/Essentialist Period
- Charles C. Ryrie
- (b. 1925)
- Dispensationalism Today
- The Ryrie Study Bible
15Revised/Essentialist Dispensationalism
- The eternal dualism central to classical
dispensationalism abandoned. - A single divine purpose in history.
- The eternal salvation enjoyed by the Church and
Israel was not essentially different. - Revised dispensationalists moved away from
typology and insisted on a literal hermeneutic.
16Major Representatives Progressive
- Craig Blaising (b. 1949)
- Darrel Bock (b. 1953)
- Robert Saucy
17Progressive Dispensationalism
- Motivations
- During the 1970s and '80s, a significant
development took place in dispensationalism as
the implications of a more adequate and
full-orbed application of the historical-grammatic
al hermeneutic method came to the fore. - Origins
- November 1986 Dispensationalism Study Group
founded at Evangelical Theological Society's
annual meeting in Atlanta. This group has become
the think tank from which have emerged the
writings of the contemporary mode of
dispensationalism, known as progressive
18Dispensationalism vis á vis Covenant Theology
Progressive Dispensationalism
Contemporary Covenant Theology
A consistent application of historical-grammatical
hermeneutics has moved dispensationalists and
covenant theologians toward each other. See
Daniel Fuller, Gospel Law Contrast or
19Dispensational Historiography
- Recognition of Development and Change
- Pessimistic
- God as the motivating force in history
- Supernaturalistic
- Cosmic Drama of Redemption
- Hope
- Eschatological
- Christological
20Dispensational Historiography
- Sine Qua Non?
- distinction between Israel and the Church
- (radical distinction is denied by progressive
dispensationalists) - Cessation of Charismata?
- Fought Modernism
- De-institutionalized grace fostered evangelical
ecumenicity - Apocalyptic mindset
- Biblical literacy of the layman
- Anticipated modern conclusions of Paul and law
- Missions emphasis
22Classic Formulation
- A dispensation is a period of time in which man
is tested with respect to his obedience to some
specific revelation of the will of God. - assumptions
- deposit of revelation embodying Gods Requirement
- human stewardship of that revelation unto
obedience - a time period of testing
23Classic Formulation
- Dispensations are not different means of
salvation - salvation is always by grace through faith
- content of the revelation trusted is variable
- Revelation is cumulative
- Naive Literalism
- Treated the text as flat
- Saw itself as simply the teaching of the Bible
- Withdrawal from Society