Title: The Apostles' Creed
1- The Apostles' Creed
- I believe in God, the Father Almighty,the
Creator of heaven and earth,and in Jesus Christ,
His only Son, our Lord - Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,born of the
Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate,was
crucified, died, and was buried. - He descended into hell.
- The third day He arose again from the dead.
2- He ascended into heavenand sits at the right
hand of God the Father Almighty,whence He shall
come to judge the living and the dead. - I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic
church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness
of sins,the resurrection of the body,and life
3What is a Cult?
4What the course is NOT
- Three Primary Forms of Religions
- Indigenous
- Modern
- World
- South Asian Hinduism / Jainism / Buddhism /
Sikhism - Far Eastern Daoism / Confucianism / Shinto
- Middle Eastern Zoroastrianism / Christianity /
Islam / Shiah / Judaism
5Etymology of Illusive Terms
- Origins
- Cult (cultus) honoring/reverencing/veneration
- Sect (sequi) to follow / devotion / fan
- Distinctions Ernst Troeltsch
- A religious group which is gathered or called out
of some natural organic group or state church on
positively anticonformist grounds, sometimes by a
charismatic leader, but as often by some
principle of greater strictness, more
single-minded dedication, or more intense
abnegation of the world and its attractions.
Often, the sect has as its main principle some
aspect of the orthodox faith which is being lost
or neglected. - Technical Relationship
6Etymology of Illusive Terms
- Current Trends Term Modifications
- Capture phenomena w/o stigmatization
- New Religious Movements (NRM)
- Alternative Religions
- Unconventional Religions
- Emergent Religions
- Non-normative Religions
- Marginal Religious Movements
7Meaning in Eyes of Beholder
- Perspective Factor in Cult Identification
- Cult Non-normative by some standard
- Three Norming Standards
- Sociological (not culturally normative)
- Marks and challenges
- Psychological (not emotionally normative)
- Freedom / victimization / deprogramming
- Theological (not doctrinally normative)
- Challenges / apologetics / pluralism
8Meaning in Eyes of Beholder
- Challenges Dangers of Term Cult
- Relative Term (perspective / time)
- Labeling w/o universal objective basis
- Term cult is applied to a disparate collection
of groups and movements and consequently has
become unsuitable as a precise legal or social
scientific categoryin effect, a cult is any
group stigmatized as a cult. T. Robbins
(sociologist) - Risk of neutralizing legitimate threats
9Meaning in Eyes of Beholder
- Christian Response Holistic Approach
- Glean from secular perspectives
- Academic Recommendation (Hexham)
- The academic practice of calling such groups new
religious movements should be followed. An
alternative to this neutral terminology available
for Christians who oppose such groups would be to
revive the usage of heretic or simply call such
groups spiritual counterfeits. - Stuck with a Term
- We should drop the term if we could, but we
cant I think were stuck with it. J. Sire
10Interpretations viaProximity Spectrums
- Spectrum on Socio-Religious Scale
- World Religions
- Denominations
- Sects
- Fundamentalist-Fringe Movements
- Cults
- Eastern-mystical (Hare Krishna, TM)
- Aberrational-Christian (Children of God, The Way
International) - Psychospiritual / Self-improvement (Scientology,
Silva Mind Control) - Eclectic-syncretistic (Unification Church)
- Psychic-occult-astral (New Age, Eckankar)
- Institutionalized/established (Mormons, Jehovahs
Witnesses, Christian Science)
11Interpretations viaProximity Spectrums
- Spectrum Migration Over Time
- External re-interpretations
- Internal re-structurings
- Patterns of Migration
- Toward Conformity (cult to non-cultic)
- Social Perspective
- Theological Perspective
- Away from Conformity (non-cultic to cult)
- Social Perspective
- Theological Perspective
12Visualizing Proximity Analysis
- Theological Perspective
- Normative Standard Orthodoxy
- Key Question What is a cult?
13Visualizing Proximity Analysis
- Sociological Perspective
- Normative Standard Cultural Affinity
- Key Question How cultic is it?
14What is a Cult?
- Nature of Cults
- Heresy in an Age of Pluralism
15Who Joins a Cult?
- Profile Neighbors / Colleagues / Friends
- Psychological Perspective (Singer)
- 2/3 from normal families with age-appropriate
behaviors - 1/3 with diagnosable depressions (95) or major
psychological problem (5) - Sociological Perspective (Ellwood Enroth)
- Most are young (under 30) Caucasians
- Middle and Upper Middle classes
- Nominal religious background
- Relatively well-educated
- Isolated / unattached
- Experienced disaffection
- Religious seeker-ship
16Why Join a Cult?
- Common Fallacy Dismissed
- Doctrinal Affinity
- Social Compensators Model Rodney/Stark
- Access to rewards replaced by Compensators
- Primary Conditions
- Depression
- Unaffiliated
- Cult as Substitute Family
- This is your fathers world
17Why Join a Cult?
- Why cults appeal Josh McDowell
- Provide clear/certain answers
- Meet human needs
- Make favorable impressions
18How Do Cults Recruit?
- Direct Indirect Appeals
- Evangelism
- Marketing
- Disguise Deception
- Disguising as legitimate enterprises
- Slick solicitation techniques
- Targeting Most Responsive Young/Naïve
- Children / Adolescents / Youth
- Vulnerable populations
- Abusive retention methods
19What Characterizes Most Cults?
- Three General Characteristics
- Abrupt break with historic Christianity
- Tendency to major in minors
- Tendency to perfectionism
- Five Distinct Traits
- Extra-biblical source of authority
- Denial of justification by grace alone
- Devaluation of Christ
- Views itself as exclusive community of saved
- Self-referential role in eschatology
20McDowells 11 Characteristics of Cults
- New Truth
- New Interpretation of Scripture
- Non-biblical Source of Authority
- Another Jesus
- Rejection of Orthodox Christianity
- Double-talk (equivocal doctrinal language)
- Non-biblical Teaching on Nature of God
- Shifting Theology
- Strong Leadership
- Salvation by Works
- False Prophecy
21Enroths 9 Characteristics of Cults
- Authoritarian Leadership
- Oppositional
- Exclusivity
- Legalistic
- Subjective
- Persecution-conscious
- Sanction-Oriented
- Esoteric
- Antisacerdotal
22How Should We Respond?
- Empathy vs. Embracing
- Conflicted religious attitudes in pluralistic
society - Why and What, before effective communication
- Seeing cultists as persons
- Cross-cultural courtesies extended
- Keeping Christian balance
- Answering w/o attacking
- Defending w/o destroying
23What Can We Learn From Cults?
- Identifies Unpaid Bill of the Church
- Life transitions
- Doctrinal sophistication
- Doctrinal neglect
- Humanitarian void
- Hyper-dispensationalism
- Sharpens skills of rhetoric
- Reminds of dangers in public forum
- Confession of non-objectivity
24What Can We Learn From Cults?
- Strengthens Church Solidarity
- Provokes Church to Mission
- Hones Apologetics
- Most legitimate response???
- The problem is essentially theological where the
cults are concerned. The answer of the church
must be theological and doctrinal. No
sociological or cultural evaluation will do. Such
works may be helpful, but they will not answer
the Jehovahs Witness or Mormon who is seeking
biblical authority for either the acceptance of
rejection of his beliefs. L. Belford - Conclusions Identify and Intervene
26What is a Cult?
- Methodologies of Misreading
27A Twisted MethodologyJohn 831-32
- What is Happening?
- Violations of literary interpretation
- Methodology of misreading
- A general defense against perversions
- The authority of Scripture
- A true and unique revelation
- To all humanity
- Ultimate authority
- Understandable by ordinary people
28A Twisted MethodologyJohn 831-32
- A Problem of World-View Confusion
- What is a worldview?
- A set of propositions (or assumptions) which we
hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the
basic makeup of our world. - Addresses the following central issues of life
- What is prime reality (really real)
- Who is man?
- What happens to man at death?
- What is the basis of morality?
- What is the meaning of time/history
29A Twisted MethodologyJohn 831-32
- What is worldview confusion?
- Phenomena which occurs whenever a reader of
Scripture fails to interpret the Bible within the
intellectual and broadly cultural framework of
the Bible itself and uses instead, a foreign
frame of reference. Sire, p. 26 - An ethno- or ego- centric reading of scripture
- Reading from our own cultural, or own personal
perspective without regard to its original
setting or intention
30Twenty Reading Errors
- The Text of Scripture
- 1 Inaccurate Quotation
- Misquoting scripture passages, or wrongly
attributing text source - 2 Twisted Translation
- Text retranslated, not in accordance with sound
scholarship, but to fit cultic perspective - Cautions/Lessons from this class of errors
- Must utilize accurate text
- test cultic translations for reasonable accuracy
31Twenty Reading Errors
- Scripture as Rhetoric
- 3 The Bible Hook (Conceptual bait switch)
- Scripture quoted primarily as device to grasp
attention, followed by dubious teachings not
logically flowing from original text - Scripture as pretext for own theological agendas
- Cautions/Lessons from this class of errors
- Examine scriptures to see if message drawn from
them is in accordance with their meaning
32Twenty Reading Errors
- Scripture as Literature
- 4 Ignoring the Immediate Context
- Text quoted but isolated from context that
constrains its meaning - Text with context is pretext!
- 5 Collapsing Contexts
- Two or more texts joined in argument, without
legitimate literary association of ideas - 6 Over-specification
- Drawing a more detailed/specific conclusion than
warranted by text
33Twenty Reading Errors
- Scripture as Literature
- 7 Word Play
- Word/phrase from a biblical translation,
interpreted as if revelation came in that
language or form - 8 The Figurative Fallacy
- Mistaking literal for figurative language or
vice-versa - 9 Speculative Readings of Predictive Prophecy
- Predictive prophecy explained as specified events
in time (current/future), despite literary
uncertainty and non-consensus among bible
34Twenty Reading Errors
- Scripture as Evidence (Inductive Errors)
- 10 Saying but Not Citing
- Claiming a biblical proposition, without
marshalling biblical evidence to make that claim
or draw a subsequent conclusion from such claims - 11 Selective Citing cf. 4
- Limiting scriptural evidence to edited portions
of texts relating to the proposition - 12 Inadequate Evidence cf. 6
- Hasty generalization drawn from too little
evidence - Cautions/Lessons from this class of errors
- Ask Is the evidence really there at all, and is
all the evidence presented?
35Twenty Reading Errors
- Reasoning from Scripture (Deductive Errors)
- 13 Confused Definition
- Biblical term so misunderstood, that essential
doctrine is distorted or rejected - Consequence of invalid argument due to improper
definition of terms in premises equivocation - 14 Ignoring Alternative Explanations cf. 9,
12 - Assigning particular interpretation to text or
set of texts, which could more easily be
explained by a more reasonable or historically
accepted interpretation - Ignoring Okhams Razor-- Economy of explanation
36Twenty Reading Errors
- Reasoning from Scripture (Deductive Errors)
- 15 The Obvious Fallacy
- Words like obviously, undoubtedly, certainly, all
reasonable people hold that are substituted for
logical reasons behind conclusions - 16 Virtue by Association
- Linking writings/ideas with accepted authorities,
and/or the Bible, or imitating biblical forms to
gain sense of biblical authority - Cautions/Lessons from this class of errors
- Make certain the terms are defined, the arguments
draw valid conclusions from the premises, and are
supported by actual scriptures, taken in context
37Twenty Reading Errors
- The Authority of the Bible
- 17 Esoteric Interpretation
- Subjective (private) interpretation based on
assumption of hidden, esoteric meanings within
the text available only to those initiated into
its mysteries - Dangerous precedent past down since earliest
Christianity - Alexandrian School of Allegorical Interpretation
- 3-fold sense in text based on body, soul, spirit
of human nature - Scripture was historical (literal) / moral /
spiritual - 18 Supplementing Biblical Authority
- New revelations from post-biblical prophets
either replacing, or adding to authority of
biblical revelations
38Twenty Reading Errors
- The Authority of the Bible
- 19 Rejecting Biblical Authority
- Bible as a whole, or texts, are examined and
rejected because they do not square with other
authoritiessuch as reason and other
revelationwhich does not appear to agree with
them. - Cautions/Lessons from this class of errors
- We must stand intentionally on three touchstones
of Protestant Christianity - Scripture alone as our final authority for
life/practice - Plain reason as our guide to what scripture means
- Personal conscious as controller over what we
coherently embrace - Maintain critical mind regarding religious
beliefs and their sources - Key questions
- Unreflective life not worth livingunreflective
faith not worth embracing
39Twenty Reading Errors
- World-View Confusion
- 20 World-view Confusion
- Reading with improper ideological lens, imposing
personal or cultural perspective on the text,
thus discoloring its truth from its original
intention - Setting up own frame of reference as arbitrary
absolute into which any sentence composed by
anybody, anytime, anywhere, must now fit - Cautions/Lessons from this class of error
- Proof-texting our personal worldviews
40Properly Abiding in the Word John 831-32
- Maintain the proper attitude toward scriptural
study - An open heart and open mind
- Maintain a proper methodology toward scriptural
study five principles - Recognize the systematic nature of all claims to
truth - Base all scriptural study on a good text
- Consider the literary context of revelation
- Gather as much evidence as reasonably possible
before drawing conclusions - Consult the community of Faith for affirmation of