Communication Technology UAMG3053 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Communication Technology UAMG3053


Communication Technology UAMG3053 Week 4 & 5 Impact of New Media – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Communication Technology UAMG3053

Communication Technology UAMG3053
  • Week 4 5
  • Impact of New Media

Visual Communication
  • Visual Communication any optically stimulating
    message that is understood by viewer (Lester).
  • Visual Messages any direct, mediated, or mental

Our brain process three types of visual messages
  • Mental those that we experience from inside of
    our mind such as thoughts, dreams and
  • Direct those that we see without media
  • Mediated those that we see through some type of
    print or screen (movie, television, computer),
    and medium

Visual Process
  • The Visual Process to see clearly is to think
    clearly (Aldous Huxley, The art of seeing).

To Seeing Clearly
  • First stage Sense letting enough light enter
    your eyes so that you could see objects
    immediately around you.
  • Second Stage Select to isolate and look at a
    specific part of a scene within enormous frame of
    possibilities that sensing offers. Selecting is a
    conscious, intellectual act.
  • Third Stage Perceive try to make sense of what
    you select.

  • The more you know, the more you sense. The more
    you sense, the more you select. The more you
    select, the more you perceive. The more you
    perceive the more you remember. The more you
    remember, the more you learn. The more you learn,
    the more you know.

The more you know, the more you see
  • Proposed by Aldous Huxley
  • Seeing is a complex process that involves the
    mind as well as the eyes
  • Clear seeing is the combination of how much you
    know and how much you feel at any particular

  • The more you know, the more you see
  • Example A ball player will look at a ball game
    differently that a newcomer. He or she might look
    at the angle of the ball, the technique of the
    players, and the signal of the team
    communication. The newcomer might only interested
    in the score of the game

Visual and Communication
  • The studies Visual Communication
  • Visual Persuasion in Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Journalism
  • Cartoon
  • Photography
  • Pictorial Stereotypes Gender, Race, Life style
  • Motion Picture
  • Television

Digital Photography
  • Shahira Fahmy and C. Zoe Smiths study
    Photographers Note Digitals Advantages,
  • Qualitative Study of digital photography on
    participants of 2001 Picture of the Year
    International (POYi) contest.
  • First, email contact
  • Second, email questions
  • Third, Answer by email or telephone

Shooting Digital
  • Advantages
  • 1. Able to stay in location longer
  • Disadvantages
  • 1. May leave assignments earlier
  • - Decrease the quality of journalistic coverage
  • - Tend to shoot less images

Digital Darkroom
  • Advantages
  • Photographers have control over images on digital
  • Computer screen is more intimate easy to work
  • Better working environment- without chemical
  • Disadvantages
  • Difficult to look at computer screen
  • Less intimate relationship with the work

  • Advantages
  • More Organize
  • Disadvantages
  • Limited Storage forced to delete images
  • Spend more time to burn CD and create archive
  • Images cannot represent the past

Issue of Control
  • Advantages
  • Photographers time become more valuable and
  • Photographers have more control over images
  • Disadvantages
  • Photographers as editor deleting/screening
  • Limit the work of photojournalists

Picture Editing
  • Advantages
  • More value to picture editor job
  • Disadvantages
  • Picture Editors job might be replaced
  • Visual content and real work
  • - images are products of a chain gatekeepers
  • 3. Less quality images
  • - Loose picture editor second eyes opinion.

Interpersonal Relationships
  • Advantages
  • Enhanced personal relationships
  • - Photographers come in to newsroom to scan,
  • - Physically present in the newsroom
  • Disadvantages
  • Isolate photographers from newsroom transmit
    from location
  • In future, photographers might do not have to
    come in to the newsroom at all

Visual Persuasion in Public Relations
  1. How it was reported might be more important
    that what it was reported
  2. PR tries to influence news reporters and public
  3. Helps journalists identify important stories
  4. PR in political campaign US presidential
  5. News editors prefer well-written and interesting
    news items

  • 6 PR chooses newspaper read and reread
  • 7. PR events staged to attract media attention
  • 8. TV- persuasive impact of visual communication
    can be exploited The Super bowl commercial
  • 9. Cable provides specialize audiences
  • 10. Guess appearances TV shows
  • 11. Video News Release
  • 12. Expanded news releases - informercials

Culture Shock
  • The difficulties that you experience as you
    integrate into a new society can be a result of
    what is termed culture shock
  • Living in a new culture can exhilarating,
    personally rewarding, and intellectually
    stimulating. It also can be frustrating.
  • Those who doesnt maintain an open mind, and
    doesnt invest any effort trying to understand a
    foreign culture, is always going to be in a state
    of shock.

  • Based on a study in Hong Kong which observed five
    values among several families.
  • Foster continuous contact among family members,
    save time, nurture family values, tie into the
    pride felt by Hong Kongs people as they joined
    mainland China and extend childrens education
  • Related technology products were introduced to
    these families such as

  • Thinktank would connect schools, teachers and
    parents, who will get information about the
    childs work at school.
  • TeacherLINK would connect teachers to parents
    seeking advice and
  • LogBook would link office-bound parents to
    children working on lessons at home.
  • Homebase system would provide a data link to
    household facilities

  • Foodchain would promote shopping at any time.
    Fish and chicken would wear bar- coded tags, then
    specify when Foodchain employees should kill them
    and how should be prepared and where they should
    be delivered.
  • To figure out what will sell in a culture,
    companies should consider establishing a sort of
    living laboratory where they can study how people
    live, incorporate tools in their daily routines
    and what they need to create a better life at
    home and at work.

Real Time Transmission
  • Real-time
  • - techniques include placing several frames of
    video into a buffer on the client (user)
    computers hard drive, and then beginning to play
    the video, as more files are placed into the
  • - Playing a video images, approximately
    real-time, without having to wait for an entire
    large video file to download

  • Real Time cont.
  • - Instantaneous transmission
  • Satellite Broadcasting/Transmission
  • - War zone report/news
  • - Satellite conference
  • Internet Broadcasting/ Transmission
  • - Streaming video via the Internet
  • Real-time weather data satellite and radar

Communication Technology UAMG3053
  • Week 4 5
  • Impact of New Media

Journalisms Challenges in Real-Time
  • The dissemination of news is now instantaneous
    and global
  • News affects public perception and public policy
  • No spin zone
  • Technological revolution is making the control of
    the flow of news and information and to spin it
    in their favor
  • Government actions are now tracked live on

  • Government become more transparent
  • Media and public as watchdog
  • Reduce media biases and manipulation of local
    media - as audiences (users) can easily compare
    the how the same news and information is handled
    by other media
  • To maintain control - Government and military
    might totally block access to news or held away
    front-line action
  • Enlist correspondent with self-censorship

  • The responsibility is on the journalist.
  • Real-time report makes it more difficult for
    government to ensure their interpretation of
    events is the only version that is disseminated
  • The immediacy of news increases the impact of
    journalism and pressure government to react
  • E.g. Compared news on WWII, Bosnia, and
    Afghanistan and Iraq

  • Reporting in real time
  • Technology provides journalist with more
    opportunities and risks
  • Reporting in real-time and the expensive
    equipments make journalist a target for attack
  • Media organizations have to ensure accuracy,
    objectivity, and freedom of bias

Huge responsibilities on journalist
  • 1. Cheaper equipment freelance war journalists
  • - Pressure to go to the frontline for
    marketable footage
  • - Paparazzi
  • 2. Digital images easy to manipulate
  • - Burden to verify materials
  • 3. Framing news events in their context
  • - e.g. airing a burning of US flag without
    commentary or using a old footage with new

Outlook of Modern Journalism
  • Roger Fidler Those newspapers that can blend
    credible, High-quality information with
    compelling, interactive presentations will have
    the opportunity to live longer and prosper
    (Pavlik, 1998, p. 186)
  • Newspapers are incorporating URLs in their daily
    content since mid-1990s
  • Internet has become a tool for journalists to
    gather news and information

Journalists and Internet
  • In 1998-1999
  • Preferred
  • Yahoo!
  • Alta Vista
  • Excite
  • Netscape
  • HotBot
  • Infoseek

  • Types of Websites
  • State government site
  • Federal government site
  • Newspapers site
  • Strong Websites
  • Reputable Sources
  • Valid and accurate information
  • Searchable
  • Easy access to information

  • Preferred web based technology
  • Email
  • File-transfer protocol
  • Bulletin Board less use
  • Audio Streaming less use

Factors to publish online version with
  • 1. Competition website as extravagance
  • 2. Community Pluralism desire media interaction
  • 3. Ownership decision

Quality of New Media Content
  • Advantages of New Media Content
  • Rich multimedia presentation
  • Individualization of content
  • Fully interactive
  • Immersive forms of content

  • Shovel-ware
  • referring the quality of online publication
  • Electronic products that are nothing more than
    their paper products
  • Directly converted the paper version into
    electronic version
  • Example IF the printed version of the Star and is the same.
  • The online electronic version does not provide us
    with any additional information.

New Media and Dissemination
  • Rapid Dissemination Distribution technology
  • The speed of dissemination of information
  • One-to-many dissemination
  • From many to many dissemination

Heterogeneous Audience
  • Heterogeneous
  • consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients
    or constituents

  • Has long been understood as receivers
  • Traditionally refers to reader of, viewers of,
    listeners to one or other media channel
  • The term audience is diverse and constantly
  • E.g. Readers of early 18th century novels and to
    subscribers to 2005 cable television services to
    the Internet (users)

Audiences are both
  • 1. Product of a social context
  • - Shared cultural interests, understandings,
    information needs
  • - E.g. Classical theaters, sports, romantic
    comedy, anti-war, republican and democrat.
  • 2. Response to a particular pattern of media
    provision (arrangement)
  • - Television and Radio uses, Different
    lifestyle, availability, and everyday routines.

Audiences can be define by
  1. Place Local, regional or International
  2. People Age, gender, political belief, income
  3. Medium/Channel - TV, Radio, Internet
    (organization and technology combined)
  4. Content Genres, Styles,
  5. Time Primetime, daytime, drive-time

History and Development of Audience
  • Classical Time
  • Media audience started in public theatrical and
    musical performances Roman and Creek city
  • - Physical gathering in a certain place
  • - Spectator of public events
  • Had it own customs, rules, and expectations about
    time, place and content of performances
    conditions for admission

Features of audience in classical time
  • Localized in place and time
  • Sit in an auditorium to hear or see what was
    going on and to respond directly
  • Smaller audience by modern standard
  • Active within itself and interactive within
    performers live performances
  • Have a potential collective life of its own,
    based on a common background and the shared
    experience of the moment

Emergence of Mass Audience
  • Printed Book
  • Started with the introduction of printed book
  • Allowed effective communication at a distance in
    space and time and also privacy in use
  • Dispersed reading public a set of individuals
    choosing the same texts

Printed Book.
  • Reading public was localized in cities, social
    status, and language
  • Expansion of technology has made the printed
    material cheap and plentiful for diversified
  • Changes in technology and society altered the
    nature of audiences, especially in respect of
  • Urbanization, rail transportation, technology in
    printing, increased literacytransformed printing
    production to a large-scale industries

Film and Audience
  • Invention of film restored the original of
    locatedness of reception pictures showing in
    town hall
  • Created the first mass audience large scale
    reception and identical message or performance
  • Millions of people can enjoy the same mediated
    emotional and learning experiences

  • Audiences might not be able to interact with the
    film, but audiences could interact with each
  • No live performance, accept for musical
  • The show was always and everywhere the same

Audience and Broadcasting
  • New kind of audience based on technology
  • Competition of audiences become a matter of
    competing equipment cable and satellite, video
    and audio recording, MP3 and CD
  • Was initially a distribution technology
  • Audience could be defined as consisting of those
    who possessed the reception equipment

  • Simultaneity of impact was much greater and
    affected larger numbers
  • Uniformity of content
  • Privatization watching TV is a private affair
  • Earlier TV audiences are large, anonymous,
    addicted, and passive
  • TV and radio audiences are outside of the range
    of direct observation and record

Audience as
  • Audience as a mass
  • Mass audience products of modern industrial
    urban society
  • - Largeness of society, anonymous, rootlessness,
    detached individuals, lacks any organization,
    stable structure, rules, and no fixed location

Audience as
  • Audience as a group
  • 2. Experience is personal, small scale, and
    integrated into social life
  • - People makes their media choices
  • Audience as a market
  • 3. TV and radio audiences
  • - Region served by media, social-demographic,
    actual and potential market
  • - Focus on media consumption

Tutorial 9 - Questions
  • 1. What are four main changes that have affected
    the audience with the development of new media?
  • 2. Discuss how the phrase the more you know, the
    more you see is true in your profession.
  • 3. (a) Define audience.
  • (b) Can we refer to the Internet audience as
    heterogeneous? Why?
  • 4 What is the prediction of John Pavlik about the
    3 stages of online journalism in the future?
  • 5. What are disadvantages of digital photography
    from photojournalists perspective?

  • Jukes, S. (2002). Real-time responsibility
    Journalisms challenges in an instantaneous age.
    Harvard International Review, 24, p. 14- 18.
  • Lester, P. M. (2003). Visual communication
    Images with messages. Belmont, CA
    Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
  • Lowrey, W. (2003). What influences small
    newspapers to decide to publish online news?
  • Newspaper Research Journal, 24, p. 83-90.
  • McQuail, D. (1997). Audience analysis. London

  • Pavlik, J. V. (1998). New media technology,
    London Allyn and Bacon.
  • Robinson, P. (2002). The CNN effect The myth of
    news, foreign policy and intervention. London
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