Title: Water Resources status in Palestine
1Water Resources status in Palestine
- Saleh Rabi
- Palestinian Hydrology Group PHG
- Palestinian Environmental Non-Governmental
Network PENGON - 2008
2Water Resources in Palestine
- The main water resources in Palestine are
- Surface Water the Jordan River.
- Groundwater.
- Runoff.
3Surface Water the Jordan River
- The Utilizing of the Jordan River from the
riparian countries is as following - Palestine (0 Mcm/yr).
- Israel (870 Mcm/yr).
- Jordan (325 Mcm/yr).
- Syria (160 Mcm/yr).
- Lebanon (5 Mcm/yr).
- Only 5 Mcm/yr flows into the Dead Sea.
- The total annual flow of the Jordan River is 1320
Mcm. - From the Israeli portion, 420 Mcm are transferred
through the Israeli National Carrier. -
4Groundwater Resources in the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip
- West Bank
- The Western Aquifer Basin (WAB).
- The Eastern Aquifer Basin (EAB).
- The Northeastern Aquifer Basin (NEAB).
- Gaza Strip
- The Coastal Aquifer Basin Gaza Basin.
5Water Resources in the West Bank
- The Number of Israeli Abstraction Wells 38
Wells Producing 56.9 Mcm/yr. - The Number of Palestinian Abstraction Wells 325
Wells Producing 65.46 Mcm/yr. - Average Productivity of one Israeli Well 205.1
cubic meter per hour. - Average Productivity of one Palestinian Well
27.6 cubic meter per hour. - Many of Palestinian Agricultural Wells and
Springs were dried because of the Israeli Wells. - Israeli Wells tap deeper aquifer than the
Palestinian wells do. They extract about 95 of
the total abstraction of the Western Aquifer
6Water Resources in the Gaza Strip
- There are 4,000 wells in the Gaza Strip,
abstracting 140-145 Mcm/yr and with average
density of wells 5 per square kilometer. - In general term, the water level in Gaza Aquifer
dropped on average of 1.6 meters per year, but
mostly in the south. - The annual depletion rate of aquifer storage is 5
Mcm/yr. - More than 70 of the aquifer is brackish or
saline water. - Many water quality parameters presently exceed
WHO Drinking Water Standards. - 60 of reported diseases in the Gaza Strip are
water related.
- Total Water Demand (Mcm/yr)
Gap between water supply and demand
9Palestinian Management Options
- Groundwater Supply Development (Artificial
Groundwater Recharge, Rehabilitation of spring or
old groundwater wells and drilling new wells). - Rainwater harvesting.((CISTERNS)).
- Desalination of seawater and brackish water.
- Demand Management (Rehabilitation water networks
to reduce leakage, water saving devices, metering
and tariffs, sectorial allocation).((LOSSES FROM
30 UP TO 50)). - Surface Water Development.((CONTROL OVER WATER IN
WADIS)) - Water Import.???????
- Administrative and institutional management.
10Institutional Framework of the Water Sector in
PalestineWater Sector Framework
- Three Levels
- Political Level.
- Regulatory Level.
- Operational Level.
11Institutional Framework of the Water Sector in
PalestineNational Water Council Framework
12Institutional Framework of the Water Sector in
PalestineMain Stakeholders
13Israeli Water Practices Affecting Palestinian
Water ResourcesMining the Water of the West
Bank Aquifers
- The Israeli networks of wells around the
Palestinian boarders are causing sever quantity
and quality problems for Palestinian water
resources. - This dense network of Israeli wells abstracted
more than 95 of the total utilization from the
Western Basin. - The abstraction Palestinian groundwater wells in
Bardala area has almost ceased entirely since
1980, and the springs have actually dried out due
to the tapping of the groundwater by Israeli
wells. - In Fasayil area, the six Israeli wells tapping
the lower aquifer led to the drying up of the
Palestinian wells since 1993.
14Israeli Water Practices Affecting Palestinian
Water ResourcesSeparation Wall
- The wall is located on the productive zones of
the Palestinians Aquifers. - 39 groundwater wells have been isolated from
their Palestinian communities by the wall with
an additional 14 wells threatened for demolition
in the walls buffer zone.
15Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the
Palestinian Water SectorThe Environment
- Poor sanitation services, over application of
fertilizers and pesticides in the agricultural
sector. - Pollution to Aquifers and their Environment,
(SETTELEMENTS)). - Years of neglect and lack of wastewater treatment
and management. - Inadequate cesspools and direct effluent
discharges to the wadis. - Solid wastes dumping.
16Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the
Palestinian Water SectorThe Socio-economic and
Governance Challenge
- 40 of the Palestinian communities are not served
with essential water supply and sanitation. - 25 of population of the West Bank are without
proper services of water supply and safe
sanitation. - People with no services buy water from tankers at
3-4 times the average cost.
- Average consumption 50 LPCD, where in some
location it reaches only 20 LPCD. - Strengthen water institutions with integrated
approaches. - Establish plans, policies and strategies.
- Inadequate cesspools and direct effluent
discharges to the wadis.
17Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the
Palestinian Water SectorThe Socio-economic and
Governance Challenge
- Water Supply Deficit in the West Bank (2003).
- Purchase Water for Domestic Use in the West Bank
18Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the
Palestinian Water SectorThe Political
Environment and Regional Co-operation Challenge
- The instability of the political environment in
Palestine has caused delays in both private and
donor investments in the water sector. - The Oslo II agreement allowed the Palestinians to
develop some 80 Mcm/yr during the period 1995
till 2000, five years later only one-third of
this quantity is utilized. - Although there exists about 700 Mcm/yr of
groundwater resources in the Palestinian lands of
the West Bank, only around 112 Mcm/yr (15) is
available for Palestinians. - The entire region suffers from water problems and
without regional cooperation that includes as
well Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, it will be
difficult to optimize the use of available water
and minimize the potential negative environmental
impacts. - Cooperation should take into consideration the
protection of water resources from pollution.
19Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the
Palestinian Water SectorThe Political
Environment and Regional Co-operation Challenge
- Cooperation with respect to water rights should
be based on permanent sovereignty over
Palestinian water resources, regional safety,
reciprocal benefits, and good neighborhood. - Cooperation must concentrate on immediate
programs to supply water for un-served areas. - The Palestinians should be as a core party in any
existing or future projects such as the Dead-Red
Seas Canal. - The same is applied for the development of
additional water resources such as importing
water, desalination, ..etc. - The Palestinians seek water from the National
Carrier to satisfy Gaza water needs. - Multi Lateral cooperation should include the
development of sustainable and integrated water