Title: Nutrient%20cycling%20
1Nutrient cycling Ecosystem Health
- READINGS for this lecture series
- KREBS chap 27. Ecosystem Metabolism III
Nutrient Cycles - KREBS chap 28. Ecosystem Health
- Human Impacts Pp 590 600
- WEB Downloads
- Energy 1-way flow
- - eventually gets lost
- Nutrients cycle
Inorganic (rocks, air, water)
Organic (living organisms)
3Human activity
4Three main types of cycles
- 1. Biochemical cycles
- Redistribution within/between organisms
- This really is r- and K-selection from first
term -
- 2. Biogeochemical cycles
- Exchange within an ecosystem
- N, P - rapid exchange
- Ca - long if stored in long-lived tree tissue
- 3. Geochemical cycles
- Exchange of chemicals between ecosystems
- Nutrients and dust
- CO2, SO2, NOx
5Three main types of cycles
- 1. Biochemical cycles
- Redistribution within/between organisms
- This really is r- and K-selection from first
term -
- 2. Biogeochemical cycles
- Exchange within an ecosystem
- N, P - rapid exchange
- Ca - long if stored in long-lived tree tissue
- 3. Geochemical cycles
- Exchange of chemicals between ecosystems
- Nutrients and dust
- CO2, SO2, NOx
6Three main types of cycles
- 1. Biochemical cycles
- Redistribution within/between organisms
- This really is r- and K-selection from first
term -
- 2. Biogeochemical cycles
- Exchange within an ecosystem
- N, P - rapid exchange
- Ca - long if stored in long-lived tree tissue
- 3. Geochemical cycles
- Exchange of chemicals between ecosystems
- Nutrients and dust
- CO2, SO2, NOx
7Krebs Fig. 27.12 p573
8Krebs Fig. 28.8 p591
9Krebs Fig. 27.17 p579
1078 of air is N2
11- These figures have
- All sorts of rates of transfer
- We can compare between systems
- More interesting
- What influences the rates?
- What are the impacts of altering the rates?
12- These figures have
- All sorts of rates of transfer
- We can compare between systems
- More interesting
- What influences the rates?
- e.g. forms of nutrients, types of organisms
- What are the impacts of altering the rates?
- e.g. disturbance, pollution, etc.
13Compartment Models
- Quantitative descriptions of storage and
movement of nutrients among different
compartments of an ecosystem - Coarse few broad compartments
- e.g. plants, herbivores
- Fine many detailed compartments
- e.g. separate species
14Compartment Models
- POOL the quantity of a particular nutrient in
a compartment - FLUX the quantity moving from one pool to
another per unit time - TURNOVER TIME the time required for movement
of an amount of nutrient equal to the quantity
in the pool (POOL/FLUX)
15Krebs Fig. 27.2 p562
Phosphorus cycle in a lake (simplified)
Turnover time (water) 9.5 (pool) /152 (flux)
0.06 day
- Any biotic or abiotic mechanism responsible for
continuous flux of nutrients through an ecosystem
- Biotic tree roots, sea birds,
- Pacific salmon
- Abiotic lake overturn, ocean upwelling
17Nutrient pump (Terrestrial)
20Nutrient pump (temperate lake turnover)
21Marine ecosystem
22Nutrient pumps (Marine)
- A few general points (terrestrial systems)
- Nutrient cycling is never perfect i.e. always
losses from system
Precipitation Runoff stream flow
Particle fallout from atmosphere Wind loss
Weathering of substrate Leaching
Fertilizer pollution Harvesting
24terrestrial systems contd
- Inputs and outputs are small in comparison
- to amounts held in biomass and recycled
(i.e. relatively tight cycling is the norm)
3. Disturbances (e.g. deforestation) often
uncouple cycling
4. Gradient in rates of decomposition and
nutrient cycling from poles to tropics
- Experiments done to
- Describe nutrient budget of intact forest
- Assess effects of logging on nutrient cycles
26CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
27Annual Nitrogen budget for the undisturbed
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. Values are
Kg, or Kg/ha/yr
28- Deforestation is a major change in community
structure, with a consequent - loss of nutrients (Krebs Fig 27.7 p567)
- x20-30 normal loss of NO3 in Hubbard Brook
- reduction in leaf area
- 40 more runoff (would have transpired)
- more leaching
- more erosion and soil loss
- decouples within-system cycling of decomposition
and plant uptake processes - all the activities (and products) of spring
decomposition get washed away
29Logging causes decoupling of nutrient cycles and
losses of nitrogen as nitrates and nitrites
Concentrations of ions in streamwater from
experimentally deforested, and control,
catchments at Hubbard Brook.
31Uncoupling of N-cycle
1) Logging causes increased nitrification
2) H displace nutrient cations from soil micelles
H gtCagtMggtKgtNa
324. Gradient from poles to tropics
Decomposition Slow Rapid
Proportion nutrients in living biomass Low (mostly in dead organic matter) High
Cycling Slow Rapid
33(No Transcript)
34Relative proportion of Nitrogen in organic matter
35Relative proportion of Nitrogen in organic matter
- Nutrients removed from circulation for long
periods - Productivity reduced
- Excessive accumulations of organic matter (e.g.
- Nutrient depletion
- Poor chemistry and physics of soil (e.g.
decreased soil fertility, soil moisture and
resistance to erosion) (e.g. tropical laterites)
- moisture and temperature
- pH of litter and the forest floor
- more acid promotes fungi, less bacteria
- species of plant producing the litter
- chemical composition of the litter
- C/N ratio - high gives poor decomposition
- microbes need N to use C
- N often complexed with nasties (e.g. tannin)
- optimum is 251
- Douglas fir wood 5481
- Douglas fir needles 581
- alfalfa hay 181
- activities of soil fauna e.g. earthworms
38- Decomposition Rates influenced by
- temperature
- moisture
- pH, O2
- quality of litter
- soil type
- soil animals (size)
- type of fauna / flora
- rapid if bacterial
- slow if fungal
- humid tropical forests about 2 - 3 weeks
- temperate hardwood forests 1 - 3 years
- temperate / boreal forests 4 - 30 yr
- arctic/alpine / dryland forests gt40 years
- generally, rate of decomposition increases
with increased amount of litterfall
Residence time the time required for the
complete breakdown of one years litter fall
40Residence times (years)
41Residence times (years)
42- Decomposition Rates influenced by
- temperature
- moisture
- pH, O2
- quality of litter
- soil type
- soil animals (size)
- type of fauna / flora
- rapid if bacterial
- slow if fungal
(mineral content, C/N ratio)
43Litter accumulation in forest floor
44Relationship between rate of litter decomposition
and litter quality (C/N ratio)
Plant species weight loss in 1 year C/N ratio bacterial colonies fungal colonies Bact / Fungi ratio
Mulberry 90 25
Redbud 70 26
White Oak 55 34
Loblolly pine 40 43
Faster decomposition at lower C/N ratios
45- Decomposition Rates influenced by
- temperature
- moisture
- pH, O2
- quality of litter
- soil type (influences bugs)
- soil animals (size)
- type of fauna / flora
- rapid if bacterial
- slow if fungal
46100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
0.5 mm mesh bags
leaf litter remaining
7.0 mm mesh bags
(J) J A S O N D J F M A
47Litter decomposers
48- Decomposition Rates influenced by
- temperature
- moisture
- pH, O2
- quality of litter
- soil type (influences bugs)
- soil animals (size)
- type of fauna / flora
- rapid if bacterial
- slow if fungal
49Relationship between rate of litter decomposition
and the balance between bacteria and fungi
Plant species weight loss in 1 year C/N ratio bacterial colonies fungal colonies Bact / Fungi ratio
Mulberry 90 25 698 2650 264
Redbud 70 26 286 1870 148
White Oak 55 34 32 1880 17
Loblolly pine 40 43 15 360 42
Faster decomposition at higher bact/fungi ratios