Title: May%202004%20DBO
1Early AspectsOverview of Some Approaches
2(No Transcript)
3Presentation Plan
- Overview of requirements Engineering (RE)
- Crosscutting (Aspectual) Requirements
- Overview of works related to Early Aspects / AORE
4Requirements Engineering (RE)Young, Nuseibeh
- RE is about discovering customers needs (goals
and expectations), extending them if needed and
communicating them to implementers - Requirements
- Expression of customer needs and expectations to
achieve particular goals - Defined in the Problem Domain, not the Solution
Domain - Typically not formal and textual in many cases
- Use Cases / Scenarios are major source of
customer needs - Customer needs and expectations
- Business requirements User requirements
- Product requirements
- Environmental requirements
- Unknowable requirements
5SMART Requirements Mannion and Keepence, 1995
- Specific no ambiguity, consistent terminology
- Measurable verifiable
- Attainable technically feasible
- Realizable realistic, given the resources
- Traceable linked from its conception to
implementation and test
6Types of requirementsRequirements Analyst (RA)
view Young
- High Level / System Level requirements
- Functional requirements
- Non-Functional (or nonbehavioral) requirements
- System properties (e.g. safety)
- The ilities/specialty engineering requirements
(Designability, Efficiency, Portability,
reliability, testability, Maintainability, etc.) - Derived requirements and design constraints
- Performance requirements
- Interface requirements (relations between system
7FR and NFR MalanFR, MalanNFR
- Functional Requirements (FR)
- Capture the intended behavior of the system
- Can be expressed as services, tasks or functions
the system is required to perform - Includes baseline functionality needed by the
system to be competitive and features that
differentiate it from competitors - Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)
- Requirements that impose restrictions on the
product being developed, or development process
or specify constraints Sousa - Properties that emerge from the combination of a
systems parts/features - NFR can be split into
- Qualities characteristics that the customer
cares about and therefore affect satisfaction.
May be negotiable (e.g. Reliability,
Availability, Usability, Performance, Security,
Robustness, Quality, Persistence,
Configurability, Supportability, Performance,
Safety, Scalability) - Constraints Non-negotiable system properties and
characteristics (e.g. Super-System
characteristics, Operating System, HW, Legacy)
8Requirements Terminology to Avoid Young
- Source or Customer Requirements
- Specify the individual source of the requirements
- Nonnegotiable Versus Negotiable Requirements
- Use minimum requirements
- Key Requirements
- More details are needed benefit-to-cost ratio,
risk, estimated time and effort to implement,
etc. - Originating requirements
- Avoid referring to the requirements initially
established, as it is not clear - Other guidelines
- Avoid using vague terminology (usually, flexible,
etc.) - Avoid putting more the one req in a req (helps
traceability and testability) - Avoid clauses like if that should be necessary
- Avoid wishful thinking (running on all platforms,
100 reliability, etc.)
9Crosscutting/Aspectual Requirements
- Crosscutting Requirements (Req Aspects)
Nuseibeh - Aspect Crosscutting Concern
- Aspectual Requirement Crosscutting Requirement
- Concern property of interest to a stakeholder
- Crosscutting interacting, interdependent,
overlapping - Quality Attributes (QA) Moreira
- Quality Attribute is a synonym to crosscut-NFR
- QA properties that affect the system as a
whole(QA is similar to Young ilities) - QAs are handled together with the FRs
10AORE Related works Identified
- Combined AND/OR diagrams of Goal and Softgoal -
encourages separation the analysis of Softgoals
(NFR) concern Mylopoulos - Modularization and Composition of Aspectual
Requirements using an AORE process model
(Concerns/SR matrix, set weight/priority to
contributions between aspects, identify aspect
Influence and Mapping dimensions. Suggest
concrete model with Viewpoints and XML (ARCaDe)
Rashid02, Rashid03 - Adaptation of the NFR-Framework to AORE
enhancements using NFR operationalizations
instead of abstract NFR (uses parts defined in
Mylopoulos, Rashidx) Sousa - Crosscutting Quality Attributes NFR from the
point of view of the FR Moreira - Towards a Composition Process for AOR Brito
(TBD combine with Moreira) - Composition Filters Bergmans
- AORE for Component Based Software Systems
Grundy - Theme and Theme/Doc - Finding Aspects in
RequirementsBaniassadTheme, BaniassadDoc - ??? UML extensions for AOSD/AORE ???? Theme/UML
?? - ???? Viewpoints ??? Nuseibeh
11Goal Oriented Requirements Analysis
12Goal Oriented Requirements Analysis
- RE should explore alternatives and evaluate their
feasibility desirability in addition to
understanding modeling functions, data,
interfaces - Exploring alternatives allows to refine the
meaning of terms and define the basic functions
the system will support - Goal Oriented requirements analysis main steps
(input is a set of functional goals) - Goal analysis - explore goals alternatives (using
decomposition of each functional goal into
AND/OR) - Softgoal analysis - analysis of NFRs/QAs
(decomposing each given quality into softgoal
hierarchy) - Softgoal correlation analysis (identify
correlations between softgoals) - Goal correlation analysis (identify correlation
between goals and softgoals) - Evaluation of alternatives (select a set of goals
and softgoals)
13Goal Analysis using AND/OR Decomposition (2)
- AND/OR decomposition diagrams allow exploring
goals alternatives - Systemize the exploration of alternatives within
a space that can be very large - A simple algorithm (details TBD) is used to
evaluate whether the root goal was achieved or not
Example AND/OR decomposition of alternatives for
achieving the meeting-scheduling goal
14Softgoal Analysis (3,1)
- (the softgoal notion is presented in detail in
the book Non-Functional Requirements in Software
Engineering, by L. Chang et al, Kluwer
Publishing, the Netherlands, 2000) - Softgoal usually NFR/QA, represent ill-defined
goals and their interdependencies - Softgoal is satisfied when there is sufficient
positive evidence in favor of it and little
negative evidence against it - Softgoal hierarchies can be built by asking what
can be done to satisfy (or support) a particular
15Softgoal Analysis Example (3,2)
- Softgoal Analysis use extended AND/OR diagrams
with dependency/hierarchies relationships
Example forHigh Usable System Softgoal - only
this softgoal is expanded
Dependencies/relationships labeled with when
one softgoal supports (positively influences)
16Softgoal Analysis (3,3)
- Relevant knowledge for identifying softgoal
decompositions and dependencies might be generic
and related to the softgoal being analyzed - Number of generic decompositions to finer-grain
quality factors are available for general
software system qualities (QAs) - Example Speed Performance softgoal can be
AND-decomposed into three softgoals - Minimize User-Interface
- Use Efficient Algorithms
- Ensure Adequate CPU Power
- Project/task specific decomposition methods can
still be used after agreement among projects
17Softgoal Correlation Analysis (4)
- Quality Goals frequently conflict with each other
- Correlation analysis helps discover positive or
negative relations between softgoals
18Goal Correlation Analysis (5)
- Goal Correlation Analysis correlates goals with
thesoftgoals identified, to compare and evaluate
the goals - Combined Goal and Softgoal AND/OR diagrams
encourages separation the analysis of the
softgoals (NFR) concerns - Distinguishing between goals and softgoals
encourage separating the analysis of a quality
sort from the object to which it is applied
Subgoals analysis Quality-of-Schedule
Schedule-meeting goals refinement analysis
Checked leaf goals that collectively satisfy all
given goals (see next slide)
19Goal-Oriented Analysis final step -Evaluation of
Alternatives (6)
- Evaluation of alternative functional goals
decompositions in terms of the softgoals
hierarchies - Evaluate alternatives by selecting a set of leaf
goals that collectively satisfy all given goals
(see checked goals in previous slide) - Satisfying goals might be impossible because of
conflicts - Search of alternatives might involve finding a
set of leaf softgoals that maximize their
positive support while minimizing negative
support - Softgoal analysis leads to additional design
decisions, such as using password or allowing
settings changes
20Modularization and Composition ofAspectual
21Modularization and Composition ofAspectual
Requirements (1) Rashid02, Rashid03
- Major issue with RE approaches,such as
viewpoints, use-cases, goals, is that mainly no
support is available to ensure consistency of
partial specs with global requirements and
constraints TBD - including claim that in
Grundy,AORE for Components,identification of
aspects and constraints is largely unsupported - Method focus on modularization and composition
of requirements level concerns that cut across
other requirements - e.g. compatibility, availability, security and
other reqs that cannot be encapsulated by single
viewpoint or use-case (TBD - all these are NFRs,
although claim handling of FRs) - Improve support for separation of crosscutting FR
and NFR properties, offering better means to
identify and manage conflicts - Identify the mapping and influence of
requirements level aspects on artifacts at later
development phases, establishing critical
tradeoffs before the architecture is derived - Supported by the Aspectual Requirements
Composition and Decision tool (ARCaDe, XML based)
not covered farther here may be TBD - example
given in the paper is the Portuguese toll
collection system - (defining of concerns is according to the
PREView viewpoints concerns definition in the
book Requirements Engineering - A Good Practice
Guide by I. Sommervile and P. Sawyer, John Wiley
and Sons, 1997)
22Modularization and Composition of AR (2)AORE
23Modularization and Composition of AR (3)Identify
and Specify Stakeholders Requirements
- Start by identifying and specifying both
concerns and stakeholders requirements
24Modularization and Composition of AR
(4,1)Specify Concerns
- Specify concerns (example)
Concern Compatibility External Requirements
1. Users will activate the gizmo using an ATM.
2. The police will deal with vehicles using the
system without a gizmo.
Concern Response-Time External Requirements
1. A toll gate has to react in-time in order to
1.1 read the gizmo identifier 1.2
turn on the light (to green or yellow) before the
driver leaves the toll gate area 1.3
display the amount to be paid before the driver
leaves the toll gate area 1.4 photograph
the unauthorized vehicles plate number from the
rear. 2. The system needs to react in-time
when 2.1 The user activates the gizmo
using an ATM.
25Modularization and Composition of AR (4,2)
Identify and Specify Concerns
26Modularization and Composition of AR (5)Identify
Candidate Aspects (1)
- Relating concerns to requirements through matrix
allows to see which concerns crosscut
stakeholders requirements (SR) to qualify as
candidate aspects
27Modularization and Composition of AR (5)Identify
Candidate Aspects (2)
28Modularization and Composition of AR (6,1)
Discover requirements and relate to concerns
Discover requirements and relate to concerns
Viewpoint ATM. Concerns Security,
Compatibility, Response time Requirements 1. The
ATM will send the customers card number, account
number and gizmo identifier to the system for
activation. 2. The ATM will send the account
number to the system to obtain the gizmo
identifiers associated with the account. 3. The
ATM will send the account number, new card number
and the gizmo identifier to the system to update
the card number and reactivate the gizmo.
Viewpoint Exit Toll Concerns Response Time,
Correctness, Legal Issues Requirements 1. The
driver will see a yellow light if s/he did not
use an entry toll. 2. The amount being debited
depends upon the entry point.
29Modularization and Composition of AR (6,2)Define
Composition Rules
- Detailed composition rules allow specifying how
an aspectual req influences or constrains the
behavior of non-aspectual reqs - Composition rules define the relationships
between actual reqs and viewpoint reqs at a fine
granularity - using XML in ARCaDe) - Coherent set of composition rules is encapsulated
in Composition tag - Each Requirement tag has at least two attributes
aspect or viewpoint - Constraint tag defines an action and operator
defining how the viewpoint reqs are to be
constrained by the specific aspectual requirement - Outcome tag defines the result of constraining
the viewpoint reqs with aspectual reqs.Action
attribute value describes whether another
viewpoint req or a set of viewpoint reqs must be
satisfied or merely the constraint specified has
to be fulfilled
30Modularization and Composition of AR
(7)Conflicts between Candidate Aspects (1)
- Identification and resolution of conflicts
between candidate aspects done by - Building contribution matrix where each aspect
may contribute negatively (-) or positively ()
to the other aspects
31Modularization and Composition of AR
(7)Conflicts between Candidate Aspects (2)
- Identification and resolution of conflicts
(continued) - Attributing weights (range 0..1 represent
priority) to those aspects that contribute
negatively to each other - Solving conflicts with the stakeholders, using
above prioritization (weight) approach to help
32Modularization and Composition of AR
(8)Dimensions of an Aspect
- Aspects dimensions makes it possible to
determine its influence on later development
stages and identify its mapping onto a function,
decision or aspect - Identification of the dimensions of an aspect
- Mapping aspect may map onto feature/function,
decision, design aspect (this is why initially it
is candidate aspect) - Influence (e.g. availability influences system
architecture while response time influences both
architecture and detailed design)
33Adapting the NFR-Framework to AORE
34Adapting the NFR-Framework to AORE Sousa
Overview (1,1)
- (The paper includes quite overview of AORE work
done so far. Not used here) - Claim to improve over Rashid02, Rashi03,
Moreira, Brito - They use abstract attributes which makes it
difficult to compose and to map
crosscutting-concerns onto later development
stages - Abstract attributes cannot be objectively
verified - They do not take into account the real modeling
of aspects later - Improve mapping of crosscutting NFR requirements
onto artifacts at later development stages by
adopting the NFR-Framework - Separation of Concerns (SOC) allows to
concentrate on each issue of a problem
individually, to decrease complexity of SW
development and support division of effort
separation of responsibilities
35Adapting the NFR-Framework to AORE Sousa
Overview (1,2)
- Advocate that dealing with NFR operationalizations
(see next slide) instead of abstract NFR is more
adequate for mapping to crosscutting requirements
at later development phases - To operationalize a req means providing more
concrete and precise mechanisms (operations,
processes, data representations, constraints) to
solve a problem - Defines cocepts used in AOSD
- Concern, Crosscutting-Concern, Aspect,
Match-Point - Composition-Rule sequential order in which each
aspect must be composed with other(s)
component(s) - Overlap (Before of After)
- Override ()
- Wrap (Around)
36NFR-Framework Overview (2,1)
- Softgoal
- NFR Softgoal (NFRs) high-level,
non-operationalized, NFR - Softgoal can rarely be completely satisfied,
hence goal is regarded satisfied (or satisfice
Chung) with acceptable limits - Operationalizing Softgoal possible solutions or
design alternatives which help achieving the NFRs - Claim Softgoal justify the rationale and explain
the context for a softgoal or interdependency
link (type is always Claim and. - Softgoal consist of
- NFR Type (e.g. Security Authentication Claim
for claim softgoal) - One or more topic to indicate meaning and
information item (e.g. CardData Account
Statement for claim softgoal).
37NFR-Framework Overview (2,2)
- Interdependencies refinement of softgoals and
the contributions of offspring softgoals towards
towards the achievement of its parent - Softgoal Interdependency Graph (SIG) graph where
softgoals and their interdependencies are
represented - Catalogues group an organized body of design
knowledge about NFRs Chang
38NFR-Framework Overview (2,3)
Priority Order !, !!
39NFR-Framework Overview (2,4)
- NFR-Framework process (see next slide) starts
with identification of FRs and high-level NFRs
that the system should meet (NFRs are represented
as Softgoals on to of the SIG) - NFR Softgoals iteratively refined until it is
possible to operationalize them - Contributions and possible conflicts are
established during the process, including
defining softgoals impact on each other and
priorities - Chosen operationalizations are linked to Design
Spec. of target system and then to the
description of FRs - Specific solutions for the system are then
selected - Design decisions should be supported by
well-justified arguments by means of Claim
40NFR-Framework Overview (2,5)
41Adaptation of NFR-Framework to AORE (3,1)
- Improve composition and mapping of crosscutting
NFRs onto artifacts at later development stages - Proposed approach is based on AORE generic models
(Rashid02, Rashid03) with following
differences (see also next slide) - Explicitly deal with NFR operationalizations in
the mapping and composition activities instead of
abstract declarations of NFRs - Consider each NFRS Softgoal as Concern (concerns
are limited here to NFRs), therefore there is no
need to the step of Identifying
Crosscut-Concerns, as all NFRs are CC - Recommend that Aspects Composition activity to be
performed after Analyze the Mapping activity
(different from previous approaches), because
aspects are identified only after the activity
Specifying the Mapping Influence (Specify
Aspects Dimensions) - Advocate that NFR operationalizations should be
mapped wither onto architectural decision or onto
an aspect (and not onto function or procedure) - Not necessary to include an activity responsible
for handling conflicts because the NFR Framework
has already dealt with that in the decission
evaluation procedure (by means of
interdependencies, correlations and priorities)
42Adaptation of NFR-Framework to AORE (3,2)
43Adaptation of NFR-Framework to AORE (3,3)
44Adaptation of NFR-Framework ExampleSteps 1, 2
- Example is based on internet banking system
- Step 1 Identifying Requirements - NFRs and FRs
- Step 2 Decompose the NFRs
- May use NFR catalogues (Chung and domain
information. E.g. Security concern usually be
decomposed into Confidentiality, Integrity and
45Adaptation of NFR-Framework Example - Steps
3,4Identify and Select Possible
Operationalizations (4,2)
46Adaptation of NFR-Framework Example - Step 5
(4,3) Analyzing the Mapping of NFR
- In previous AORE works, mapping is done from
abstract NFRs, instead of NFR Operationalizations - Mapping from Operationalizations is richer better
reflects how the aspects will be treated at later
development stages
47Adaptation of NFR-Framework ExampleStep 6 -
Compose Identified Aspects with FRs (4,4)
FR / Component
Design Spec /Match-POINT Composition Rule
Operator(Overlap, Override,Wrap)
48Crosscutting Quality Attributes forRequirements
49Crosscutting Quality Attributes forRequirements
Engineering (1) Moreira
- Propose a model to identify and specify quality
attributes that crosscut requirements, at the
requirements analysis stage - Quality Attributes (QA)
- Non-functional concerns, such as response time,
accuracy, security, reliability. - The same as NFR, but from the point of view of
the FR - Motivation is to improve separation of
crosscutting requirements during analysis, giving
better means to identify and manage conflicts - QA allows to handle the NFR aspect of the FR
together with the FR, instead of separately - Case study used is a toll collection system
implemented in the Portuguese highways network
(this system is used as case study most or all of
their papers, which mainly covers only NFRs)
50Crosscutting Quality Attributes (2)Requirements
51Crosscutting Quality Attributes (3)Template for
Quality Attributes (1)
52Crosscutting Quality Attributes (3)Template for
Quality Attributes (2)
53Crosscutting Quality Attributes (4) - Process
- Adopts the concept of Overlapping, Overriding and
Wrapping concerns - Use-Cases and Sequence Diagrams scenarios are use
to specify the FRs and QAs. - QA-Templates are then used to specify QAs
- If a QA affects more then one use case according
to where, it is crosscutting - Use-Cases are used to integrate (weave) FRs and
54Crosscutting Quality Attributes (5)Integrating
(weaving) FRs and QAs (1)
55Crosscutting Quality Attributes (5)Integrating
(weaving) FRs and QAs (2)
56Crosscutting Quality Attributes (5)Integrating
(weaving) FRs and QAs (3)
57Towards Composition Process for AOR
58Towards Composition Process for AOR (1) Brito
- Process to compose crosscutting concerns with the
functional (non-crosscutting) concerns (FR,
Class, etc.)) they cut across - Composed of three main activities
- Identify concerns
- Specify concerns and discover which of them are
crosscutting - Compose the crosscutting concerns with other
concerns - Main concepts behind the process that is used to
identify and resolve conflicting crosscutting
concerns - Match Point where one or more crosscutting
concerns are applied to a given functional
concern (FR). Abstraction of the join-point
concept - Conflicting Aspect used to identify dominant
crosscutting concerns to resolve conflicts - Composition Rule sequential list of simpler
compositions of crosscutting concerns, some
operators and the model element - Mainly handle Non-Functional Concerns (NFC, NFR)
59Towards Composition Process for AOR (2)Specify
Concerns and Identify which are Crosscutting
- Where interaction. WORK IDEA Allows to not
deal with the crosscutting concerns in the FR
definition, but only in the crosscut-concern
definition. May be used to automatically
integrate crosscut requirements into FRs - Contribution conflicts
60Towards Composition Process for AOR (3)Compose
Candidate-Aspects with Concerns
- Goal is to integrate the candidate aspects with
the concerns it cuts to obtain the whole system.
Main steps guiding the composition are - Identify how each candidate aspect affects the
concerns it cuts across (using Overlap, Override,
Wrap) - Identify match points based on the Where
- Identify conflicts between candidate aspects
based on Contribution - Identify the dominant aspect based on Priority
- Identify composition rule based on the above
61Towards Composition Process for AOR
(3)Match-Points Identification
- MEi Model Element under study and the
stakeholders of the system - CAi Candidate Aspect that affect each Model
Element - MPi Match Point
- In the table bellow, each filled cell represents
a match-point
62Towards Composition Process for AOR (4)Steps
Needed to Handle Composition
63Theme and Theme/DocFinding Aspects in
- BanissadTheme, BanissadDoc
64Theme and Theme/Doc - Finding Aspects in
Requirements(1) BanissadTheme, BanissadDoc
- Theme approach and tools to identify and handle
aspects from requirements to implementation - Theme represent a feature of the system
- Theme/Doc tool allows to refine views of
(textual) requirements to reveal which
functionality in the system is crosscuttingAssum
es that if two behaviors are described in the
same requirement then they are related
(coincidently, hierarchically or crosscutting) - Theme/UML method design and modeling (using
standard UML editors) - Allows to identify aspects from interrelated
behaviors of FRs, not just aspects from NFR as
most of other methods identify - Themes are divided into bases-themes
(non-crosscutting) and crosscutting-themes - Actions are good starting point for finding
themes (only major enough actions are modeled
separately as themes)
65Theme and Theme/Doc (2)
- Major steps in using Theme/Doc and transfer to
Theme/UML - Define Actions used in the requirements (done
manually) - Creation of Action View that shows actions usage
by the requirements (by lexical analysis of the
requirements by the tool) - Identify crosscutting (aspectual) actions and
entities being used (removing non-crosscutting
actions) - Create Clipped Action View that shows the
crosscutting hierarchy - Create Theme Views for the crosscutting actions
to model the themes identified in the previous
steps - Use Theme/UML to incorporate the crosscutting
actions and identified entities into the design
as classed, methods, etc. - Augmentation of the Theme Views to help in
verifying that the design choices made align with
the requirements
66Theme (3) Requirements Example
- 2.1. Course Management System (CMS)
- The CMS is a very small system, with nine
requirements. Identifiedactions are in bold,
entities in italics (Actions are taken from a
listpre-defined by the developers) - R1. Students can register for courses.
- R2. Students can unregister for courses.
- R3. When a student registers then it must be
logged in their record. - R4. When a student unregisters it must also be
logged. - R5. Professors can unregister students.
- R6. When a professor unregisters a student it
must be logged. - R7 When a professor unregisters a student it
must be flagged as special. - R8. Professors can give marks for courses.
- R9. When a professor gives a mark this must be
logged in the record.
67Theme (4) Theme/Doc Action View
flagged identified as professor theme
behavior (could be crosscutting)
logged is primary behavior of R3
logged identified as Crosscutting
Expanded Requirement R3
register identified as Base
68Theme (5) Clipped Action View
Requirements snipped from Base Actions and left
with Crosscutting only
Crosscutting Action
Crosscutting hierarchy
Base Actions
69Theme (6) Theme View and Theme/UML (1)
Read from top to bottom
Entity translated to Class
Action translated to Method
70Theme (6) Theme View and Theme/UML (2)
gray Crosscutting actions/entities (common to
other actions)
Non Crosscutting. Unique to logged
Template Method (handle method for base behaviors)
Entity translated to Database
71Theme (7) Bind feature of Theme/UML
bind feature of Theme/UML is used here to bind
the _log() method from logged theme to other CMS
themes and classes
72Theme (8) Augmented View
Augmented Method
Augmented Associations
Theme/Doc AugmentationAlign a theme with
thedesign decisions to verifythat design
choices arealigned with requirements
73AORE for Component-based SW Systems
74AORE for Component-based SW Systems (1) Grundy
- AOCRE (Aspect Oriented Component Requirements
Engineering) - Focus on identifying and specifying the FRs and
NFRs relating to key aspects of a system each
component provides or requires - Analyze and characterize components based on
different aspects of the overall application a
component addresses - Aspect of a system for which components provide
required services are user-interface,
persistency, user configuration, collaborative
work, etc. - AOCRE covers Requirements through Implementation
phases (here, only Requirements-related is
covered) - Component based systems build applications from
discrete, inter-related software components, with
a key aim to allow components to be
interchangeable - Existing components development tools (e.g.
Agetm, Rational-Rose, etc.) focus on design and
implementation Component characterizations such
as JavaBeans, COM are too low level for
describing requirements
75AOCRE (2) Components Aspects
- Some general use categories for components
aspects were developed (see below) - Domain-specific aspects can be specified for
specialized components
76AOCRE (3) AOCRE Process
Figure 3. Basic AOCRE process.
77AOCRE (4) example of component and their aspects
- (Not clear what and if is the main difference
between the components aspects and OO-Method,
except that Methods is part of design and these
aspects are for Requirements)
78AOCRE (5) Detailed AOCRE Specs
- Aspectual requirements specs using some formally
defined parametersmay be the approach for
specifying AOR, to allow creation of (semi)
automatic mechanism to handle aspectual
II. Collaborative Work Aspects
COLLABORATION II. 1) data fetch/store functions
UPDATEtrue II 2) event broadcasting/actions
ACTIONtrue II 3) event annotation functions
4) - remote data/event synchronisation LOCKING
e OR false NETWORK_SPEEDany STOREtrue II 5) -
data/event versioning VERSIONING DATAtrue
EVENTtrue INTERFACEextensible affordances
CHECKINtrue CHECKOUTtrue Figure 5. Detailed
aspect-oriented component requirements
79AOCRE (6) Aspects Reasoning and Aggregation
- After components provided and required aspects
are identified, related components and aspects
can be reasoned about (i.e. making sure component
provide required aspects) - Aggregate aspects can be identified for
interrelated components, allowing reasoning about
AO requirements for these components or even
whole application - Global application requirements can be specified
using aspects and then migrate down to related
components similar to AspectJ mechanism for code
can this be done automatically for
80Composition Filters
81Composition Filters (1) Bergmans
- Filters are defined as functions which manipulate
messages received and sent by objects - Capable of expressing a large category of
concerns, such as inheritance and delegation,
synchronization, real-time constraints,
inter-object protocols - Filters in the Composition Filters (CF) model can
express crosscutting concerns by modular and
orthogonal enhancements to objects - Modular means that filters have well defined
interfaces and are conceptually independent of
the implementation (language) of the object - Orthogonal means that filters specs do not refer
to (the spec of) other filters - CF implements constraints in the level of
Messages between objects, instead or in addition
to the level of Methods - CF are defined in the Class level
- Defines to what Class and Message is applicable
by generic expression (including ) - CF declaratively specify concerns using messages
manipulation language (ComposeJ compiler, Sina
language) vs. Adaptive Programming and AspectJ
which adopt dedicated declarative specs to
express crosscut and a general-purpose language
to express concerns
82Composition Filters (2)UML-based representation
of CF Class
- A CF class aggregates zero of more internal
classes and composes their behavior using one or
more filters - When message arrives it is matched with each of
the filters - Filter x.y, x Object/Class y Class
Message - Filters are matched in order of appearance
- Exception raised if no filter match
- In case of match, message is dispatched to object
of first filter matched
CF Implementation of a Class
Filter Expression1) Target inner
Selector 2) Target doc Selector
CF Representation of a Class
Implementation of non-crosscutting concerns of a
83Composition Filters (3)Filter Types
84Composition Filters (4) - Error Filter
Enforce required multiple views on the
documentClass PortClaimDocument declares two
conditions FinancialResp and MedicalResp which
evaluate to true if the responsibility of the
sender is financial or medical
Evaluated first.Received messages
setApprovedClaim or seClaimAmount match filter if
FinancialResp is True
Evaluated second, if no match in first
Evaluated if others False. All messages match,
except the ones in the list (gt exclution
operatorif True all messages match except the
ones in the list)
85Composition Filters (5) - Superimposition
CF model provides the superimposition mechanism
to impose filter interfaces onto one or more
NoActiveThreadsgt if no condition
NoActiveThreads is true, all messages can pass
this filter
allTaskslt-MulExSync filter interface
MutExSync to be superimposed upon all all
instances defined by selector allTasks of the
same class
86UML Extensions for AOSD ????