Title: Engenharia%20de%20Software%20pref
1Engenharia de Softwareprefácio
2Free Software Engineering A Field to Explore
- Gonzáles-Barahona and Robles
- UPGRADE Vol. IV No. 4 August 2003
3Free Software Projects
- Nascem como iniciativa isolada e particular
- Usuários são co-desenvolvedores
- Divulgação boca-a-boca
- Teste massificado pelos usuários
- Gerência de versões é complexa e bem-definida
4Open Source Projects
- (Sun apr 16 001021 BRT 2006) ? 133,421
projects! - Communications (13469)
- Database (5388)
- Desktop Environment (2822)
- Education (3252)
- Formats and Protocols (1292)
- Games/Entertainment (12694)
- Internet (21951)
- Multimedia (11518)
- Office/Business (6136)
- Other/Nonlisted Topic (2065)
- Printing (417)
- Religion and Philosophy (274)
- Scientific/Engineering (9942)
- Security (2494)
- Sociology (355)
- Software Development (18587)
- System (17790)
- Text Editors (2436)
5Causas de Descontinuidade de Projetos SW Livre
- Falta de interesse, tempo ou motivação
- mudança de liderança nos projetos impactam sua
continuidade - Code Forking
- cada usuário tem acesso ao código e pode
alterá-lo e redistribuí-lo sem o conhecimento do
líder do projeto
6Free Software EngineeringResume
- A Field to Explore
- is still in its infancy (2003!)
- How to create free software? Issues
- Classification of free software projects
- Creation of a methodology
- Methods classification models Simulation
(intelligent agents) Free SW Engineering
7Process Implementation
- Sarah Sheard
- Software Productivity Consortium
- Thursday, July 3, 2003
8So what does it take?
- 1. Manage as a project
- 2. Obtain management support
- 3. Establish policy
- 4. Establish measurement baseline
- 5. Train employees and managers
- 6. Tailor processes
- 7. Maintain process assets
- 8. Ensure processes are being used
- 9. Learn Lessons
- 10. Improve Processes
- 11. Appraise the organization
9Process Implementation Requires Everyone!
- Senior management sets the tone and ensures
other managers make PI happen - SEPG drives the process improvement program to
its goals - Projects review processes, tailor standard
processes, use their tailored versions, and
recommend improvements - QA audits independently
10Funciona para SW Livre?
- Adaptação de Processos de 1990?
- 2006! Distributed Development...
- O que fazer?
- Ler
- Praticar
- Montar experimentos
- reais e avaliar...
11A Framework for creating hybrid-open source
software communities
- Srinarayan Sharma
- et. al.
- Info Systems
- (2002), 12.
- OSS model is a fundamentally new and
revolutionary way to develop software - organizations are having difficulty building a
business model around the open source paradigm - not all OSS initiatives have been successful
- Framework for creating Hybrid-OSS communities
13The OSS model
- Three dimensions
- structure, process and culture
Eletronic communication Multicultural
community Values reciprocity, gift giving,
reputation, ideology Core assumptions
Division of labour Co-ordination
mechanisms Distribution od decision-making Organiz
ational boundaries Informal structure Political
structure Legitimate basis of authority
14OSS development process
- Problem discovery
- Finding volunteers
- Solution identification
- Code development and testing
- Code change review
- Code commit and documentation
- Release management
15Framework for creating Hybrid-OSS communities
- Principles
- Community building
- Community governance
- Shared governance
- Membership management
- Incentives and rewards
- Community infrastructure
- ... ? open source communities versus Software
Factories? - personal time and autonomy
- ... ? freelancers
- ... ? project-oriented
- ... there are several avenues for future research
- ... to refine the proposed framework and validate
it empirically
17Porto DigitalUFPE/UFRPE CESAR IN953 -
desenvolvimento distribuído de software em
indústria, comunidades acadêmicas e
científicasuma fábrica de software livre...
- joa_at_ufrpe.br
- silvio_at_cesar.org.br
18linhas-mestrasIN953 Engenharia de Software
- Process Implementation Software Factories
(Gibeon, Ana Paula, Thayssa) - F/L/OSS (Alan)
- OSS Business Model (Alan, Ana Paula, Aisa)
- Scientific Relevant Projects (Convidados)
- Business Humanitas (TODOS!)
19fábricas de software princípiosconceitosilusõe
20fábrica de sw na prática
- Operação profissional
- Processo de desenvolvimento transparente
- Retorno rápido ao cliente
- Alta produtividade
- Ferramentas e processos padronizados
- Alta qualidade
- Dados históricos, previsibilidade e análise de
risco - Reusabilidade de código
- 1968 GE, R. W. Berner
- 2003 IEEE Computer Vol.36 Num.3, B. Boehm
- 2005 IEEE Software Vol. 22 Num 2, PostModern SW
21(No Transcript)
22Cathedral and Bazaar
- e Desenvolvimento de Software
- segundo Eric Raymond, 1997
- Alguns projetos são como Cathedrals
- altamente centralizados em poucas pessoas que
decidem projeto e implementação - para fazer parte deve-se aceitar as definições
23Outros são como Bazaars (sw livre)
- Sem planejamento detalhado mas
- orientados!
- Linux Kernel (www.linux.org)
- hierarchical
- Linus Torvalds, The Benevolent Dictator
- APACHE Foundation (www.apache.org)
meritocracy - Para fazer parte você deve ter colaborado
continuamente em projetos da fundação - GCC (gcc.gnu.org) steering Commitee
- The factory is an organization inhabited by
people engaged in a common effort, work is
organized one way or the other, standardization
is used for coordination and formalization, and
systematization is important, but there will be
several options for the design of a particular
software factory - Aaen, Botcher, Mathiassen, Software Factories,
1997 - http//www.cin.ufpe.br/in953/papers/Software_Fact
- The four approaches are important contributions
towards this goal. At the same time the
approaches individually may lead to unfortunate
illusions. Learning from the relative strengths
and weaknesses between the approaches may help us
avoid becoming victims of these illusions - Aaen, Botcher, Mathiassen, Software Factories,
1997 - http//www.cin.ufpe.br/in953/papers/Software_Fact
26...e ilusões...
- fábrica de software ? produção em massa
- padronização, formalização, especialização,
controle ? produção de software com qualidade - o que fazer?
27building a software factory...Making the
software factory work... 1990-1999http//www.cin
- to define a detailed software development process
- staff members were given extensive training in
the new process - process specification separated from process
execution - data collection and analysis
- interviews
- software process assesments
- process attributes for each project
- configuration management system
- project tracking data
28o PROCESSO é complexo!
29processo é complexo... Ex. Ampla
30(No Transcript)
31e as pessoas?...
32What is institutionalization?
No, not that kind!
33o que sabemos aqui?
- TODO o pressman ou sommerville (Software
Engineering) - ou seja
- requisitos, especificações, refinamento,
validação e verificação, métodos, técnicas,
linguagens e ferramentas, componentes,
reutilização, manutenção, modelagem de processos,
qualidade, reengenharia,, verificação, validação
e teste... além de programação JAVA!... - faltaria o quê?
34o que fazer...
- montar uma fábrica de software livre?
- como? em 4 meses?
- funciona?
35para casa...
- Leitura de referências desta aula 10 8 papers
- Navegação Fábricas Passadas
- 1ª NOTA 24.abr.06
36Summer of Code 2006 receba US 4500,00 para
contribuir com softwares livres
- http//code.google.com/soc/Summer of Code
- Welcome to the Summer of Code 2006 site. As
organizations begin to sign up for Summer of
Code, you will see a list of organizations and
links to their ideas for student projects. We are
not taking student applications just yet, see the
FAQ for more details. You can talk to us in
either on Summer-Discuss-2006 or on IRC in
summer-discuss on SlashNET.