Title: Deviance Chapter 2: What is Deviance? Author: David Bown Last modified by: Mr Rust-Ashford Created Date: 5/29/2003 9:26:51 PM Document presentation format
Chapter 7 Deviance * * OVERVIEW What is Deviance? Studying deviance In-class exercise Theories on Deviance Symbolic Interactionism Labeling Theory Conflict Theory ...
Chapter 7 Deviance OVERVIEW What is Deviance? In-class exercise Theories on Deviance Symbolic Interactionism Labeling Theory Functionalism Conflict Theory Stigma and ...
DEVIANCE 8.1 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are the nature and social functions of deviance? How do the theories that have been proposed to explain deviance compare?
Elite deviants can hide their crimes and ... occurs when people feel totally detached from society. Merton: Structural Strain Theory Categories of adaptation to ...
Deviance What is Deviance? Norms: standards or rules regulating behavior in a social setting; shared expectations The pressure to conform stems from the fact that in ...
Deviance Explanations of deviance Biological Psychological Sociological Biological explanations Very limited understanding of crime Caesar Lombroso Genetically ...
Deviance Chapter 8 What Is Deviance? The word deviance connotes odd or unacceptable behavior, but in the sociological sense of the word, deviance is simply any ...
Norms are behavioral codes and scripts conforming to acceptable standards that ... refers to simple everyday norms based on customs, traditions, or etiquette. MORES ...
Crime rates (including domestic violence) are the highest in late teens and early adulthood. White-collar crimes occur somewhat later in the life cycle ...
1. What words/adjectives would you use to describe this behavior? ... Actus reus. Mens rea. Concurrence of above. Some Criminal Defenses. Mistake of fact ...
Crossing road at corners, waiting turn in line, writing 'thank you' notes ... Degree of Social Outrage: hostility or outrage set off by the act must be intense ...
Ritualism. Retreatism. Rebellion. Conflict. Competition & social inequality. Power vs. no power ... Ruling class label threats as deviance. Define deviance as ...
Deviance SECTION 1 Deviance Perspective Theory Questions Functionalist How do individuals respond to ... includes probation ... juvenile defendants the ...
DEVIANCE AND CRIME Deviance Behavior which violates social norms. Examples??? Deviance (cont.) How is deviance relevant to sociology? It varies from culture to culture.
During this period people were punished for having positions of authority, ... Ritualism--reject goal but accept means--bureaucrat 'Don't aim high and you ...
Chapter 7 Crime and Deviance Chapter Outline Ordinary Crime The Criminal Act Biological Theories of Deviance Mental Illness Personality Theories Elements of Self ...
Crime and Deviance Definition Crime and Deviance Deviance- is defined as variation from the norm and society s reaction to it. Labels To label someone ...
CHAPTER 8 Deviance and Social Control Chapter Outline What Is Deviance? Dimensions of Deviance Theoretical Perspectives on Social Deviance Crime and Social Control ...
deviance and crime deviance and crime deviance: behavior, beliefs or conditions that violate cultural norms no act or belief is inherently deviant relative to time ...
According to Duris, Calingian (Indian) women conceive at age 5 (and die around ... According to Ctesias (Indian), women bear children only once in their life-time ...
Theories of Deviance * Differentiation & Deviance differentiation refers to the myriad variations among people based on selected social characteristics e.g., age, sex ...
Deviance and Social Control Preview Section 1: Deviance Section 2: Crime Chapter Wrap-Up Read to Discover What are the nature and social functions of deviance?
Who is arrested for crime. Who are the victims of crime. Social control of crime ... Who Is Arrested for Crime? Not the same as who commits crime. All offenses: ...
Reliance on agencies (and their agents) who police/advocate specific ... Ethical dilemmas; Human subjects (IRB) Covert vs. Overt research informed consent ...
Deviance and Social Behavior Chapter 7 Sociology Objectives Define deviance Define social control and identify the major types of social control Discuss the positive ...
More rules and regulations resulting in punishment for deviant behavior 1996 and 1999 comparison of ... etc. Administrators High school and college-ignore ...
Lesson 7: Deviance and Conformity Robert Wonser Introduction to Sociology Lesson Outline Defining Deviance Deviance across cultures Theories of Deviance Stigma and ...
Physicians serve as gatekeepers into the sick role. ... Alienated from their sexuality (Millman, 1980) Discontent with themselves (Rodin et al, 1984) ...
Social Functions of Deviance The rules of sociological method, by Emile Durkheim state that deviance has some uses in social life. Clarifying Norms Serves to define ...
Talking to yourself in public. Speeding in a car. Man wearing Women's clothing ... Anomie norms of society are unclear or obsolete. Structural Strain Theory ...
Deviance = Any behavior, belief, or condition that ... What is criminology? criminology = the systematic study of crime and the criminal justice system, ...
CHAPTER 8 Deviance and Social Control Section 1: Deviance Section 2: Crime * * Principal Types of Crime in the U.S. White Collar Crime committed by high-status ...
For most of human history deviant behavior has been attributed to possession by ... claimed that criminals' craniums (skulls) had distinctive features separating ...
It is also dysfunctional. Strain Theory (R. Merton) U.S. Society. Goals ... Who is arrested for crime. Social control of crime. Percent Change in all Crimes from 1973 ...
All of us are deviants. Even deviants conform to most expectations ... ritualism. White collar criminals, robbers, gamblers. innovate. conform. Example. Means ...
DEVIANCE and SOCIAL CONTROL Defined as an act that violates a social norm. Refers to any action that is perceived as violating some widely shared moral values or ...
Mores - based upon larger societal level standards of morality. ... Folkways, Mores, and Law. Emile Durkheim on Deviance: Part Reactivist, part Normative ...
Individual Adaptation to Social Conditions. Social Condition/Structure composed ... This truly 'Anomic' a culture that does not provide its members with the ...
Functionalist Perspective on Deviance Emile Durkheim-Function of Deviance Most people are upset by deviance, especially crime and assume that society would be better ...