Title: Examples of Medieval and Renaissance Architecture in HersheyHummelstown
1Examples of Medieval and Renaissance Architecture
in Hershey/Hummelstown
2Medieval Architecture
In both pictures, there is an example of
crenellation on the top of these stone churches
in Hummelstown.
3More Medieval Architecture
- Here are examples of stained glass in a few
churches in Hummelstown.
4Even More Medieval Architecture
- Here are some examples of pointed arches in
Hummelstown churches.
5Further More Medieval Architecture
- Here is an example of a corbel on a piece of
decoration at the Hershey Hotel and on the
Hershey Theater.
6One More Piece of Medieval Architecture
Here is an example of half-timber construction,
with wood on the outside of a house on Homestead
7Renaissance Architecture
Here is the terra cotta roof found on the Hotel
Hershey and the Hershey Theater.
8More Renaissance Architecture
Here are classical columns (Doric) found on the
Hershey Hotel.
9Even More Renaissance Architecture
Here are some arched walkways found in the
Hershey hotel.
10Further More Renaissance Architecture
Here is a sculpted fountain found at the Hershey
Hotel and one outside the Hershey Theater.
11Renaissance Architecture
Here is a wrought iron fence at the Hershey Hotel.
12Renaissance Architecture
Here are some circular windows found on churches
in Hummelstown.
13Other Pieces of Architecture
Here are other structures that I found that
looked like Medieval or Renaissance structures.