Cosanuova is the meaning of two Italian words “Cosa” (a thing, something) and “nuova”(innovative, novel). We are a US based company and proud of it; so why an Italian name?
People Events Heresies C h u r c h O r d e r s Terms 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Thomas ...
The Case for Jesus as the Son of God Why do you believe the Bible? Because your parents told you to? Because your friend said so? Because some pastor said so?
In its German localization, the edit control had to be ... Earlier image used to represent mail, versus the newer and more culturally ... ...
Designed or Evolved ? Is life evolved without a goal ? Or is life designed with a purpose ? Problems of Evolution Evolution steps must be small (otherwise new specie ...
History of Christianity Why do I believe the Bible is true What is at stake ? Purpose of this presentation Give you an idea on how Christianity developed during the ...
Title: Basis for believing in Jesus Author: Wesley Last modified by: Wesley Created Date: 6/14/2004 3:48:28 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Apparent contradictions in the Bible A common criticism of unbelievers is the claim that the Bible contains tons of contradictions and the Bible can t be ...
Calvinism: a.k.a. doctrine of predestination Prophet of Calvinism: Once Saved, Always Saved (OSAS) Opposing Points of Views There are 2 opposing points of views ...
History of Christianity Why do I believe the Bible is true What is at stake ? Purpose of this presentation Give you an idea on how Christianity developed during the ...
1. Ark of the Covenant holds them. C. Claimed Canaan as their 'Promised Land' ... Kosher food no pork, no shell fish, no mixing of meat and dairy products. ...
Many Xians set aside a time each day when they read their Bible and pray quietly ... Jewish people made sacrifice, Christians remember the sacrifice. ...