Title: Kuljetusturvallisuus merell
1Kuljetusturvallisuus merelläLastinantajan
2Turvallisuusajattelun lähtökohdat
3Turvallisuusajattelun lähtökohdat
- Kuljetusvälineturvallisuus
4Turvallisuusajattelun lähtökohdat
- Sopimusrakenteet
- - Sopimuksien sisältö
- Ohjeistus
- - Yleiset ohjeet Stora Enso Handling Manual
- Laatukriteerit
- - Hyväksytyn merikuljetuskaluston määrittely
- Sopimuksien sisältö
- Kaksi muodollisesti erilaista tapaa
lopputulos sama -
- a) SE Handling Manual on sopimuksen liitteenä
- b) Sopimuksen tekstissä viittaus Handling
Manuaalin - merkitseviin kohtiin
5. Sea Transport The ship appointed for sea
carriage must be fit for loading and trading and
it must fulfil the requirements set by national
and international authorities concerning
seaworthiness, classification and other official
laws and regulations. The age of the ship must
not exceed 12 years if used for the carriage of
paper and board products or 15 years if used for
the carriage of mechanical timber products. If
the age of the ship exceeds these limits, the
responsible manager in the organisation of Stora
Enso Transport and Distribution must accept
her. When Stora Enso contracts a vessel for the
carriage of paper and board reels by sea, the
holds of the vessel must be box shaped. If
carrying sawn timber or pulp, the shape of the
holds must be such that goods can be loaded and
discharged without using forklifts in the holds.
The holds of the ship must not have any physical
properties that could endanger the goods. The
hold must be watertight with hatches closing
properly to keep out snow, water or ice in all
The decks and the holds (tank tops, tween decks)
must be even, free of water, oil and odour, which
might contaminate the goods. Appropriate
equipment must be used for securing and
protecting the cargo. The securing, protection
and other necessary equipment related to the ship
and its current cargo must be appropriate in
quality and quantity, in accordance with the
charter party (c/p) or freight agreement. A
Vessel Inspection Form shall be filled in by the
supplier and signed by the master for every lo-lo
shipment. Joint vessel checks will be arranged
for other liner vessels with agreed frequency.
Non-conformance shall be reported. See Vessel
Inspection Form enclosed.
Example Vessel Inspection Form