Title: petshah cootshah
Physical health issues in the older substance
user. Dr. Ian Guinan Dr. Euan Lawson Delphi
Medical Consultants 'Geron' Greek menaing
'old man', 'Addictus' Latin meaning 'assigned
by decree' ie. obligated.
2I hope I die before I get old.
- 1965 My Generation Pete Townshend, The
Who. Now aged 64......
3The Rolling Stones, 1964
Keith Richards, 2nd from right, at the time
described himself as elegantly wasted.
4Keith Richards, 2004
5Physical Health IssuesWhat happens when we get
old?Not good news......
- all of our bodies systems begin to stop working
- we don't recover as quickly from challenges
- we begin to suffer consequences of chronic harm
- risk of cancer is increased
- our immunity to infection is diminished
6Lungs and Respiratory
- Tobacco smoking
- Chronic bronchitis
- Damage from heroin and crack smoking
- Increased TB risks
- Lung cancer
7Heart, cardiovascular and circulation
- QTc and Torsade De Pointes?
- Role of ECGs and implications for treatment
- Increased risk of DVT
- Reduced circulation, ischaemia
- Leg ulcers
- Hepatitis C
- Cirrhosis
- Hepatoma
- Impaired renal function and prescribing
10Brain nervous system
- Dementia
- Cognitive impairment
- Poor vision
- Mental Health abnormalities
11Muscles Skeleton
- Increased risk of falls
- Osteoarthritis reduced mobility, difficulty
with handling medication - Osteoporosis (poor nutrition, reduced physical
activity)? - Loss of limbs complicated by other pathology
12Hormonal problems
- Diabetes
- Thyroid abnormalities
13Interactions with prescribed drugs
- warfarin
- analgesia (opiates?)?
- drugs prolonging the QTc interval (long list!)?
- antiepileptics
- enzyme inducing drugs
14Differing pattern of drug use?
- increased smoking?
- increased use of alcohol (reasons?)?
- historic drug use amphetamines/barbiturates
- abuse of OTC medication
- abuse of prescribed medication. Availability?
- Nutrition
- Dentition
- Poverty
- Housing
- Family support
- Carer support
- Coping with disability
16How can we address these problems?
- Recognition that we will increasingly be dealing
with the health problems of an older cohort of
patients with differing needs - Improve delivery of substance misuse treatment in
primary care so that holisitic healthcare for all
health problems can be delivered.
- Chronic drug use has long term implications for
health which are cumulative. - Increasing age brings cumulative health
problems. - A combination of both will create an increasing
challenge for future services.
18I hope I die before I become Pete Townsend.....
1992 Kurt Cobain, singer of Nirvana, died April
5th, 1994. Age 27.
19Questions and Discussion?
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