Title: Jan Plevka
1 Military Airworthiness Harmonisation
WorkshopOlomouc, CZ Republic MAWA Forum
Jan Plevka,Ph.D. Armaments Directorate jan.plevk
2Workshop presentation outline
- Background information to Harmonised European
Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) - Current status of Military Airworthiness
Authorities Forum activities within EDA - Comparable evolution to JAA-EASA (first
airworthiness followed by total aviation
approach) - Exploring internal and external cooperation
- Civil-military relationship in airworthiness area
3Involvement of EDA in Airworthiness and Aviation
- Number of international activities for
coordination of military airworthiness started in
2004, - EMAAG, NSA Airworthiness group, FINAS, OCCAR,
JMAAN, ETAP... - November 2008 an important milestone in EU
military Airworthiness history - EU Ministers of Defence approved the
establishment of Military AirWorthiness
Authorities (MAWA) Forum and endorsed the
European Military Airworthiness Roadmap
4European Military Certification and Airworthiness
- EDA/MAWAs Seven objectives
- Common regulatory framework
- Common certification processes
- Common approach to organisational approvals
- Common certification/design codes
- Common approach to preservation of airworthiness
- Arrangements for mutual recognition
- Formation of a European Military Joint
Airworthiness Authority.
5Involvement of EDA in Airworthiness and Aviation
- European Defence Agency (EDA) was entrusted to
facilitate associated activities - EDA was established under a Joint Action of the
council of Ministers on 12 July, 2004, "to
support the Member States and the Council in
their effort to improve European defence
capabilities in the field of crisis management
and to sustain the European Security and Defence
Policy as it stands now and develops in the
future. - What are the benefits for working together?
- Military aviation safety,
- Military-military civil-military cooperation,
- Reducing time cost for new aircraft
- Helping to improve competiveness of EDTIB
6Involvement of EDA in Airworthiness and Aviation
- The priorities are different as nations have
different perspectives and needs. - Thus the co-ordination between 26 pMS is very
important to achieve consensus and to keep
synergies. - EDA being aware of the scare resources in
military airworthiness is ready to enforce the
development by using OB, ER, and manning to
achieve the expected benefits. - EDA with pMS is aiming to establish
administrative and technical procedures which
would require a single administrative action from
the applicant (industry) valid under the national
regulations and procedures of each Authority. - Work together towards a European Military Joint
Airworthiness Authority.
7MAWA European Military Airworthiness Requirements
(EMARs) development
National Airworthiness app.
Project harmo.
Set of harmonised European MAWA documents
European MAWA Basic Framework
Basic Framework
EASA Part 21
MAA remains national
EMAR 21, 145, M, . STANAG
8MAWA current structure
MAWA Forum
MAWA TF1 Basic Framework
MAWA TF3 EMAR Maintenance
MAWA TF4 Certification criteria
Airworthiness req. Military type-cert.
Restricted type-cert. Supp. type-cert. Changes
to those cert. Design approvals. Cert. of
parts and app. Cert. of design org. Issue of
airw. direc.
Definitions Functions of MAWA Commitments of
Authori. Organization and proced. Membership Recor
d of Parties Amendment to Arranents. Appendices
and Annexes Withdrawal Signatures of all nations
General Certification req. Housing,
Facilities Equipment, Materials Data,
Personnel Operating rules Training Training
org. Quality
Define the new air systems airworthiness
certification basis.
9MAWA current structure
MAWA TF1 Basic Framework
Chairman Mr. John Allan The Basic Framework of
MAWA is exploring the JAA Cyprus agreement with
main goals,
- That the 26 nations commit themselves work
together on the field of harmonisation of
military airworthiness - To define the whole set and scope of EMARs so
that each Authority can adopt this structure and
remove national regulatory differences with the
aim that EMAR becomes a uniform code for all
European countries and minimal further national
regulatory differences will be applied. - To establish procedures that will
- allow the use of only one set of technical
findings in the field of design, manufacture and
maintenance for the benefit of all and in a
manner acceptable to Military Authorities - include practical measures for making the
technical findings only once including acceptance
of technical findings made by industry, where
industry conforms to agreed approval standards -
- cover the initial certification (of products,
services, organisations or people) as well as the
continuation of safety standards in service. -
10MAWA current structure
- LtCol Rik van Zwol
- Based on JMAAN EASA Documents PART 21
- EMAR 21
- Subpart A General provisions
- Subpart B Military type-certificates Military
restricted-type certificates - Subpart J Military design organisation approval
- Subpart D Changes to Military type-certificates
Military restricted-type certificates - Subpart E Military supplemental
type-certificates - Subpart H Airworthiness certificates
- Subpart K Parts and appliances
- Subpart Q Identification of specific parts and
appliances - Section B
- For the Regulator
11MAWA current structure
MAWA TF3 EMAR Maintenance
Col Dominique COLIN Based EASA Documents PART
M PART 145 PART 147PART 66 The taskforce is
developing the following common EMARs on the
field of continuing Airworthiness. Basically
EMARs will cover the certification of maintenance
organisations and personnel including educational
requirements and licensing EMAR Part 145
(Maintenance) EMAR Part M (Continuing AW)
EMAR Part 147 (Tech training) EMAR Part 66 (a/c
maintenance licences)
12MAWA current structure
MAWA TF4 Certification codes
- LtCol Alessio GRASSO
- Based on existing national documents (Mil Hdbk.
516B, DEF std) - The taskforce is focusing on the development of
military certification codes/standards and safety
requirements for future military aircraft
programmes. - Furthermore platform unique criteria (special
conditions) need to be added to fully address the
safety aspects of unique military configurations. - This document establishes the airworthiness
certification criteria to be used in the
determination of airworthiness of all manned and
unmanned, fixed and rotary wing air vehicle
systems. - This document should cross reference relevant
military and civil requirements. - These documents should be used to define the
technical specification and should be the result
of harmonization efforts across the MAWA pMS. -
13Coherence with other relevant intergovernmental
NATO FINAS and USARs groups
MAWA database for sharing national and
IO regulations
MAWA Forum
MAWA TF1 Basic Framework
MAWA TF3 EMAR Maintenance
MAWA TF4 Certification crit.
TBD General Certification criteria Mutual
recognitions Monitoring Operating
rules Audits Quality
Definitions Functions of MAWA Commitments of
Authori. Organization and proced. Membership Recor
d of Parties Amendment to Arranents. Appendices
and Annexes Withdrawal Signatures of all nations
TBD Airworthiness req. Military type-cert.
Restricted type-cert. Supp. type-cert. Changes
to those cert. Design approvals. Cert. of
parts and app. Cert. of design org. Issue of
airwort direc.
TBD General Certification req. Housing,
Facilities Equipment, Materials Data,
Personnel Operating rules Training Training
org. Quality
14Conclusive remarks
- EDA/MAWA is committed to developing the
regulatory framework (EMARS) for military/state
aircraft including UAS. - EMARS shall be ready for future European aircraft
programmes, but all existing military aircraft
may benefit from continuing airworthiness also. - EDA/MAWA will develop links to actively
contribute to this goals in cooperation with
other stakeholders and regulatory bodies. - We expect to discuss this goals with all our
stakeholders (industry, regulatory organisations,
national authorities) in specific panel sessions
and to give us your feedback for the MAWA Forum
as guidance for the way forward. - How to continue with UAS airworthiness
Jan Plevka,Ph.D. Armaments Directorate jan.plevk