Technological Advancements in SciVis Guilford County SciVis V102.02 For educational use only: Images are not cleared Instructions: Students: fill in the blanks in ...
Computer Software Guilford County SciVis V103.02 Spreadsheet Software Allows the user to collect and manipulate data onto a spreadsheet. Data may then be graphed.
Design Fundamentals Guilford County SciVis V104.01 The Aspects of Design The Principles of Design The Principles of Design Informal balance is asymmetrical.
Basic Computer Hardware and Software. Guilford County SciVis V103.01 Input Devices Input Devices: devices that input information into the computer such as a keyboard ...
SciVis utilizes computer graphics, image processing, signal processing as ... Reynard Motorsport Engineers recognized as leader in Formula 1 and Indy car ...
News. Reminder: no class next week. I'm at InfoVis/Vis in Baltimore. Overview. What is SciVis? ... Jean M. Favre. Glyphs (arrows) Techniques. Techniques ...
The Color Wheel A color wheel a chart used to show the relationship between colors. ...
Systems Engineer An engineer who specializes in the implementation of production systems This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation ...
An Overview of Exploratory Data Visualization Dr. Matthew Ward Computer Science Department Worcester Polytechnic Institute From Data to Knowledge: Exploring ...
When elements on a page can be centered and/or evenly divided both horizontally and vertically it has symmetry. Symmetrical balance is generally for more formal, ...
value (overall intensity of the light) W2D1. HSV colour model. W2D1. Colour = sensation. It is determined by: Light. Physiology. Psychology. Experiment. W2D1 ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: dakukris Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Color can be a powerful tool to improve user interfaces, but its inappropriate ... Allows for high acuity of objects focused at center, good color perception. ...
Adam Speck. CADD 2D Architectural. Second Place. West Point ... Clay Lambert, Andy Fearn, Donovan Howe. Cyberspace Pursuit. Third Place. Biloxi High School ...
Example: Cholera in London 1854, John Snow, Broad Street ... 'dark room' Light-tight room. Hole on one side. Projection surface on other side. Pinhole camera ...
Scott Lathrop, Lisa Bievenue, plus all the researchers who provided examples ... information about data, e.g., initial conditions, data of observation ...
(PET Training Course conducted at ERDC, Vicksburg, MS) Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony ... LINUXTIMERS Use fast x86 Linux timers. ERDC 10/4/2004. 16 ...
How do we make sense of the data? How do we harness this data in decision making processes? ... Highest bandwidth sense. Fast, parallel. Pattern recognition ...
Outline Motivation Part I: Overview of TAU and PDT Performance Analysis and Visualization with TAU Pprof Paraprof Performance Database Part II: Using TAU ...
This presentation contains some historical recollections from over 5 years ago. ... LONGHORN. TEJAS. ARCHIVE. Cray-Dell Xeon Linux Cluster. 1028 CPUs (6.3 Tflops) ...
Title: The TAU Performance System Author: Allen D. Malony Last modified by: Sameer Shende Created Date: 9/25/2002 6:39:41 PM Document presentation format
Human visual system. Guidelines for design. Models of human performance (MHP) Memory ... Visual Illusions (not color) Can you guess the woman's age? Keep looking. 16 ...
... treat a continuous fluid in a discretized fashion on a computer? ... Definition: ... to the velocity field can be explored in a novel fashion. ...
3. Ashley Willis, Andrew Joy-Pittsburg Community MS. 5. Ryder Lucas, Brad Sciliance-Louisburg MS ... 2. Garrett Gebhart, Taylor Madison-Pittsburg Community MS ...
Ancient Astronomy: study of ? (heaven) ... Royal astronomers: might not be interested in astronomy ... completely based on western astronomy. Instruments ...
Broad field requiring technical knowledge and an understanding of many communication issues ... Get this view by rotating the scene around via left mouse button. ...
2nd Place - Madison Weir - Davenport School of the Arts. 1st Place - Ashley Rodriguez - Boone Middle School. Computer Aided Design 2D, Architectural (II) ...
NAG Graphics Library still available. Vtk C classes provide modern version of this style ... AVS. OpenDX (grown from IBM ...
Provide best commercially available high-end HPC capability ... Perform excited-state calculations to determine transition energies (e.g. phosphorescence) ...
Slide 1. Visualization of scientific data under Linux - Techniques ... Present techniques for importing and ... Research Systems/Kodak - Slide ...
... Natasha, us to be going to kill moose and squirrel! Vat did you say, Boris? ... Lies are dreams caught red-handed,' or 'Marriage is the perfect murder of love. ...
Observe/analyze/understand performance behavior. Multiple levels of software and hardware ... UC Berkeley (Culler): Millenium, sensitivity analysis. KAI and Pallas ...
'Python is absolutely free, even for commercial use' Dynamically typed. Strongly typed. Auto memory mgt. Indiana University. 4. What's so great about Python? ...
Developed at Yale University by D. Gelernter, N. Carriero et al. ... Protect them with locks. Distributed-memory (network) kernels. How to represent Tuple Space? ...
1666 : Sir Isaac Newton discovers the spectrum of light generated by sunlight ... This is wave-particle duality; a concept central to quantum physics. ...
Event trace is a time-sequenced stream of event records ... Atomic events (e.g., size of memory allocated ... Trace merging and clock adjustment (if necessary) ...