Application: Railway System Operation, CCTV, Security. System Config: 3X27 C2 Series 67' XGA ... Industry: Cable TV Station. Application: Control Center, ...
From dialogue towards trialogue? Research on factors enhancing the process of trialogic learning Background and steps various initiatives of collaborative innovative ...
Cine y Filosof a El uso del cine como recurso did ctico para la ense anza de la filosof a El cine como trasunto de la caverna de Plat n Hollywood: la f brica de ...
Multimedia- and Web-based Information Systems Lecture 5 Multimedia: Color- and Video-technology Video-Technology Television- and Video-Technology form the basis of ...
Cine y Filosof a El uso del cine como recurso did ctico para la ense anza de la filosof a El cine como trasunto de la caverna de Plat n Hollywood: la f brica de ...
Subsystem for accounting, visualizing and storing the network traffic (iptables scripts Cacti) ... Cacti. Architecture of videomonitoring subsystem ...