SEEDS Reuse Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SEEDS Reuse Study


Prepare for SEEDS working group efforts to enable and incentivize software reuse ... Broaden the investigation of reference architectures to consider other factors ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SEEDS Reuse Study

SEEDS Reuse Study
  • Software Reuse FrameworkStructure and Content
  • Draft

  • Purpose
  • Prepare for SEEDS working group efforts to enable
    and incentivize software reuse
  • Define a framework of supporting mechanisms for
    software reuse
  • Broaden the investigation of reference
    architectures to consider other factors important
    to software reuse
  • Contents
  • Reuse study goals and objectives (summary)
  • Community input and study recommendations
  • Candidate elements of a reuse framework
  • Implementation concepts for selected framework
  • Next steps

Overall Goals Objectives
  • SEEDS Goals Objectives
  • Reduce the cost of supporting future missions,
    science, applications
  • Reduce the effort needed for data systems
    developers to build ESE data systems
  • Increase the ability to acquire needed systems
    and services from small, established, efficient
    teams of experts
  • Ensure effective competition in the acquisition
    of needed systems and services
  • Eliminate unnecessary redundant development
    maintenance efforts
  • Increase flexibility responsiveness to future
    missions, science, applications
  • Reduce the effort needed for data systems
    maintainers to incorporate proven components and
    enhancements that meet end user needs
  • Enable needed capabilities to be acquired quickly
    in incremental chunks
  • Increase effective accountable community
  • Reduce the effort needed for science and
    application teams to offer ESE data services
  • Increase common understanding of the
    responsibilities associated with providing a
    given capability or service
  • SEEDS Reuse Goal
  • Enable reuse of existing ESE software assets to
    achieve SEEDS goals

Review of Community Recommendations
  • Reuse
  • ESE should work to enable software reuse
  • Use improved clone own approach for mission
    critical systems
  • Use open source software approach for mission
    success systems
  • ESE should not pursue product line approach
  • Unlikely to realize theoretical benefits across a
    large and diverse enterprise like ESE
  • Reference Architecture
  • ESE should develop reference architecture to help
    enable reuse
  • Coarse-grained (subsystem level, not software
    module level)
  • Notional (high-level descriptions not specific
    service details)
  • Concrete details in a limited set of functional
  • ESE should not develop a fine-grained, specific
    reference architecture
  • Unlikely to realize theoretical benefits to
    component-level reuse and software
  • Too costly to develop and too constraining for
    use by the science community

Source SEEDS Formulation Team Draft
Recommendations Report, Section 6 Reuse and
Reference Architectures
Reuse Framework Overview
  • What is a reuse framework?
  • A structure for organizing the elements of a
    software reuse initiative
  • A place to share information and tools that can
    be used to enable software reuse
  • An evolving set of content related to software
  • Why a reuse framework?
  • Expands original concept of using a reference
    architecture to enable reuse
  • Adds other critical enabling mechanisms
  • Organizes the material from various SEEDS reuse
    activities so they can be shared effectively for
    use across the ESE community

Context Keeping a Reuse Framework in Perspective
  • A reuse framework could be the primary output of
    the reuse support/enablement activity
  • The reuse working groups (not the SEEDS program
    office) are responsible for developing and
    populating the reuse framework

Community Perspective Many Barriers to Software
  • Policy, Process, and Cultural Issues
  • Intellectual property policies restrict code
  • Policy/cultural restrictions against open source
  • Contractual restrictions on access to vendors
    source code
  • NIH tendencies
  • Cultural emphasis on invention over reuse
  • Organizational biases to use certain software
  • Cumbersome code release processes
  • Knowledge Skill Issues
  • Lack of knowledge about existing/available
  • Lack of needed skills to understand/incorporate
    existing assets
  • Mismatch of programming language with team
  • Lack of experience with reuse in a development
  • Technical Issues
  • Poor fit of an existing subsystem with the
    intended application
  • Lack of modularity
  • Unwillingness to accept some product limitations
  • Inconsistent coding and documentation conventions
  • Lack of test cases
  • Tool Infrastructure Issues
  • No asset repository
  • No reuse infrastructure
  • Lack of a forum for advertising/marketing
  • Lack of contributions to an asset base
  • Funding and Resource Alignment Issues
  • Mission-oriented funding not conducive to
    investing effort needed to make software reusable
  • Lack of funds or desire to document and support
  • Lack of access to experts familiar with an asset
  • No schedule/funds/policy requirement to make
    contributions to an asset base
  • Risk Uncertainty Issues
  • Perceived technical risk
  • Inability to assume some risk in development
  • Liability concerns
  • Security concerns
  • Uncertainty in payoff of reusability investment
  • Hesitation to share because SW was not
    designed/documented to be shared

Source SEEDS Public Workshops Note all these
barriers can be addressed by a reuse framework or
framework contents.
Project Perspective Reuse Decisions Require
Practical Information
  • Developers and program managers need pragmatic
    answers when making reuse decisions
  • What types of subsystems are needed?
  • What is available?
  • Which are relevant to my class/scale of data
  • Which ones fit together?
  • Which are easily reused/adapted?
  • Which are best supported?

Reuse Framework Elements Deriving Needs by
Addressing Barriers Questions
  • What should a reuse framework contain?

Reuse Framework Elements Deriving Needs by
Addressing Barriers Questions (contd)
  • What should a reuse framework contain?

Reuse Framework Elements Deriving Needs by Reuse
Lifecycle Phase
  • Build ensure reusability of new assets
  • Reusability guidelines recommendations
  • Reference architectures
  • Harvest identify reusable assets
  • Reusability assessment tools
  • Security assessment tools
  • Asset catalog (store)
  • Reuse employ reusable assets
  • Asset catalog (search/browse)
  • Developer contacts and forums

Candidate Reuse Framework Elements (Summary)
  • Reusable assets
  • ESE asset catalog (code, test cases, development
  • Links to other catalogs repositories
  • Document templates samples
  • Reuse support tools
  • Reusability security assessment tools
  • Component cataloging tools (for federated
  • Software porting tools
  • Open/community source foundry
  • Reference library
  • Reference architectures arch. patterns
  • Reference policies (data rights SW licensing)
  • Consensus functional requirements
  • Reusability guidelines recommendations
  • Quality metrics
  • Best practices lessons-learned
  • Developer contacts forums
  • Coding/framework conventions/templates
  • News information

SEEDS Reuse Initiatives (Process)
Reusable Assets
Asset Catalog
Reference Library Tool Catalog
Reuse Incentive List
Reference Information
Reuse Support Tools
Reference Architecture
Reference Policies
Reference Licenses
The reuse framework provides a structure for
capturing and sharing the results of SEEDS reuse
Candidate Reuse Framework Elements Notional Web
  • Reuse enablement relies on sharing information
  • A reuse framework can be partially represented as
    an information sharing portal

Candidate Reuse Framework Elements
  • Implementation Concepts forSelected Candidate
    Reuse Framework Elements

Candidate Reuse Framework ElementsReusable
Asset Catalog/Repository
  • Description
  • Catalog of reusable software assets
  • Includes asset repository only as needed to
    ensure access
  • Identifies asset owner, capabilities,
    characteristics, type, contact person, systems
    where used, etc.
  • Rationale
  • Helps developers find reusable assets
  • Candidate catalog items
  • Subsystem-level software components
  • Reusable software development artifacts
  • Reusable templates

Candidate Reuse Framework ElementsReuse Support
Tools Open Source Foundry
  • Description
  • Provides a set of Web-based services to support
    open source or community source development
  • Supports individual projects and collections of
  • Services include software dissemination, software
    configuration management, bug reporting, task
    management, etc.
  • Rationale
  • ESE community does not currently have a focal
    point for open source development
  • OSS foundries encourage software to be developed
    as open source, not just licensed as open source
  • Availability of an OSS foundry can make an open
    source approach more attractive to developers
  • Candidate foundry software
  • SourceForge

Candidate Reuse Framework Elements Reference
Library Data Rights Guidance
  • Description
  • Provides guidance for those writing contracts and
    grants to ensure that appropriate data rights are
    included to enable reuse
  • Rationale
  • Current contract and language doesnt generally
    preclude reuse, but also doesnt best ensure that
    reuse is enabled
  • Candidate targets for specific data rights
  • Critical infrastructure software data rights
  • Appropriate for mission-critical software
    including flight segment through L0
  • Community resource software data rights
  • Appropriate for mission-success software
    including L1-L4 data product generation
  • Commercial potential software data rights
  • Appropriate for components best reused through
    commercial distribution

Candidate Reuse Framework Elements Reference
Library Architecture Patterns
  • Description
  • A small number (less than 10) of generic, ESE
    domain-specific architectures that capture the
    essential architectural characteristics of the
    variety of systems used by data service providers
  • Identifies applicable environment and solution
    characteristics, including functional components
    (at the subsystem level), services provided, and
    unique architectural features
  • Developed and evolved through relatively informal
    processes since they are not controlled or used
    like enterprise architectures
  • Rationale
  • Patterns can be reused
  • Provide proven design solutions for problems in
    different contexts
  • High benefit/cost ratio relative to code reuse
  • Patterns can be used to classify or identify
    reusable components
  • Provide proven implementations matching a given
    design pattern
  • Helps developers find components that fit their
  • Promotes reusability for newly developed software
  • Candidate patterns
  • One for each class of data service provider
    identified by the Levels of Service study
  • One for each community mission-critical
    (production emphasis) and mission success
    (analysis emphasis)

Reusable Subsystem Catalog/Library
Pattern Catalog/Library
  • Pattern P1
  • Examples
  • S1, S3

Candidate Reuse Framework Elements Reference
Library Architecture Patterns (contd)
  • Architecture patterns should include multiple
    views of the architecture
  • A high-level definition of components and data
  • A list of categorized system services

The Producer establishes a Submission Agreement
with the OAIS, which identifies the SIPs to be
submitted and may span any length of time for
this submission.
Candidate Reuse Framework Elements Reference
Library Architecture Patterns (contd)
  • Example Pattern Publish Subscribe
  • Applicability/Context
  • A component uses data provided by another
  • Information consumer components are not known
    ahead of time
  • The number of data consumers is relatively small
  • Problem
  • Need a way to restore consistency when data are
  • Solution
  • Allow components to subscribe to changes in the
    data source (publisher)
  • When changes are made, the publisher propagates
    them to the subscriber
  • Structure
  • Publisher ?(data)? Subscriber(s)
  • Implementation guidelines
  • Subscriptions should be stored in a linked list
  • Variants
  • Gatekeeper separate process handles
    notifications and data distribution
  • Event channel events are published to a topical
    channel which others can subscribe to
  • Known Uses
  • News service subscriptions

ESE architecture patterns might be similar in
structure but higher level and more comprehensive
Next Steps
Next Steps
  • Determine if a software reuse framework is needed
    to help enable software reuse within NASAs ESE
  • Identify the most important elements of the
  • Establish and begin populating the framework
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