Title: ETANA-DL%20NSF%20Digital%20Library%20Project
1ETANA-DLNSF Digital Library Project
ASOR Annual Meeting, 2004
- Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech
fox_at_vt.edu http//fox.cs.vt.edu http//fox.cs
- Delay in publication of primary archaeological
data - Lack of sustainable solutions to long-term
preservation of valuable information - Lack of services useful to the archaeology
community, including traditional DL services - Difficulty in understanding complex
archaeological information systems - Difficulty in requirements elicitation for
archaeological systems - Interoperability among heterogeneous
archaeological systems
3Solution our approach
- Applying and extending Digital Library (DL)
techniques to solve the following problems
making primary data available, data preservation,
and interoperability - Modeling archaeological information systems using
5S theory to better understand the domain and
design the system and the supported services - Rapidly prototyping DLs that handle heterogeneous
archaeological data using componentized
frameworks elicitating requirements, providing
useful services
- Archaeological Digital Library
- Applies and extends the OAI-PMH
- Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata
Handling - Design considerations
- Componentized
- Distributed architecture
- Extensible
- Portable
5 Heterogeneous data handling
Site Artifact Type Original data source Number of records harvested
Bab edh-Dhra Pottery cp6 database file 786
Lahav Figurine Tab-delimited text file 563
Madaba Locus field record Tables in Access DB 786
Mozan Publication PDF files 19
Nimrin Bone field record Table in Oracle DB 7419
Nimrin Seed field record Table in Oracle DB 429
Nimrin Locus field record Table in Oracle DB 2101
Umayri Bone field record 2 tables in Access DB 2122
Total Total Total 18404
6ETANA-DL Canned Demo
7ETANA-DL Searching Service
8ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing
3 new sites
2 new types of artifacts
9ETANA-DL Visual Browsing Service
Visual Browse
By site
10Visual Browsing Nimrin Topographical Drawings
Square N40/W20
Full site
North west quadrant
11Visual Browsing Nimrin Square information
Square N40/W20
Locus 86
Loci layout
12Visual Browsing Nimrin locus sheet
13Visual Browsing Bab edh-Dhra' Cemetery
Pottery 25
14Visual Browsing Bab edh-Dhra' Cemetery
Pottery 25
155S Archaeological DL Modeling
- Modeling archaeological information systems
- using the 5S theory
- to better understand the domain and
- design the system and the supported services
16A Minimal DL in the 5S Framework
Structured Stream
Structural Metadata Specification
Descriptive Metadata Specification
Metadata Catalog
Digital Object
17A Minimal ArchDL in the 5S Framework
18Modeling ETANA-DL An Archaeological DL
19Modeling ETANA-DL ETANA Model
205SGraph A DL Modeling Tool
- Overall objective of 5SGraph
- Help users model their own instances of a
digital library (DL) in the 5S language (5SL). - A simple modeling process which enables rapid
generation of digital libraries is needed. - Support non-expert users.
- Speed-up development process.
- Increase the quality of final product.
21Goals of 5SGraph
- To help digital library designers understand the
5S model quickly and easily - To help digital library designers build their own
digital libraries without difficulty - To help digital library designers transform their
models into 5SL files automatically - To help digital library designers understand,
maintain, and upgrade existing digital library
models conveniently
- How does 5SGraph work?
- 5SGraph loads and displays a metamodel in a
structured toolbox. - The structured editor of 5SGraph provides a
top-down visual environment for the DL designer. - 5SGraph produces correct 5SL files according to
the visual model built by the designer.
23Overview of 5SGraph
Workspace (instance model)
Structured toolbox (metamodel)
24Stream Model
25Structure Model
26Space Model
27Scenario Model
28Society Model
29Component Reuse
- Components can be loaded/saved.
- Load and save sub-trees
- Component reuse saves time and effort.
- Full reuse from component pool
- Partial reuse adapting components
30Semantic Constraints
- There are inherent semantic constraints in the
hierarchical structure of the 5S model. - 5SGraph maintains the constraints and enforces
these constraints over the instance model to
ensure correctness.
31The World According to OAI
Service Providers
Current Awareness
Data Providers
32Data and Service Providers
- Data Providers
- possess metadata and share it (internally /
externally) - via well-defined OAI protocols (e.g., database
servers) - Service Providers
- harvest data from Data Providers
- provide higher-level services to users
- (e.g., search engines)
- Who will fit where in ETANA-DL?
- Data Provider YOUR PROJECT
- Service Provider ETANA-DL
33Why be an OAI Provider
- Speed up publication
- Long-term preservation
- Do not need to worry about providing services
34How to be an OAI Provider
- Requirements
- Perl
- Web server with ability to run CGI scripts
- Download OAI-XMLFile-2.1.tar.gz from
- http//www.dlib.vt.edu/projects/OAI/software/xmlfi
le/xmlfile.html - Extract the files into a directory from which CGI
scripts may be run - gunzip OAI-XMLFile-2.1.tar.gz
- tar xvf OAI-XMLFile-2.1.tar
35How to be an OAI Provider (Cont.)
- Want your pottery collection be an OAI data
provider? - Create a director mySitePottery under
OAI-XMLFile-2.1/XMLFile - Copy the contents in test5 directory to
mySitePottery directory - Modify the config.xml under OAI-XMLFile-2.1/XMLFi
36lt?xml version"1.0" ?gt ltrepositoryNamegt
pottery repository namelt/repositoryNamegt
ltadminEmailgt YourAdmin_at_yourServer lt/adminEmailgt
ltarchiveIdgt pottery Archive ID lt/archiveIdgt
ltrecordlimitgt500lt/recordlimitgt ltdatadirgt
directory of pottery XML collection lt/datadirgt
ltmetadatagt ltprefixgt prefix of pottery
repository lt/prefixgt ltnamespacegt
namespace of your schema lt/namespacegt
ltschemagt location of your XML file schema
lt/schemagt lt/metadatagt lt/xmlfilegt
37Apply the 5S Framework in Integrating
Archaeological DLs
- Architecture of a Union DL
- Union Catalog Integration
- Union Services Automation
38Architecture of a Union DL
Union DL
Union Service
Harvesting, Mapping, Searching,
Browsing, Clustering, Visualization
Union Catalog
Union Repository
39Union Catalog Integration
Mapping Tool
VN Metadata Format
Union Catalog
VN Catalog
Virtual Nimrin (VN)
Global Metadata Format
HD Catalog
Halif DigMaster (HD)
HD Metadata Format
Mapping Tool
40Visual Mapping Tool Architecture
Visualizing Components
Composite Mapper
41Visual Mapping Tool Demo
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485S Archaeology MetaModel
ArchDL Expert
ArchDL Designer
Structure Sub-model
VN Metadata Format
HD Metadata Format
Scenario Sub-model
ETANA-DL Metadata Format
Harvesting description
VN Catalog
VN Catalog
Mapping Tool
Mapping description
Inverted Files
Browsing description
Web Interface
Search Service
Union Catalog
Browse DB
Browse Service
Component Pool
Services DB
Other ETANA-DL Services