Title: Materials Design Division Warsaw University of Technology
1Materials Design DivisionWarsaw University of
2Warsaw University of Technology
- University Faculties
- Architecture
- Chemical and Process Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Information Technology
- Environmental Engineering
- Geodesy and Cartography
- Mathematics and Information Science
- Physics
- Power and Aeronautical Engineering
- Transport
- Automobiles and Heavy Machinery Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Production Engineering
- Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry
- Established in 1826
- 17 Faculties
- 31,800 students
- 2,540 academic staff
3Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
- 330 undergraduates
- 82 Ph.D. students
- 38 academic staff
- 18 professors
- 20 assistant professors
- 38 technical and administrative staff
Division of Materials Design - Prof. Krzysztof J.
Kurzydlowski Division of Surface Engineering
Division of Functional and Structural
Materials Division of Fundamentals of Materials
4Division of Materials Designwww.materials.pl
- 55 Ph.D. students
- 13 academic staff
- 5 professors
- 8 assistant professors
- 19 research and technical staff
- 14 coworkers
- Overall 101
- Average age 34
- Gender 3070 (FM)
- The University offers 3 levels of education
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- The Faculty awards Ph.D. and D.Sc. Degrees
- Post-graduate courses on application of materials
science and engineering - Workshops and conferences EMRS Fall Meeting
6Research Activities
Bone Tissue Engineering
Scaffolds for tissue engineering
Polyurethane scaffolds made by particulate
Modeling in Tissue Engineering
Composite (polymer/ceramic) scaffold made by
rapid prototyping method (in cooperation with
FE models of the scaffold-new bone (in
cooperation with F.Rustichelli)
Ceramic-polymer composites for dental fillings
- reduction of polymerisation shrinkage
- improvement of wear resistance
- improvement of mechanical properties
- nano-composites
Fabrication of bulk nanometals by hydrostatic
E(d2) 87 nm
2017 aluminium alloy
E(d2) 95 nm
- New technologies and properties enhancement of
materials relevant for fusion - Eurofer 97 steel
- CuCrZr alloy
- Cu-W composites
Microstructure of Eurofer 97 steel before
hydrostatic extrusion
Microstructure of Eurofer 97 steel after
hydrostatic extrusion
11Materials for air transport
New technology of turbine blades for engines of
commercial aircraft
Blade Outer Air Seals
LPT Blades STG 5 and 7
LPT vane clusters
Specimens preparation
- FIB Hitachi 2100
- The ion polishing system 691 PIPS
- Model 656 Dimple Grinder
- The ion beam thinning unit IV3 F/L
- Double jet polisher Tenupol
- Ultrasonic disc cutter
- HR TEM Jeol JEM3010 ( 2 x TEM)
- HR SEM Hitachi S5500 ( 3 x SEM)
- X-ray diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover Series 2
- X-ray microanalyzers CAMECA SU-30
Scientific - AFM Nanoscope Multimode IIIA
- FT-IR spectrometer Nicolet 6700
- Acoustic emission system Vallen AMSY-5
- Ultrasonic flow detector Krautkramer USN 60
- Phase Array
- Eddy current detector IZ 27 SI
- DSC, DMA, DTA, TDA devices
- Impact hammer RESIL5,5
- HYSITRON TriboScratch
- Dynamic testing machines MTS 810 and 858
- Static testing machine QTest 10 and Zwick Z005
- Ares Rheology System - TA Instrument
- Brookfield DV-II PRO Digital Viscometer
Multiscale modelling
Continuum level
- Macroscopic Strain Stress relations
- Grain size, shape effect
- Strain localization
- Internal stresses
- Rotation of grains
- Grains sliding
- Dislocation creation and motion
- Elastic constants
- Point defects
Molecular Dynamics Ab initio
Atomistic scale
14Services to industry
- in-service monitoring of materials degradation
processes - analysis of materials failure
- development and/or optimisation of new materials
Industrial partners
- PKN ORLEN - Polish Petroleum Concern,
- PERN Przyjazn
- Fertilizer Plant in Pulawy,
- WSK PZL-Rzeszów,
- Electrim Megadex,
- Azoty Pulawy
- Rettenmaier Polska Sp. z. o. o. Manufactures
- of Fibres
- Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe
- Agaplast Sp. z. o. o.and others
- Materials Design Division
- Warsaw University of Technology
- http//www.materials.pl
- Woloska 141, 02-507 Warsaw
- tel 48 22 234 85 29 fax 48 22 234 87 50
- Prof. Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski Dr.
Malgorzata Lewandowska - kjk_at_inmat.pw.edu.pl malew_at_inmat.pw.edu.pl