Title: Preliminary Results
1Preliminary Results
May 2001
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- David Nish - Financial review
- - Regulatory update
- Ian Russell - Performance review
5Operating profit reconciliation
6Operating profit
7Tax rates
8Capital expenditure
- Generation/ Special Projects - Wind farms, CHP
and PFI schemes - Power Systems - Systems expansion and
refurbishment - Southern Water - Delivering targets agreed
with OFWAT - Thus - Network assurance and infrastructure
expansion - PacifiCorp - Expenditure on networks and new
9Net debt movement
10Financial ratios
11Financial summary
12US regulatory update
- Filings update
- Regulatory timetable
13Oregon filing update
- Rate case - (November 00) - Filing revised to
60m general costs plus 74m power
costs - Normal negotiating process - Order due
August - Deferred accounting - (November 00) - 23m
granted February (3 cap) - Decision expected on
balance in Q1 - Power Cost Adjustment mechanism -filed 22
March - Requesting 43 million increase for
three months - Seeking legislative change to 3 cap
14Utah filing update
- Rate case - (January 01) - 142m filed,
restated as 169m - Interim award of 70m -
Initial hearing scheduled 30 July - Order,
considering full amount, due September - Deferred accounting - (November 00) - Approved
to include Hunter costs only
15Other state updates
- Wyoming - Rate case hearings 9 July order due
mid-October - PCA filed 7 March, 22m sought
hearing 27 August - Washington - Exploring options to reopen rate
plan - Idaho - Deferred accounting approved January to
discuss recovery mechanism in May - California - Pursuing exemption from price
freeze - Rate case filed 23 March seeking 13
increase - Sale of assets remains an option
16Other initiatives
- RTO West - Governance, scope and configuration
approval by FERC April 01 - 90 of
transmission between Canada and southern
Nevada - FERC looking to extend reach - Structural Realignment Proposal
(SRP) - Collaborative process - Final filings
in June
17Regulatory timetable
Nov / Dec 00
Jan / Feb 01
Jul / Aug 01
Nov 01
Mar / Apr 01
May / Jun 01
Sep / Oct 01
Rate case
Def Acc
Rate case
Def Acc
Def Acc
Rate case
Def Acc
Rate case
F Filing H Hearing O Order
Washington may receive rate case filings PCA
Power Cost Adjustment
- Vigorously pursuing regulatory cost recovery
- Filed rate cases for 292m, plus deferred
accounting PCA, 93m awarded to date
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19Strategic context
- Reshape and improve existing businesses
- Focused expansion across energy value chain
- Transform and integrate new businesses
Focus on value creation
20Divisional structure
Sharper focus on growth of earnings
21US division review
- Power market initiatives
- Transition Plan progress
22Management actions
- Restore Hunter - in commissioning
- Manage debt exposure from weakercounterparties -
achieved - Demand side management - in progress
- Vigorously pursue regulatory recovery - in
progress - Introduce new generation capacity - in progress
23Hunter plant in commissioning
- Commissioning underway 30 April
- Net power replacement cost consistent with
expectations - Positive lessons from outage
24Successful credit management
- Robust risk controls applied
- Power exchanges in lieu of sales
- Counterparty credit exposure monitored daily
- Trading activity limited to well-capitalised
counterparties - Enhanced collateral agreements provide additional
protection - Debtor exposure from Californian utilities less
than 10m
Credit exposure minimised
25Demand side management
- Incentivised rates to reduce load - Irrigators
paid not to use power - 20/20 rate reduction
scheme - Contracting 250 MW from customer-owned generation
- Renewing / restructuring of power contracts to
our benefit - Strong legislative and consumer group support
2 reduction in retail load achieved
26Rapid expansionof generation capacity
- Previously announced additions - By Q2 -
Gadsby 100 MW - West Valley 160 MW - Klamath
JV 227 MW - - By Q3 - Stateline wind 300 MW - Wyoming
wind 50 MW - Further plant in Q3 - New Klamath gas 100 MW
- Other plants in pipeline
- Long term contracts for output available
Significant addition to length and value
272000/01 Transition Plan stretch targets exceeded
- Over 120 initiatives commenced
- Workforce reductionsof approximately 420, ahead
of Year 1 target of 234 - 85m of transition relatedsavings delivered in
28US conclusion
- Strong progress made in Transition Plan
- Hunter plant in commissioning
- Firm action taken to manage market impact
- Opportunities for further value creation
29UK division review
- Trading Arrangements - Systems and processes
operating - Rye House and Brighton add 915 MW in England
Wales market - Flexible UK portfolioof 5000 MW
Seeking further additions to portfolio
- Sharper focus on supply of energy products
- Customer numbers maintained - High number of
customers won - Offset by industry
average churn - Margins improved, profitable business
Focused on profitable organic and acquisitive
32Infrastructure division review
- Power Systems
- Southern Water
33Power Systems
- Cash savings of 75m by 2003 on target
- Further removal of duplication
- Reduced procurement costs
- More rigorous contract management
Streamlined and focused business
34Southern Water
- Cash savings of 67m by 2003 on target
- Continued improvement in service levels
- Substantial achievement of investment outputs
Continue to explore options to release value
- Strengthened Board - Executive - Non-executive
- Business focus led to expansion in the second
half - Geographic network expansion complete
- Full year results at the top end of expectations
- Financial results in line with pre-close
expectations - Firm action taken to restore Hunter and
strengthen PacifiCorps position in the market - Three divisions focused on earnings growth and
value creation
Sharper focus on growth of shareholder value
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