Title: Status DG Section of Whitepaper
1Status DG Section of Whitepaper
- J. Sowinski, A. Deshpande, Y. Goto, M.
Stratmann,B. Surrow
2 Our charge from Steve should probably
include brief updates on present projections of
Delta G and transverse spin sensitivities to be
attained in the remaining 200 GeV running Will
there be sufficient integrated luminosity to
attain the desired Delta G sensitivities in
photon and photon-jet production? If not, are
there alternatives?
For you in this talk What is missing? What is
too much? Refine the message?
3Only room for the most prominent results
PHENIX Incl. p0s
STAR Incl. jets
4These results from RHIC have had a strong impact
on our knowledge of DG
Global fit D. de Florian, R. Sassot, M. Stratmann
and V. Vogelsang
5Add run 9 to G.A. (Run6)/4
Future Increased statistics for inclusives still
have important contributions to make
DG0.15 DG0
PHENIX 25 pb-1 P60
6Semi-inclusive channels to map Dg(x)
STAR di-jets 50 pb-1 P60
7g-jets limited in statistics at 50 pb-1 but
still could have impact
100 eff. - Perfect BG rejection in STAR for
g-jets. Di-jets hard to beat but strong cross
check could be possible.
xgluon resolution greatly improved with vertex
8Placeholder for feasibility of g-jet statistical
SMD shower shape bg rejection vs. g efficiency
STAR MC simulations hope to still have
something by PAC
9What about lower xgluon ?
What is Dg(x)/g(x) allowed to do for xlt0.02?
Q2 10GeV2
FMS g-jet f correlation for pT2GeV and estimate
significant number of events in 50 pb-1 wrt
Central detectors
FMS g central jet
10W physics means lots of beam time at 500
GeV. What can we do there for DG? Lower x.
The end of this talk but not the work.