Title: Welcome to the UT Libraries
1Welcome to the UT Libraries!
2Which of the following is NOT an official UT
3a.) The Chemistry Libraryb.) The Fine Arts
Libraryc.) The Bevo Memorial Libraryd.) The
Classics Library
4Where can I talk on my cell phone in the library?
5a.) In the lobbyb.) Right next to the
stressed out person writing a paper c.)
Anywhere, as loud as you want d.) Nowhere,
cell phones give you brain tumors.
6When is PCL open during finals?
7a.) 900-500pmb.) 24 hoursc.) Whenever we
feel like itd.) Only during lunch because the
other libraries are closed
8What happens if I bring my coffee into PCL?
9a.) The guards will arrest youb.) Librarians
will trip you and take your coffeec.) Nothing
if you dont get caughtd.) Really, nothing
Drink up!
10Which of the following can you check out from the
11a.) New York Times Bestsellersb.) The
Simpsons on DVDc.) Snoop Doggy Dogg CDs d.)
All of the above
12What do you need to check out library materials?
13a.) Nothingb.) 20 one-time sign up
feec.) Drivers license, birth certificate,
and a blood sampled.) Just your student ID
14Where can I find a scholarly article for my paper
(thats due in two hours)?
15a.) On MySpaceb.) At Targetc.) In a
library databased.) No stress just make one
16Why would a student go to the Information and
Research Help Desk?
17a.) To ask for medicationb.) To complain
about a roommate c.) To ask questions about
pretty much anything d.) To borrow the phone
to order a pizza