Title: Interactive Techniques
1Interactive Techniques
Haeberli, P. Paint by numbers Abstract image
representation In Computer Graphics
(SIGGRAPH90), pp.207-214 (1990)
April 16, 2003 Sung Yong SHIN Computer Science
2An interactive tool for converting an image
(picture) into a picture of impressionistic style
- interactive - image-space (2D) touching a
little bit of 3D flavor - ordered collection of
brush strokes
How to effectively convey visual information
3Sampling visual information
Random sampling guided by users features
shape, silhouette, curvature, lighting depth
relationship among objects
4Stroke representation
location color size direction shape
5Simple painting techniques Operations on
painting perturbation on stroke attributes,
stroke interpolation Advance
techniques brush directions, texture
mapping Spice for images (preprocessing) - edge
pushing - saturation - color distribution (by
adding noise) - color quantization -
background Geometry sampling Relaxation
6Seminal work for NPR Window systems Popularity
on painting/drawing tools Photo-realism ? NPR