1- WP 5 Case studies
- Leader IVL
- Objectives To evaluate the decision support tool
by applying it to 4 case studies in different
geographical regions and to integrate results and
experiences to European scale - Participants TNO, INERIS, NILU, IETU, CSIC, WRI,
2WP 5 Case studies
Task 5.1 Case study methods and reporting
routines. Co-ordination and harmonisation of the
work performed in the case studies in order to
ensure that results from the different case
studies are comparable and that
extrapolation of the results to a European scale
can be done, to implement joint methods and
reporting routines for the data collected and
evaluated in each case. The methods developed
in the decision support tool in WP4 should be
adopted For emissions, guidelines for reporting
will be based on the MFA methods developed in
WP2. Partners IVL will lead this task and
co-ordinate the different case studies. SYKE,
TNO, EI, WRI and CSIC are responsible for the
different case studies, TNO will also provide
guidance on the requirements of the decision
support tools developed in WP4. NILU will
contribute with guidelines for emission reporting
in accordance with the MFA developed in
3WP 5 Case studies
- Task 5.2 Case studies
- Based on the joint methods and reporting
routines, the work will include - Update inventories, identify main PS sources,
(using MFA system from WP2) - Define potential management options (based on
inventory developed in WP3) - Evaluate costs and benefits for different
management options (with decision support system
from WP4) - Interact with stakeholders (during whole process)
(with support from WP 6) - Use experiences to improve decision support
system - Partners The 4 case studies will be led by TNO,
(West) CSIC, (South), WRI and EI (Central) and
SYKE, (North). - INERIS, SOTON, KIWA, IETU and IVL will contribute
with experiences on management options including
costs and benefits and will also support the case
studies with data collection and information
4WP 5 Case studies
- Task 5.3 Synthesis and generalisation of results
for European-wide application - The main purpose is to integrate the results of
the case studies, to provide results that are
applicable to Europe and to provide a main
synthesis for the whole project. - Main topics of the synthesis will include
- Material flow analysis of PS in Europe with
detailed examples from case studies - Management options for PS
- Description of decision support tool for PS
- Strong interactions with stakeholders on both
regional level and European level are necessary
to ensure the relevance and applicability of the
final results of this project. - Partners All partners will participate. IVL will
co-ordinate the synthesis.
5Case studies
West (the MAAS,) North (Baltic Sea catchment,
Vantaanjoki / Klodnica ) Central (Danube
catchment) South (Ter/Llobregat river basins)
6 PP group 1 substances
7Short presentation of the different case studies
8SYKE -Finland
Vantaa River
- Substances
- Nonylphenol
- TBT (TPhT)
Catchment area 1 686 km2 Population of 1 milj.
inhabitants Agriculture (24 cultivated) Industry
(dairy, food, metal, paint, detergent) Drinking
water source (emergency) to Helsinki Metropolitan
area Irrigation source Recreation
object Cultural scenery and objects
9- Substances
- Mercury
- Cadmium
Klodnica River
Catchment area 1125,8 km² (Odra river
basin) Population of 1 mln. inhabitants (Upper
Silesia region) Agriculture (40
cultivated) Industry (coal mining, energy sector,
metallurgy, metal production, mechanical sector,
chemical industry) Functions receptor for
anthropogenic water, water retention, recreation
and source of water for industry
10Meuse characteristics
- Length 905 km Dh 384 m
- From Pouilly-en-Bassigny (Fr) through the
Ardennes (Be) to the North Sea (NL) - Catchment area 34.500 km2
- Population 8.8 million
- Five Countries Fr, Lu, Be, D, NL
- Source of water for drinking water production,
agriculture, industry
PBDE,Hg, Cd, PAH, Pesticides
Substances PBDE Nonylphenol Pesticides
Ter and Llobregat Rivers supplies 55 and 45 of
drinking water to Barcelona and surroundings.
12Central (Danube catchment) WRI/EI
13How to structure the case studies
- Site visits are carried out together with WP 4
- Which information do we need for the DSS?
- Which tools are we going to use?
- Which data do we need?
14Case studies
Updating inventories, identifying main PS sources
Inventory of problems overview of
sources conduct material flow analysis (from
WP2) of selected PS
15Case studies
Definition of potential management options
(based on an inventory developed in
WP3) Subtasks for each PS - identify
process-oriented options (point and diffuse
sources) - identify end-of pipe options (point
sources) - identify need for contaminated site
mitigation - invent management already done
16Case studies
Evaluation of costs and benefits of different
management options (DSS from WP4) Subtasks -
adapt environmental fate models (see task 4.3) -
complience with EQS - adapt info on technical and
management options - adapt cost information -
adapt SCBA
17Case studies
Interaction with stakeholders (during the whole
process) (with support from WP 6) Whom -
define stakeholders - who analysis - who can
help finding data - who is interested in using
SOCOPSE toolbox - who can help spread the
knowledge of SOCOPSE and toolbox - who is the key
person for WFD implementation
18WP 5
Deliverables D5.1 Report on case study methods
and reporting routines. (Month 12) D5.2a-d Case
study reports (one for each case study) (month
30) D5.3 Synthesis report (month 36)
Workshops WP meetings, Site visits (CAS-REF
meetings etc)
19Time table
Milestones and expected result M5.1 Completion
of inventories and updated MFA for case studies
(month 15) M5.2 Completion of definition of
relevant management options for all case studies
(month 18) M5.3 Completion of decision support
tool application in each case study (month 24)
20Personal planning
21Personal planning
22(No Transcript)
23PP group 2 subst.