Title: Estimating climate variability over the next 1-25 years
1Estimating climate variability over the next
1-25 years
- Dr Scott Power
- IOCI, August 2005
2Using history as a guide (for 2006-2024)
1911-1974 1975-2001
Data courtesy WA Water Corp
3Can we use climate models to provide better PDFs?
4Australian rainfall v. NINO4 SST in BMRC Climate
5Models data provide climate predictions for
6-12 months ahead. They exhibit some skill in
predicting some things.
6Using initial data can change PDFs (Probability
Density Functions) if there is predictability
A prediction as a change in a PDF
Data Courtesy Samoa Meteorology Division
7Can we predict beyond 2006 years?
- BMRC CGCM (Power et al. 1998)
- MOM OGCM - Pacanowski et al. 1991
- L25, 2 deg by (0.5, 6 deg)
- hybrid mixing (ml, Ri) see Power et al. 1995
- thermodynamic sea-ice
- R21 L17 unified AGCM - Colman (2000)
- Colman 2000
- spectral, Rotstayn (1999) prognostic clouds
Tiedtke (1989) convection GW drag (Palmer et al.
1986) McAvaney Hess (1996) BL scheme - Q, Sf flux adjusted
8Climate models suggest that ENSO predictability
is very limited beyond 1-2 years
Sensitivity of NINO4 index to small initial
Chaos limits predictability
Time (Years 1 to 4))
BMRC CGCM (Power et al. 1998)
9Predictability beyond 2 years is present, e.g.
off-equatorial, deep (310m) Pacific Ocean
Deep Ocean Temperature
10Off-Equatorial, Deep Pacific Ocean - highly
Exhibits predictability
11Thermohaline Circulation
Power et al. (2005, in press)
12Kick-starting forecasts with data
Subsurface Ocean Temperature
Sea-level from satellite
Winds from satellite
XBTs moored instruments
Courtesy Neville Smith, BMRC
13A big step forward, but approach neglects
information about initial state of climate system
IPCC model output courtesy Pandora Hope, BMRC
14Estimating future PDFs
- Approach will borrow from
- seasonal prediction e.g. initialisation,
ensembles - climate change projections e.g. scenarios for
future CO2 emissions - strategic research on decadal predictability
- Challenging, strategic, resource intensive
- Improve models, secure obs networks
- Requires closer collaboration between CSIRO,
Bureau - ACCESS timely ( exciting possibility)
15(No Transcript)
16Seamless prediction
- Increasingly, decade- and century-long climate
projection will become an initial-value problem
requiring knowledge of the current observed state
of the atmosphere, the oceans, cryosphere, and
land surface to produce the best climate
projections as well as state-of-the-art decadal
and interannual predictions (WCRP, 2005)
- Australian Climate Community Earth System
Simulator - New initiative in planning stages
- Bureau, CSIRO, AGO
- Universities, other agencies (federal and state)
18Thermohaline Circulation
19Variability in models conveyor belt
Variability in models Southern Ocean Temperature
20Using initial data can change PDFs (Probability
Density Functions) if there is predictability
A prediction as a change in the PDF
Data Courtesy Samoa Meteorology Division
21Decadal changes in southern Indian Ocean linked
with Africa
22Decadal changes in Southern Indian Ocean linked
with Australia (in Model)
23Courtesy J Arblaster (NCAR/BMRC)
24Argo floats supply temperature, salinity,
pressure, velocity information - a revolution in
data acquisition
Courtesy Howard Freeland, Institute of Ocean
Sciences, CANADA
25CaveatDecadal predictability arising from
Initial Conditions might be substantial in some
things (e.g. deep ocean) but low in variables of
more significance to humans (e.g. rainfall over
land)Strategic research in this area continues
26Statistical Downscaling Techniques
Provide realistic local information for Impact
Studies using coarse information from Global
Climate Models
From BoM booklet The greenhouse effect and
climate change, 2004.
Courtesy Bertrand Timbal, BMRC
27Coordinated Observation and Prediction of the
Earth System, COPES
- Aim
- To facilitate analysis and prediction of Earth
system variability and change for use in an
increasing range of practical applications of
direct relevance, benefit and value to society
28Conveyor belt variability appears to precede (by
4 years) SST possibly some Africa/Australia
variability in BMRC CGCM
29Climate Change Projections can help
Courtesy CSIRO
30Estimating future
- Approach will borrow from
- seasonal prediction (e.g. using data,
ensembles) - climate change projections (e.g. scenarios for
future CO2 emissions) - strategic research on decadal predictability
- Challenging, strategic, resource intensive
- Requires closer collaboration between CSIRO,
Bureau beyond ACCESS - Intermediate steps will be used, e.g.
- selective/nudged climatologies
- use existing climate change projections
- strategic research on decadal prediction