Title: Presentation Title Page
1Dr. Donald R. van Deventer Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer 2222 Kalakaua Avenue, 14th
Floor Honolulu, Hawaii USA 96815 dvandeventer_at_kama
kuraco.com 1-808-791-9888, extension
8888 www.kamakuraco.com
Implications of Alternative CDO and Credit
Portfolio Modeling Techniques, October 19, 2007
2Lessons from the Shanghai Night Market
Most of the vendors in the Shanghai night market
failed to graduate from the sixth grade. Those
vendors, though, know the value of everything
they buy and sell, every single day and for every
single trade. How many investors in CDOs can say
the same thing?
3Background for Todays Presentation
- Findings presented by Mich Araten of
JPMorganChase in Geneva, December 2006 - Typical credit portfolio modeling approaches were
single period in nature - Default simulation therefore means there are only
two possible times at which default can be
captured - All defaults happen at time zero (the beginning
of the single period) - All defaults happen at time T (the end of the
single period) - We gain a lot of realism by taking a multiple
models approach and a multiperiod look at the
credit portfolio modeling problem. - Mich is not responsible for any of the opinions
that follow, however!
4Consequences of Being Wrong are Substantial
- On October 5 it was announced that Merrill Lynch
would take 5.5 billion in write-downs on
subprime mortgages and highly leveraged loans.
5Todays Example
- Hypothetical synthetic CDO with 500 reference
names - Multiple correlation modeling assumptions
- No correlation base case
- Historical simulation
- Copula simulation
- correlations from 0 to 1.0 in 0.05 increments
- Contrary to single period convention, modeled as
60 1-month periods - Macro factor driven default probabilities
- Impact of Sampling Error on Accuracy
6Reference Portfolio 491 BBBs and 9 BBs
The 491 BBB rated companies were selected by
using the ranking screen in KRIS by rating to
identify all BBB-rated companies on that day..
The BB companies were randomly selected from the
BBs identified by the ranking screen.
7We analyze a hypothetical 7 tranche synthetic CDO
We have 500 counterparties in the reference
portfolio and exposure of 1 million in notional
principal to each of them. The most subordinated
of the 7 tranches is tranche 1, which takes the
first losses up to 5 million.
8Default Probability Alternatives
- The choice of models is arbitrary. For todays
presentation we use the Jarrow-Chava version 4.1
reduced form model, but we could have chosen any
of these alternatives. - KDP-jc3 Jarrow-Chava Reduced Form Model Version
3.0 - KDP-jc4 Jarrow-Chava Reduced Form Model Version
4.0 - KDP-ms4 Merton Structural Model Version 4.0
- KDP-jm4 Jarrow Merton Hybrid Model Version 4.0
- Modeling can be based on default probabilities of
any of these maturities - 1 Month
- 3 Month
- 6 Month
- 1 Year
- 2 Year
- 3 Year
- 5 Year
9Options for Modeling Correlated Defaults
- Constant default probabilities with random
occurrence of defaults - No default correlation
- Copula driven with arbitrary correlation
- Note that this assumption implicitly ignores
measurement error in the default probabilities - Random default probabilities
- Historical random sampling
- Macro factor driven, in which the simulation of
PD movements explicitly includes a simulation of
the measurement error as well (i.e. movements in
the individual company PDs that are unexplained
by macro factors alone)
10Consider the Error in Assuming CCC Default Rate
is Constant at Its Long Run Average
- Credits at almost all quality levels show
variation in default probabilities over the
business cycle. They differ in the degree to
which default rates rise as business conditions
11Cumulative Loss Distribution All Collateral,
Assuming No Correlation in Defaults
We used the current 1 month default probabilities
in KRIS, which reflect the April 2007 very good
credit conditions. The worst case of the 10,000
scenarios showed 3 million in losses (5
defaults) but the 95th percentile in losses was
only 1.2 million in losses.
12All losses are born by Tranche 1.
This is because the losses dont exceed the 5
million notional amount of tranche 1 in any
13We solve for coupons which produce fair value
using these assumptions as base case.
To get fair value coupons on the assumption
that our analysis is correct, we solve for the
coupons that produce values of approximately zero
(plus or minus 10,000). Of course they show
very low coupons for the most senior tranches.
14Even tranche 1 shows no losses more than 50 of
the time
Over the 10,000 scenarios, even tranche 1 bears
no losses more than 50 of the time.
15Even if we use 5 year KDPs, losses are very small.
Instead of the 1 month KDPs, we could have
selected 5 year default probabilities since the
total length of the modeling period is 5 years.
In this case the 100th percentile of losses
begins almost immediately and peaks at 3.6
million in losses.
16The value of Tranche 1 is much lower.
This seemingly minor change in assumptions lowers
the value of Tranche 1 considerablyit goes from
a value of 3,509 to a value of -248,710.
That shows this assumption is worth a quarter
million dollars in thought!
17Losses remain modest when we sample from
historical KDPs.
When we select historical sampling, KRIS-CDO
selects KDPs for each reference name from N
periods in history. Because each names KDP
comes from the same period in time, correlation
is implicit in the PDs. KRM gives users the
additional option of sampling from history in
sequence. The historical sampling again produces
cumulative losses of 1.8 million at the 95th
percentile level. The median loss is the green
line, the 50th percentile level, at a loss of
600,000. Even the worst case scenario is only
4.8 million in losses.
18Tranche 1 value shows a 139,212 loss.
Again, Tranche 1 bears all the losses since
losses never exceed the 5 million in notional
principal of Tranche 1. Under this assumption,
Tranche 1 has a negative value of 139,212.
19Copula Simulation with Correlation0
- If the pair wise correlation for all 500 x 499/2
pairs of companies is set to zero, the simulation
produces losses identical to the zero correlation
case. The only difference is that run times are
slower because the normal distribution used for
copulas is not as fast as the uniform
distribution used in the no correlation
20Impact of Correlation on Tranche Values
- On a multiperiod basis, both the equity tranche
and other risky tranches can and do decline in
21The equity tranche rises and falls.
- Viewed from close up, the multiperiod simulation
makes it clear that even the equity tranche is
not long correlation as many market
participants believe. The tranches 2-4 also show
value declines as correlation rises.
22We now turn to macro factor simulation, which has
a number of advantages over the copula method.
- The copula method produces loss distributions
that vary with correlations but - Positions are not hedgeable because common
drivers of risk are not identified - Pair-wise correlations are assumed equal for all
pairs of companies, which is clearly not true - It is implicitly assumed that there is one common
risk factor for all companies when in fact there
are many risk factors and they affect each
company differently. - The copula method is computationally intensive in
spite of these disadvantages from an accuracy and
hedging point of view. Its slower than the macro
factor approach but has no advantages over the
macro factor approach.
23Business Cycles Have a Huge Impact on Correlated
24Reduced Form PD Models Driven by Macro Factors
Capture This Movement
- The constant term in the logistic regression
function and the coefficients on the macro
factors allow the variation in PDs over the
business cycle to be modeled in a realistic way.
25Systematic and Idiosyncratic Movements in PDs
- Macro factor movements typically explain 50-80
of historical movements in an individual
companys default probability - The remaining movement in the default probability
is idiosyncratic credit risk - KRIS-CDOs macro factor correlation modeling
captures the impacts of both types of risk. - All monte carlo simulations involve sampling
error because the scenarios selected are a subset
of everything that could possibly happen - We can measure the importance of sampling error.
26Example Creating Macro Driven PDs in Logistic
- Transform true default probabilities to a time
series of the variable Zi such that
Zi-ln(1-PDi)/PDi - Run the ordinary least squares regression
- Zia b1(SP 500 2 year changei)
- b2 (UST 10 year yieldi)
- b3 (oil pricesi)
- ei
27We embed the linear regression in our model
- We now have a PD equation for GM that is a
function of only macro-economic factors and
idiosyncratic risk embedded in ei. - We know by OLS assumptions that ei is normally
distributed, and the standard deviation of this
distribution is 0.353 from the linear regression
28Systematic versus Idiosyncratic PD Movement
- Macro factors explain 53 of the variation in GM
PDs. If we ignore the remaining 47 of
variation, that due to idiosyncratic risk, we
dramatically understate the risk in an analysis
of CDO tranches.
29Random Default Probability Modeling Using Macro
Factor Driven Method
- 27 candidate macro factors used in the
simulation, with a different macro factor
relationship for all 500 names
30Random Default Probability Modeling Using Macro
Factor Driven Method
- Historical volatilities of the 27 macro factors
are derived based on month-end data from January
1999 to July 2006
Volatility numbers are annualized
31Random Default Probability Modeling Using Macro
Factor Driven Method
- The chart at the right shows the macro factors
that were most often statistically significant on
18,000 global companies for the 1 month
Jarrow-Chava version 4.1 reduced form default
probabilities. The results for other maturities
of the model are similar.
3250th percentile losses are about 15 million
As you would expect, macro-factor driven
simulation produces a higher loss rate. The
median loss rate of 15 million over 5 years
represents a default rate of 5 out of 500
reference names a year, or a 1.00 default rate.
33Tranche 1 suffers total losses at all
percentiles, the only difference is timing.
From the 5th percentile of losses to the 95th
percentile of losses, the total notional
principal of Tranche 1 is wiped out. This
happens within a year at the 95th percentile of
losses. It takes about 56 months to happen at the
5th percentile of losses.
34Tranche 2 is also wiped out with certainty.
For Tranche 2, losses for the 95th percentile
begin to be incurred in month 1. Losses kick in
at month 4 in the 5th percentile, consistent with
the prior slide. Even in the best case scenario,
Tranche 2 is wiped out before maturity.
35Tranche 3 suffers losses from the 25th percentile
In Tranche 3, all principal is wiped out at the
50th percentile scenario and above. No losses
are incurred at the 5th and 10th percentile
36Tranche 4 takes losses from the 50th percentile
on up.
In Tranche 4, losses are incurred from the 50th
percentile on up. All principal is lost from the
75th percentile on up.
37Tranche 1 value is a loss of 4.7 million
Tranche 1s net present value is a loss of 4.7
million since all notional principal is lost in
all scenarios. The break-even coupon of 1.53
is nowhere near enough to compensate for these
38For Fair Value, Coupons Need to be MUCH Higher
than the No Correlation Case Indicates if Macro
Factors Drive Defaults
- If one assumes no correlation, the break-even
coupon tranche one is 1.53, but if one assumes
macro-factor driven default, the coupon has to be
more than 100 because the tranches value is
wiped out by losses very quickly.
39Implications for CDO Risk Analysis
- Analytical assumptions make a dramatic difference
in the perceived risk and return of a CDO tranche - VALUATION differences represent the only
difference between buyer, seller or structurer in
a CDO trade because the underlying reference
collateral (credit default swaps) is a commodity
product - Very serious attention should be given to the
implications of changes in valuation technology
or the firm will be the arbitragee, not the
40How important is sampling error in CDO
analysis?We study this using the macro-factor
driven case and KRIS-CDO to simulate 10 million
scenarios. We use the higher coupon levels shown
in the previous slide.
41We start with 100 runs of 10,000 scenarios each
- The valuations for tranche 4 vary widely by run,
giving dramatically different images of perceived
42Sampling Error for Tranche 4
- The graph at the right shows the distribution of
values for tranche 4 based on 100 different runs
with 10,000 scenarios each. - The graph makes it obvious that an accurate
valuation for a CDO tranche requires an intensive
calculation with a high number of scenarios.
43We increase scenarios to 10 million
- As the number of scenarios increases (in this
case to 10,000,000), the resulting valuations
approach the mean of the distribution shown on
the previous page. - KRIS-CDO allows users to measure how high a
scenario count is needed for a highly accurate
valuation given the modeling assumptions selected
by the user. - We explore this in later slides
44We fit sampling error as a function of number of
- Fishman (Monte Carlo Concepts, Algorithms, and
Applications) shows sampling error should be
proportional to the square root of 1/N, where N
is sample size.
45Fitting Sampling Error with 96.8 Accuracy
- For tranche 4, sampling error as a percentage of
notional principal is - Error-.0014 4.79 (square root 1/N)
46How many scenarios do we need?
- A rational criterion for the number of scenarios
is that the estimated value of the tranche be
within the bid-offered spread with a high
percentage (90, 95, or 99) - If this is not the case, the valuation will
indicate that a trade makes money when in fact
the perceived profit is merely sampling error - We use the derived function to solve for how many
scenarios are needed to value tranche 4 if
bid-offered spreads as a percent of notional
principal are consistent with other markets.
47Bid-Offered Spreads as Percent of Value
- In other securities markets, bid-offered spreads
are 0.015 to 0.08 of the value of the security - If we assume the synthetic CDO tranche market has
bid-offered spreads in this range, how many
scenarios do we need?
48We Need a High Scenario Count
- The results show that one would need a high 6
million to 11 million scenarios to be within
bid-offered spreads typical of other markets when
value tranche 4.
49Do I really need to worry about these obscure
modeling issues?
On second thought, even though I hate swimming, I
should probably take it up.
- Most market participants cannot meet the
Shanghai night market standard of valuation in
the synthetic CDO market - In order to meet that standard, one needs a high
scenario count and a rich monte carlo simulation
capability - Conventional copula calculations lead to
substantially different valuations than a
macro-factor driven reduced form approach because
of (a) a single period modeling effort, (b)
constant PDs, and (c) an assumption that there is
only a single driver of movements in PDs
51Synthetic CDOs tend to be all or nothing
securities despite their ratings.
- Modern credit modeling makes it more apparent
that either a total loss or no loss at all
becomes more and more likely as the width of the
CDO tranche narrows, even for very highly rated
synthetic CDO tranches.