Title: Welcome to Writing Groups
1Welcome to Writing Groups!
- Everyone must be ready to participate
- Share the time
- Stay focused--Dont get into long discussions
about other things or the subject matter of the
writing - Choose a leader who is in charge of keeping the
time and tracking who wrote what that day.
2When Its Your Turn to Read
- Dont explain dont defend.
- The writing is yours.
- Dont respond to the comments of your listeners.
Simply listen, make notes, and then say thank
3When Its Your Turn to Listen
- Listen empty-handed during the first reading.
- Take notes on a T-chart during the second
reading. - After the second reading, share your reactions
with the writer. - Avoid making suggestions. Instead, simply point
out to them as specifically as possible how the
piece affected you.
4Reader Responder Do not apologize Read
directly from paper Listen with
empty hands Read again Take notes
Powerful words the pop out Ideas that
struck you as true Questions you
have Places where youd like to know
more Listen In turn, clockwise, giv
e the writer feedback Say Thank You by reading
what you wrote no more Next
reader (left) reads repeat process
5Writing Groups
- Say Back
- Quote verbatim what words and phrases stick with
you. This lets the writer know what was
memorable and that you were listening. Picking
up these velcro spots will help you specifically
respond to the craftsmanship. - Check the Feel
- Whats the tone or mood of the work? Are there
places that distract from that? - Ask Questions
- What are you confused about? What do you want to
know more about? What do you wonder about?