Title: Quoting, Paraphrasing,
1Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing
- Adapted from a presentation by
- Enda P Guinan
- Language Centre
- NUI Maynooth
2Using others ideas
- All of us use others ideas to build on,
challenge or disagree with - The writer must make it clear which ideas and
words are his/hers, which belong to others - References add weight to your argument
- Strict conventions exist on quoting others ideas
or words
3Incorporating the ideas of others
- To weave the information youve gathered into
your own writing you can - Quote directly
- Paraphrase
- Summarize
4The Methods
- Direct quoting involves adding the exact words,
inside quotation marks, to your text - Paraphrasing, or indirect quoting, involves
rewriting the ideas in your own words - Summarizing involves succinctly giving a synopsis
of the main ideas in your own words
5When to quote directly
- Good writers only quote directly when the way a
sentence or passage is worded is significant - According to Barton, Five times out of ten, a
student writer is better off paraphrasing or
summarizing than quoting directly. - Dont quote plain passages directly
- Jordon writes, There were five chemists present
during the experiment.
6Stand alone quotations
- Do not include a quotation in your document that
stands alone. Use the ICE method - Introduce
- Cite
- Explain
- An introduction can be simple
- Barton writes,
- Then the citation
- The ICE method is easy to remember.
- And the explanation, or justification for the
quotation - Most students can remember what the letters in
ICE stand for even years afterwards. - Use quotations to support your points, not make
7Block quotes
- If the quotation is longer than three lines, it
must be set apart in a block quote (indented,
single-spaced, italicized with NO quotation
marks) - Professors usually dont appreciate lots of block
quotes and assume that the student used them out
of sheer laziness - Use long quotations sparingly you are better
off paraphrasing
8Incorporating direct quotations
- To incorporate direct quotations into your text
use introductory phrases - According to
- A study by has shown that
- Numerous studies indicate that
- In a now-famous study, X noted that
9Sample introductory phrases
- Smith points out
- Smith reports
- Smith notes
- Smith observes
- Smith concludes
- Smith recognises
- According to Smith
- To quote Smith
- As Smith has indicated
- Smith defines as
Be sure the direct quote does not interrupt the
flow of your sentence
- Essays that use extensive direct quotations tend
to lack voice, continuity, or authority. - If you offer quotations every few lines, your
ideas become subordinate to other peoples ideas
and voices. Your ideas are lost and the piece
will not indicate that YOU have done any thinking
or synthesizing. - Therefore, you are generally better off
paraphrasing and summarizing material and using
direct quotations sparingly.
- Good writers paraphrase passages or material that
wouldnt be useful to quote directly. - Original Passage
- If the nation is to obtain the maximum benefit
from its investments in information technology, a
labor pool capable of using it appropriately is
necessary. - Paraphrase
- Interestingly, the Committee notes that the U.S.
wont benefit from revolutionary new technologies
unless the labor force is better trained.
12Paraphrasing Guidelines
- Do not alter the authors original message
- Do not eliminate any significant background
information - Do not misrepresent the authors intentions
- Do not copy the original wording too closely
- Dont just change a few words or shuffle things
around read the passage several times and
completely rewrite it.
13Paraphrasing Tips
- Change vocabulary
- Change word category
- Synthesis
14Change vocabulary
- Substitute verbs or nouns with the same meaning
- Shaw examines the difficulties that
- Shaw investigates the difficulties that
- The finding was made in 2001
- The discovery was made in 2001
15Change word category
- Change nouns into verbs, verbs into adjectives,
etc. - The reports were completed in April
- The completion of the reports in April ensured
that the students had time to revise before their
- Integrate the ideas several sources, combining
two or more viewpoints. - Santiago operates with the salad bowl metaphor,
the belief that America is a rich nation
precisely because of its distinctive ethnic
groups. Hayakawa operates with a melting pot
metaphor, the belief that in coming to America
foreigners should relinquish what makes them
separate in order to blend into the American
- Condensing a writers ideas into a much shorter
piece with your words - Summaries allow you to sort through the
information in the source and report only what
you consider to be essential. - Example
18Culture Shock
- Culture shock is the state of being confused
when in contact with a different and unfamiliar
civilization. Shock suggests something that is
negative this may be true, especially at first.
Typically, a person going to study in another
country for the first time may miss family and
friends and, consequently, feel homesick. The
person may have sleeping difficulties and, in
extreme cases, may become depressed or ill. - (67 words)
- Culture shock is the confusion caused by contact
with an alien society. Initially, reactions may
be negative. - (17 words)
20Referring to your sources
- Ideas are the property of the person who first
produced them - Copying these ideas without acknowledging the
creator is stealing - plagiarism - Possibly the most serious academic crime
21Acknowledging your sources
- There are conventions for indicating the source
of the quotations and ideas youve used in your
writing - 1. The bibliography (aka references, works cited)
at the end of the paper - 2. Parenthetical citations that follow an
individual quotation or reference in your text - Your essays will require BOTH
22What is a parenthetical citation or reference?
- An acknowledgement, at the point of usage, that
you are making use of another writers ideas or
data in your writing. - The author comically stated that "Maybe man
would not overrun the planet, but his pet poodles
and Siamese cats might" (Westin 6). -
- As Donner (1997) points out, low inflation does
not always lead to low interest rates. -
23Why use them?
- To avoid the charge of plagiarism
- To lend more authority to your writing it shows
you are familiar with other research on the topic - To allow the reader to find the original source
24Which of these need references?
- A mention of facts or figures from another writer
- An idea of your own
- Some data you have found from your own research
- A theory suggested by another researcher
- A quotation from a work by any author
- Something that is agreed to be common knowledge
25Putting a quotation into your essay
- Every quote must refer to the source
- Different techniques or styles exist - - MLA,
APA, Chicago make sure you know which style is
required for your paper
26Parenthetical citation when the author is not
mentioned in your text
- For MLA style put the following in parentheses
after the quote or paraphrase - Authors surname only
- Page number of reference
- Infectious disease is no longer the major cause
of human deaths in Australia (Morgan 261).
27Parenthetical citation when the author is
mentioned in your text
- Immediately after authors name - in parentheses
- Page number
- Postgate (245) believes that flush toilets are
quite unhygienic. - As Postgate (245) says, flush toilets are quite
unhygienic devices.
28Direct Quote Conventions
- Use three dots to show you have removed
material from a quote - Original The most useful way of making a world
survey is to identify families of languages,
preferably using criteria such as those worked
out by myself in 1933, showing relationships by
origin and development (Brook 98). - Quote The most useful way of making a world
survey is to identify families of languages
showing relationships by origin and development
(Brook, 197898).
29Single quotations marks
- Single quotation marks are used when youre
referring to a quote within a quote. In those
instances, single quotation marks are placed
around the innermost direct quote. - "John F. Kennedy said, 'Ask not what your country
can do for you, ask what you can do for your
30A final reminder
- Whether you chose to quote directly or to
paraphrase, remember this - Whenever you put a quotation - direct or indirect
- into a paragraph, the sentence in which it
occurs must still remain grammatical