Title: Brought to you by the Finance Division
1 - Brought to you by the Finance Division
- Purpose
- Provide information to the university community
about the year end closing and reporting process
and deadlines - Objective
- Facilitate an orderly, efficient and compliant
year end closing process both at the departmental
and institutional levels
- Office of Finance
- Wanda Mizutowicz
- Associate VP for Finance Controller
- Reda Bernoussi
- Assistant Controller
- Procurement Management
- Pete Bond
- Assistant VP for Procurement Management
- Paul Watson
- Purchasing HUB Program Mgr
- Gina Niemann
- Accounts Payable Manager
- Trudy Muller
- Travel Coordinator
Budget Office Kelly McKinney Manager of
Budget Operations Payroll Services David
Maldonado Director of
Payroll Services Audit Compliance Toni
Messer Director of Audit Compliance
- Overview of the year-end closing process
- Procurement Management deadlines and reminders
- Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Travel
- HRS August September deadlines
- Budget deadlines and reminders
- Year-end required accounting information
- Account Certification process
- Financial Statement Audits
5 Overview of the Year-EndClosing Process
6Overview of Year End Procedures
- Steps necessary to properly close out the
Universitys financial systems for the current
fiscal year - Timeline of critical tasks/processes required to
ensure that all prerequisites are met before
final ledgers and reports are generated - Mechanism for gathering data used in the year end
reporting processes (e.g., Receivables,
Inventory, etc.)
7Fiscal Year Closing Process
Account Corrections Deadline August 29th
- Electronic Account
- Listings
- August 8th
Prelim Report Distribution Sept 5th
Trial Close FRS Down Sept 3rd- 4th
Post Trial Close Adjustments Deadline Sept 10th
Letters of Representation To the Office of
Finance by Sept 26th
Year-End Report Distribution Sept 15th
Final Close FRS Down Sept 11th 12th
8Year-end Report Distribution
- The preliminary close will begin Wednesday
evening, September 3rd and end on Thursday,
September 4th. The preliminary August reports
will be distributed to you on Friday, September
5th. - The final year-end close will start on Thursday,
September 11th and will end on Friday, September
12th. The final reports will be delivered to you
on Monday, September 15th.
9Deadlines for IDTs and Automated Journal Entries
- In order to accommodate this schedule and to
ensure that transactions are processed in an
orderly fashion, please make sure all IDTs for
August business are in the Controllers office no
later than Tuesday, September 2nd. - Also, please note that the deadline for automated
journal entries is Tuesday, September 2nd.
10Material Adjustments After Preliminary Close
- Once we start the preliminary close on Wednesday
evening, September 3rd, only the Finance staff
will be able to post transactions to fiscal year
2008 files and all the other users will be
automatically defaulted to fiscal year 2009. - If you determine that material adjustments are
needed to FY08 costs or revenues after the
preliminary close, you will have until Wednesday,
September 10th to contact the Finance Office
(ext. 2602) to discuss the nature of these
adjustments and the process to be followed.
11System Availability for End-Users
09/3 9/4
09/11 09/12
Trial Close
Final Close
Letters of Representation By Sept 26th
Prelim Report Distribution Sept 5th
Year-End Report Distribution Sept 15th
12Year-End Closing Preparation
August Deadlines
Accounting Information
Requisitions Purchasing card SOS, Purchase
vouchers Travel vouchers, Airfare Stapleslink,
PrintShop Payroll Forms BAFs IDTs, Auto
JEs Accruals Account Corrections
Petty Cash, Inventory Adjustments, GL
Reconciliations, Research Expenditures.
- How many buildings do we have at UTD?
- 70
- 65
- 83
- 92
- 43
14Trivia Answer
Trivia Answer
- C. There are 83 buildings at UT Dallas
15 Procurement Management Deadlines
16Purchasing Deadlines
- Purchasing contact Paul Watson
(purchasing_at_utdallas.edu) - Purchase requisitions 25,000 or greater (for
FY08 activity) - 5 PM Tuesday, August 5th
- Purchase requisitions less than 25,000 (for FY08
activity) - 5 PM Tuesday, August 12th
- Small Order System (SOS) for FY08 activity
- 5 PM Monday, August 18th (Copies should be sent
to Accounts Payable by August 22nd.)
17Purchasing Card Program Deadlines
- Purchasing Card Program contact Administrator-
Christy Baxter, purchasingcard_at_utdallas.edu - Purchasing Card deadline for posting of purchases
against FY08 - Friday, August 15th. A special Cardholder
Activity Report will be generated and sent via
interoffice mail to each cardholder on August
19th to be reconciled, reviewed, signed and
returned to Procurement by August 26th. You will
have the opportunity to change the account number
on items posted up through August 15th. - Only emergency orders should be placed with the
purchasing card from the 16th 31st. Postings by
JPMorganChase to your Activity Report after
August 16th through August 31st will be
charged against your default account in FY08
budget and cant be changed.
18Accounts Payable Deadlines
- Accounts Payable contact Gina Niemann
(accountspayable_at_utdallas.edu) - Purchase Vouchers
- 5 PM Friday, August 22nd
- Orders should be placed by August 18th. Copies
should be in A/P by August 22nd to ensure FY08
Processing. We will pay any SOSs against FY08
funds if we receive an invoice by August 29th.
Outstanding SOSs will be encumbered.
19Travel Deadlines
- Travel Coordinator Trudy Muller
(travel_at_utdallas.edu) - Travel Vouchers (for actual reimbursement during
FY08) - 5 PM Friday, August 22nd. Vouchers received after
this date will be accrued if greater than
1,000.00. Items less than 1000 will be
encumbered if complete documents are submitted
and funds are available. - Airfare charges for travel booked before August
11th will be charged to FY08 via the journal
process. - August airfare charges for travel between August
11 31st will be encumbered or accrued as long
as the airfare is booked with CWT (our travel
20StaplesLink.com Deadlines
- Contact Jerry Porter (receiving_at_utdallas.edu)
- StaplesLink orders
- Must be processed by 5 PM Friday, August 22nd .
21Print Shop Deadlines
- Print Shop contact Gary Haag (garyh_at_utdallas.edu)
- Large Print Jobs
- Friday, August 15th
- Small Print Jobs
- Wednesday, August 20th
22Accrual Procedures
- Sarbanes Oxley requires that we account for
expenditures related to goods and services in the
fiscal year they were actually received. If you
are aware of an expenditure with a value of
1,000 or more that has been received but not yet
invoiced, please advise Accounts Payable so it
can be accrued.
- When did Governor Preston Smith sign the bill
- that created UTD?
- January 23, 1957
- May 6, 1952
- July 4, 2008
- June 13, 1969
- December 20, 1973
24Trivia Answer
Trivia Answer
25 HRS Calendars
26August 2008
27September 2008
- The total gifts for capital projects received by
UTD - in FY07 is
- 1 million
- 8 million
- 12 million
- 17 million
- 30 million
29Trivia Answer
Trivia Answer
30 Budget Deadlines Reminders
31BAF Deadline for FY2008
- Thursday
- August 21st
- 500 P.M.
- The Budget Office
- Thursday, August 21, 2008 by 500 p.m.
- to the Budget Office
- All BAFs must be initiated and sent through the
proper approval route through the Budget System
(BIS) and to your budget analyst by this date.
- If you have received goods or
- services from university departments
- and have not been billed, be sure to
- make provision for these costs when
- preparing your year-end BAFs.
- It is your responsibility to make
- sure funds are available in the correct
- sub code by the BAF Deadline which is
- Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 500 to
- the Budget Office.
- Be aware of all charges
- that are to be billed to your
- account through year-end
- and make appropriate provisions!
- Anticipate your Service Department charges from
August 21st through August 31st so your account
will not be negative at the end of the year! - Telecommunications
- Copy Center
- Food Service
- Print Shop
- Anticipate other charges that will be charged to
your account from August 21st through August
31st! - Gas
- Postage
- Staples orders
- Purchasing Card
- IDTs
- BAFs take several days to route through the
system for required approvals - Monitor the progress of BAFs
- Make follow-up phone calls or e-mail to expedite
- Collapsing of sub codes
- 4100 Travel
- 4200 MO
- 6900 Capital
- to 4000 Budget Other Expenses
41Making Your Budget Life Easier!
- In the Annual Budget Cycle, these sub codes are
budgeted at the individual sub code level - 4100 Travel
- 4200 MO
- 6900 Capital
- But when budgets roll into FINS they are
collapsed into one sub code! - 4000 Budget Other Expenses
- TARP AND TATP ACCOUNTS (2230xx and 2232xx
accounts) - CONTRACT GRANT ACCOUNTS (6xxxxx)
- If your account number has CHANGED for the new
2009 Fiscal Year. - Remember to change your default account to the
new account number. For example - Telecommunications
- Postage
- Staples Orders
- Purchasing Card
- If you have questions, please call your Budget
Analyst or Mary Trimble in the Budget Office and
we will be glad to assist you.
- How many students were enrolled at UTD for
- the Fall of 2007.
- 14,556
- 12,223
- 14,921
- 13,363
- 10,500
46Trivia Answer
Trivia Answer
- A. 14,556 were enrolled at UTD for Fall 2007
47 Year-End Required Accounting Information
48Year-End Accounting Information
- Petty Cash
- Balances are being verified
- Receipts should be submitted to Accounts
Payable for reimbursement by 8/22/08 - Inventory Adjustments
- Physical inventory for Fiscal Year 2008 is due to
Paul Dobson, Office of Finance, no later than
August 15th. - General Ledger Reconciliations
- Examples are deferred revenue, deferred expense,
and accounts receivable - Signed reconciliations are due by September
49Petty Cash
50Petty Cash
- List all the Open Petty-Cash Accounts
- Resource(s) handling each account. Custodian
Alternate Custodian - Current Balance and Presence of up-to-date
reconciliation - Are due by September 3th.
51Revenue and Expenditures
- IDTs (interdepartmental transfers)
- Proper documentation
- Adequate description
- Training on IDT preparation http//finance.ut
dallas.edu/systems/workshops.html. - Cost overruns
- BAF (if appropriate)
- IDT to move expenditures to appropriate account
- Payroll re-allocations
- Recording Receivables and revenue
- Have you invoiced for goods or services and have
not been paid? - Have you provided goods or services and not
invoiced? - Is this revenue applicable to FY 08 or FY 09
(deferred revenue)? - Form will be sent to be completed and returned by
September 9th .
52Receivables Revenue
53 Account Certification Process
54Certification Process
UT System Chancellor
Letter of Representation UTD President
Letters of Representation Divisions
Letters of Representation Schools
55(No Transcript)
56Letter of Representation
- My area is responsible for reconciling the
accounts listed in the attachment (please note
any exceptions on the last page). - We have reconciled all of our account statements
for each of the 12 months ended August 31, 2008,
with exceptions noted on the last page - I understand that all funds must be utilized in
accordance with any restrictions as to the source
of funds (for example, student fee accounts
utilized in accordance with the purpose of the
fee, endowment accounts utilized in accordance
with the wishes of the donor as defined in the
endowment agreement, contract and grant accounts
utilized in accordance with the terms of the
grant, etc.).
57Letter of Representation
- All revenue and expenses were appropriate,
allowable, and properly recorded (expenditures
recorded in the fiscal year in which they were
incurred and revenues recorded in the fiscal year
in which they were earned) for each of the 12
months ended August 31,2008, with exceptions
noted on the last page. - All reconciling items have been adjusted,
adjustments are in process, or have been
satisfactorily resolved for each of the 12 months
ended August 31, 2008, with exceptions noted on
the last page. (List any adjustments of 1,000 or
more). - As division head or dean, I reviewed and approved
all reconciliations (based on the financial
system monthly accounts statements), or delegated
such review and approval, for the departmental
accounts during the fiscal year ended, August 31,
2008, with exceptions noted on the last page.
58Letter of Representation
- The departments in my area maintain segregation
of financial duties no single employee has
responsibility for 1) entering transactions, 2)
approving transactions, 3) receiving cash, and 4)
reconciling accounts with the exceptions noted on
next page. (Note if there are any exceptions,
please explain controls which mitigate or
compensate for the absence of adequate separation
of duties. Alternately, for areas where a
limitation of the system of internal controls
exists, note your proposed plan to address this
limitation.) - All significant deficiencies in the design or
operation of internal controls over financial
reporting which could adversely affect my
departments' ability to record, process,
summarize, and report financial data and any
material weaknesses in internal controls that
have been identified have been appropriately
reported and addressed with exceptions noted on
the last page.
59Letter of Representation
- To the best of my knowledge, there are no
misstatements or omissions in the accounts for
which I am responsible, as noted in the letter,
with exceptions listed on the attached page. - To the best of my knowledge, there has been no -
- Fraud, whether or not material, involving any
employees who have significant roles in internal
control, that has not been appropriately reported
and addressed or - Fraud involving others that could have a material
effect on the financial statements other than
those previously reported to the Financial
Reporting Officer in writing (if any), with
exceptions noted on the last page
60Account Certification Process
09/11 09/12
Trial Close
Final Close
Letters of Representation By Sept 26th
- Electronic Account
- Listings
- August 8th
Account Corrections Deadline August 29th
- What was UTDs annual operating expenditures
in in in FY07? - 156 million
- 244 million
- 253 million
- 189 million
- 328 million
62Trivia Answer
Trivia Answer
63 Audit Compliance
64Office of Audit and Compliance
- The Office of Audit and Compliance helps the
University of Texas at Dallas accomplish its
mission in learning, research, and public service
by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to
evaluate and improve the effectiveness of
operations, and by promoting and supporting a
culture of compliance and control consciousness. - Internal Audit performs assurance and
consulting services over all operations at UTD
formalized reporting to the President, UT System,
and the Stateincluding the Board of Regents and
Governor - Compliance performs assurance and consulting
services for compliance operations and
facilitates compliance training for managers in
high-risk compliance areas reporting to UTD
65Audit Compliance
66Sneak Peek at FY 2009 Internal Audit Plan
- Required Audits
- Financial Statement Audit
- Presidents Travel and Entertainment
- Lena Callier Trust
- Change in Management Audits
- TAC 202 (IT Security)
- Cash Handling (UTS 166)
- Endowment Fees
- Student Fees
- Other Audits
- High-Risk areas as approved by the UTD Audit and
Compliance Committee
67Sneak Peek at Compliance
- WebCT Compliance Training improvements!
- Departmental reviews
- Inspections over High-Risk Compliance Areas
- Enhancements to RAMPs
68Financial Statement Audit
- Objectives of the Financial Statement Audit
- Perform a risk-based audit of financial
information of the Annual Financial Report.
- We will focus on the higher-risk areas, such as
property, cash, revenues, expenses, information
security, account reconciliations, and financial
statement certifications.
bout.htm Report instances of suspected
non-compliance outside the normal chain of
command in a manner that preserves
confidentiality and assures non-retaliation.
Employees should use the hotline when they are
not satisfied with their supervisors' response to
a compliance issue, or if they fear retaliation
by their supervisors. Under normal circumstances,
however, compliance issues should be addressed
through normal administrative channels. 1-888-228
- How many hotline calls have we received this
71Trivia Answer
Trivia Answer
72Helpful Websites
- Office of Finance
- http//finance.utdallas.edu/
- Procurement Management
- http//www.utdallas.edu/utdgeneral/business/procur
e/ - Budget Office
- http//www.utdallas.edu/budget/
- Payroll
- http//www.utdallas.edu/hrm/payroll/
- Training Helpful Links
- http//finance.utdallas.edu/main/training.html
73Q A