Title: Penns Assessment Scheme and Its Application To Access Services
1Penns Assessment Scheme and Its Application To
Access Services 2005 Ivy Access Services
Joe Zucca Assessment, Planning and Publications
Librarian University of Pennsylvania Library
2Access Services Symposium 2005
Whats distinctive about Penns assessment
effort? How does the program carry over into
Access Services? Whats advantageous about our
approach? What are the pitfalls? Are there useful
lessons we can share?
3Access Services Symposium 2005
Key Aspects of the Assessment Effort at Penn
Data Farm
Unprocessed Data Over Metrics
Tool Development
Use of Infrastructure to Drive Culture (Empower
the champions of assessment)
4Access Services Symposium 2005
Data Farm Priorities Capture, integrate, and
disseminate many types of service data at a
highly granular level Offer a tiered process
for creating and accessing management
information Dashboard Reports (static)
Report Builders (dynamic) Data Bureau (ad
hoc data mining) Lower barriers between MI and
people who manage things Help to scale and
institutionalize the assessment effort
5Access Services Symposium 2005
6Access Services Symposium 2005
Items charged and E-resource Log-ins Fall 2004
7Access Services Symposium 2005
Correlation of E-Resource Use and Item
Circulation, Fall 2004 72 observations
8Access Services Symposium 2005
Some Lessons Data streams (not reports) are
key Data feeds need to be repurpose-able
Data storage and document archiving
protocols should be developed early in the
game Standards must be established for
creating, documenting, and managing locally
developed code
9Access Services Symposium 2005
Penns Assessment Scheme and Its Application To
Access Services 2005 Ivy Access Services
Joe Zucca zucca_at_pobox.upenn.edu University of
Pennsylvania Library