Title: The rules of healthy eating
1The rules of healthy eating
2Wholemeal bread is richer in fibre,vitamins and
minerals than white bread.
3Milk is the most important source of calcium in a
4Fish are richer and healthier source of protein
than meat.
5Fruit and vegetables provide the sufficient
quantity of vitamin C, beta-carothen and fibre.
6Take time to eat your meals, chew carefully each
7Be active - take exercise, go for a walk, ride a
bicycle, etc.
8Eat butter rather than margarine
9Eat 4 - 5 meals a day. Dont nip in between
10Eat your last meal at least 2 hours before you go
to bed.
11Try to reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol
to avoid heart problems.
12Avoid sweets to prevent tooth decay and to keep
regular weight.
13Dont put salt in your meals and you avoid high
blood pressure.
14Alcohol is healthy but only in moderate amounts.
15Avoid smoking and breathing in smoke.
16Drink water (or anything else) before your meals
or 2 hours after it.
17and remember
18- Dont live to eat, eat to live!
19The 10 Commandments of a healthy diet
20I. Eat fruit and vegetables at least three times
a day. Fresh, frozen and dry also they are a
good source of vitamins, mineral salts and fibre.
An adult person should eat 500-700 grams of
fruit and vegetables daily. II. Cook vegetables
without water. Steamed vegetables dont lose
their nutritional values. 75 of Vitamins C is
lost if you boil vegetables
21- III.
- Meat is a source of protein and vitamins B,
zinc and ferrum which is vital for a human
organism. If possible, buy only lean meat. - IV.
- Eat wholemeal bread.
22- V.
- Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
Avoid eating butter, mayonnaise and other fatty
products. - Buy foods low in fat, eat yoghurt, skimmed
milk. Use vegetable rather than animal fat for
cooking. - VI.
- Dont fry your food.
23 VII. Dont put salt into your meals you
avoid high blood pressure / hypertension.
You can only have 6 grams ( a tea spoon )
of salt a day. Its best to use herbal
salts. VIII. Drink a lot of still mineral
water at least 1,5 l a day.
24IX. Cut down on sweets and sugar ( also in
drinks) X. Dont stay in. Be active take
exercise, go for a walk, visit your friends.
If your friends visit you serve them
healthy,rich in vitamins food prepared
without fat or salt.