Title: Geology Rocks
1Geology Rocks!!!
2 What are rocks?
A naturally occurring solid mixture of crystals
of one or more materials (minerals).
3- Rocks are have been used for
Early tools (hammers) used to make other rocks
(arrowheads, spears points, knives, scrapers).
4Building Materials for Buildings, Monuments and
Roads (Granite, Limestone, Marble, Sandstone,
5Used to Make Cement and Plaster
6Rocks are Always Changing
What causes rocks to change?
7Weathering water, wind, ice and heat break down
rock into fragments that make sedimentary rock.
8Erosion Sediment is removed from its source.
Weathering can produce erosion.
9Deposition The process by which sediment moved
by erosion is dropped and comes to rest.
10Processes that Make Destroy Rock The Rock Cycle
11If the temperature and pressure are high enough
the Sedimentary rock can turn to Metamorphic
rock. If hot enough it can even melt! The
melting creates magma which cools and forms
Igneous Rock.
How Rock Forms
12Sedimentary Rock
- Sand comes from weathering. Over time sand may be
compressed and then cemented together to form
Sandstone (One type of Sedimentary rock). - Through weathering and erosion, sediment is moved
and deposited in layers. It does not need heat or
pressure to form. - Forms rock layers known as strata.
- Examples Sandstone, shale, dolomite
13Meta is the Greek word for Changed. Morphos
means Shape. All 3 types of rock can be
changed by heat, pressure, or a combination of
both. Metamorphism occurs from 50C 1,000
ºC. Examples include marble, slate and gneiss.
Metamorphic Rock
Just add heat and pressure!
14Igneous Rock
- Igneous comes form the latin word that means
fire. Forms when hot, liquid rock (magma),
cools. Examples Granite, Basalt, Rhyolite
Mr. Flory explores a cooled igneous rock lava
Devils Tower Wyoming
15THE ROCK CYCLE!(It Rocks!)