Title: Duke Technical Career Day
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2GOAL Collaboration ...
- Duke Energy 1) Increase visibility
- 2) Enlarge potential
- employee pool
- Tri-County Tech Increase enrollment
- High Schools Obtain college/career info
for students
3Duke Technical Career Day
- Tour
- Career Overview
- Contest
4Duke Energy
- Funding
- Team supplies
- Materials for IET dept. demos
- Materials for other activities
- Prizes
- Follow-up
- Judges
5TCTC Job Placement/Co-op Office
- Wrote proposal
- Planned and coordinated all aspects of Duke
Technical Career Day
6Industrial Engineering Technology Division
- Chair - assigned faculty roles
- Departments - tours and demos
- Faculty
- Contest rules
- Co-host for each team
7School-to-Work Coordinators
- Liaison for his/her school
- Organized team advisor(s)
- Prepared list of team member info
- Arranged transportation for team
- Brought team to event
8Other TCTC Divisions
- Student Services
- Co-host for each team
- Marketing
- Tour schedule
- Publicity - pizza
- Career Handout
9Bob Medlin, Maintenance Supervisor Oconee Nuclear
Mr. Medlin explains the importance of Tri-County
to Duke Energy and what types of employees Duke
will be hiring in the near future.
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- Self-Contained Plant Care System
- Automatic Pencil Sharpener
- Robot to Pick Up Nails
- Pneumatic Can Crusher
19Members of the Crescent High School team make
last minute adjustments to their Automatic Plant
20Metal in Motion
A member of Hamilton Career Centers Metal in
Motion uses a remote to guide their Magna Sweep,
a magnetized robot built to help contractors and
construction workers.
21Matt Burns demonstrates the Pneumatic Can
Crusher developed by Pendleton High School, as
April Burrell prepares to give the judges the
marketing material for their product.
22Damarka Aiken (center), now a first year
Electronics Engineering Technology student at
Tri-County helps troubleshoot Hanna-Westsides
Automatic Pencil Sharpener.
23And the winners are...
24Technodogs, Inc.
Pendleton High School
25Duke Power Sponsors Contest that emphasizes
Area High Schools Compete in Technological
Career Day
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27Technodogs take 1st place at Tri-County Technical
- 49 Juniors Seniors participated
- Mean rating of good
- Great publicity for Duke TCTC
- 38 of seniors at TCTC Fall 2001