Title: Acoustical Characterization
1Acoustical Characterization
Yashas Honasoge Stephan Themis Wenjun Xu Xiao
2Reverberation Time Calculation
Reverberation Time is the time required for a
sound in a room to decay by 60dB (called RT60)
- T 55.2 V/Ac, where c 343 m/s
- T 0.161V/(Sa1Sa2San)
- Measurements of the room GFS 218
3Reverberation Time Calculation
- Total Room Sound Absorption
- A S1a1 S2a2 .. Snan
- ? Siai
- where
- A the absorption of the room
- Sn area of the actual surface (m2)
- an sound absorption coefficient
4Reverberation Time Calculation
- Surface Area of Different Materials
5(No Transcript)
6Reverberation Time Calculation
- Sound Absorption Coefficient
- http//www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-RT60Coeff.
htm - http//www.acousticalsurfaces.com/acoustic_IOI/101
_13.htm - http//online.physics.uiuc.edu/courses/phys199pom/
Student_Reports/Fall02/Ala n_Truesdale/Alan_Truesd
7Reverberation Time Calculation
- Reverberation Time Calculation Results
8Generated Impulse Response
- Generated impulse and recorded response at
- GFS 218 Middle of the room
- GFS 218 Corner of the room
- The measured response
- was sampled at a 44kHz
- with a sample size of 16 bits
- Recording was performed using the Goldwave
software and a standard desk microphone
9Measured Response
10Noise Reduction
- Original concepts using Matlab
- Find the 60dB reduction point and corresponding
index value - Use the uncorrupted region of the impulse
response to extrapolate a T60 value - Design a filter in Matlab to remove the noise
- Final method using proprietary software Audacity
to filter the noise
11Original Recording (Listener at Corner)
12FFT of Original Recording (Listener at Corner)
13Bandpass Filter Design
14Bandpass Filter Setting
15Filtered Recording (Listener at Corner)
16FFT of Filtered Recording (Listener at Corner)
17Original Recording (Listener at Middle)
18FFT of Original Recording (Listener at Middle)
19Filtered Recording (Listener at Middle)
20FFT of Filtered Recording (Listener at Middle)
21Matlab Filter Design (FFT)
22Matlab Filter Design (fdatool)
23Filtered Response (FFT)
24Filtered Response
25Filtered Response (Audacity)
26Calculating T60 Value
- Created a Matlab script to which we passed
- The location of the filtered response signal
- The threshold value (in our case 60 dB)
- The frequency at which the signal was sampled
function time60 reverb(fileloc, threshold,
frequency) loadwav wavread(fileloc)
thresh 10(-0.05threshold) MAX,MAX_IND
max(abs(loadwav)) thresh thresh MAX
bits,channels size(loadwav) found
0 for i bits-11
if((abs(loadwav(i) gt thresh)) (found0))
time60 (i - MAX_IND)/frequency
found 1 end end
subplot(2,1,1), plot(loadwav)
subplot(2,1,2), plot(20log10(abs(loadwav)/MAX))
27Impulse Response Measurement
- Balloon Popping near the Blackboard
28Predicted Signal (Environment Simulation)
- GFS 218 Listener Corner
- Recorded Signal vs. Calculated Signal from the
impulse response
29Predicted Signal (Environment Simulation)
Recorded Signal vs. Calculated Signal from the
impulse response
30Predicted Signal (Environment Simulation)
original wavread('GFS218_Talk_Original.wav') or
iginal_fourier fft(original) impulse
') impulse_fourier fft(impulse,278712) pred_fo
urier original_fourier.impulse_fourier pred
ifft(pred_fourier) subplot(2,2,1),
plot(original) subplot(2,2,2),
plot(abs(original_fourier)) subplot(2,2,3),
plot(pred) subplot(2,2,4), plot(abs(pred_fourier)
) soundsc(pred_time,44100) wavwrite(pred_time,441
31Longest Reverberation Time Measurement
- Longest Reverberation Time
Group 5s Secret Place for the Longest
Reverberation Time Recording NOW, HERE WE
32Longest Reverberation Time Measurement
33Longest Reverberation Time Measurement
- T60 Calculated using Matlab Code 2.0566sec
- Signal Waveform from Audacity