Title: Missouri Division of Workforce Development
1Career Advancement Accounts in Toolbox
To register a client into a CAA account, you must
click on the Other Programs link.
- The CAA accounts will be entered in the Other
Programs area.
3Click on New Enrollment to select the CAA
4Select Career Advancement Accounts
5Click the Commit New Enrollment button to
create the registration for a CAA account.
6Registration Page
- Â
- Record the clients last employer or current
employer. - Choose an Eligibility Criteria that the client
falls into. - Click on Commit Edit Enrollment when you have
completed the necessary fields on the screen.
7Completed Registration Page
8By selecting the WorkKeys link, it will take you
to the WorkKeys scores.
The WIA enrollment listed below the CAA account
registration is there to show staff what
Supportive Services have been given in WIA after
they have been enrolled into CAA. This is for
informational purposes only.
Click New Industry Enrollment to select the
targeted industry for the client
9Select an Industry choice.
- After clicking on New Industry Enrollment, the
Enrollment screen will appear. - Â
- From this screen select the industry the client
is interested in going to school for. - Â
- There can only be one industry chosen.
10Begin Date Will allow future dating up to 6
months from the Registration Date. Â Estimated
End Date Will allow future dating up to 1 year
from the Registration Date.
11Filled Out Enrollment Screen
12Select Commit Activity to complete the
13CAA Registration/Enrollment
After the enrollment is submitted, it will take
you back to this screen Â
14This is the completed enrollment screen after WIA
Supportive Services were given at or after the
time of the CAA registration.
The WIA information is just an informational view
for the CAA account of the Supportive Services
15A Client with an ITA.
The ITA link appears when they have an ITA
through WIA or through CAA.
    The ability to show the funding from a
Non-DESE approved school is currently being
programmed and will be implemented soon.
- (Summarize the main points of the presentation)
- (If you need to add sub point, they can be added
by using the tab button.)
17Career Advancement Accounts in Toolbox
- Questions?
- Don Rahm
- (573) 526-8268
- Melissa Woltkamp
- (573) 526-8241